Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering
Loretto, USA
4 Years
Full time
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Aug 2024
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Environmental Engineering at Saint Francis University
Do good in the world, and do a good job at it: help humanity and the environment with an Environmental Engineering degree from Saint Francis University
The Environmental Engineering major is a clear choice for the entering freshman student who wants to protect human health and preserve ecosystems and natural resources. Environmental engineering is a rewarding and in-demand profession. Why? Because we help people and the environment stay healthy.
- Compliment your ABET-accredited degree with a minor in Renewable Energy or Ecological Engineering
- 92% of our environmental engineering graduates find employment in the field within 6 months of graduation
- Tailor your education by pursuing undergraduate research alongside award-winning faculty or internships with local engineering firms or government agencies
Our students prepare to be leaders in the environmental engineering profession by focusing on five transferable skill sets:
- Field-scale design
- Experimentation in the field and the laboratory
- Computational modeling of complex environmental systems
- Written and oral communication
- Ethical decision making
We seek to develop these skills through extra-curricular activities, summer research and internships, service-learning, and, of course, classes.
At Saint Francis you will ;
- Design solutions based on real-world problems while pursuing our ABET-accredited environmental engineering curriculum.
- Participate in real-world projects sit atop a foundation of math, science, and liberal arts with applied engineering coursework serving as a bridge between fundamentals and the applications.
- Have access to award-winning faculty, hands-on application, and an accredited curriculum that is carefully designed for your success.
- Graduate prepared for the high-demand needs of tomorrow's labor market.
The SFU Learning Experience
The Environmental Engineering program at SFU strives to offer an innovative, high-quality education to our students. From constantly developing new projects to offer in our classrooms and laboratories, to providing research and service opportunities in collaboration with our Center for Watershed Research and Service, our faculty and staff have our students’ best educational interests in mind.
The SFU Environmental Engineering faculty and staff demonstrate a humble and generous attitude towards learning to our students through our own actions. The Environmental Engineering professors adhere to the following attitude toward our students: “We will meet your efforts.” In other words, if you are struggling, we will encourage you to come to us for help, and if and when you do, we will be there to help guide you through the challenging work until you find success. Faculty in Environmental Engineering at Saint Francis also seek to learn the most innovative and exciting ideas in the field so that we can best prepare our students for their professional futures.
In addition, our Environmental Engineering program has a reverence for life and a mission to care for creation. We strive to help our students see their own potential in cleaning up environmental problems, but also in helping to avoid environmental catastrophes and to make decisions with the good of public health in mind, guiding our society towards an environmentally-sustainable, socially-just future.
Applying Skills into Practice
Translating your academic knowledge into applied practice is a key differentiator of our environmental engineering program. You won't have to wait to apply your skills both here in Western Pennsylvania through our partnership with the Center for Watershed Research and Service and in developing countries like Bolivia and Peru.
Students also have opportunities to present and network with environmental engineering practitioners at national conferences such as the American Society of Reclamation Sciences.
Environmental Engineers Translate Service into Learning
Through service learning, you'll help those in need while really learning what environmental engineering is all about. Below are some of the service projects.
- Acid Mine Drainage in Central PA:
Thanks to the work of Dr. Travis Tasker and Mr. Jim Eckenrode, with our Center for Watershed Research and Service, Saint Francis University received $100,000 from the Woodard and Curran Foundation to study and implement a remediation project for the 2,240-acre Kittanning Run watershed. This is the basin that sits above the Horseshoe Curve on the border between Cambria and Blair counties and drains into an Altoona Water Authority reservoir. - Acid Mine Drainage Treatment in Bolivia:
Our premier environmental engineering service-learning project is an effort to clean up dangerous toxic metals that are leaching into surface water supplies in the Bolivian Andes. You will spend 2 weeks in-country collecting technical data, interacting with community members, and immersing themselves in the regional culture. The ultimate results are an expanding network of passive treatment systems that make polluted water safe for use in irrigation. Many previous participants have been able to present the findings of their work at national mine reclamation conferences which directly led to job offers. (Dependent on travel restrictions)
Our Environmental curriculum is comprehensive and our graduates are skilled in all facets of the profession. They master foundational content in the areas of math, chemistry, and engineering. They then build strategic skills in Hydraulics, Hydrology, Pollution Control, Transport Processes, and Wastewater Treatment.
Environmental engineering involves the application of the principles of science and mathematics to the protection of human health, preservation of ecosystem function, and stewardship of natural resources.
Capstone Requirement
Students in the Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering program are required to complete a capstone design experience by completing all of the following courses:
- ENVE 415 Senior Lab
- ENVE 497 Capstone Design Proposal
- ENVE 498 Capstone Design
Courses Required for the Major: (92 credits)
Major Requirements: 36 credits
- ENVE 192 - Freshman Environmental Engineering Seminar
- ENVE 193 - Freshman Environmental Engineering Seminar
- ENVE 201 - Environmental Engineering Statistics Laboratory
- ENVE 292 - Sophomore Environmental Engineering Seminar
- ENVE 293 - Sophomore Environmental Engineering Seminar
- ENVE 311 - Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering I: Aquatic and Atmospheric Chemistry
- ENVE 312 - Fundamentals of Environmental Engineering II: Transport Processes
- ENVE 313 - Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems
- ENVE 321 - Environmental Engineering Measurements I
- ENVE 322 - Environmental Engineering Measurements II
- ENVE 392 - Junior Environmental Engineering Seminar
- ENVE 393 - Junior Environmental Engineering Seminar
- ENVE 411 - Wastewater Treatment
- ENVE 413 - Environmental Hydraulics and Hydrology
- ENVE 415 - Senior Lab
- ENVE 492 - Senior Environmental Engineering Seminar
- ENVE 493 - Senior Environmental Engineering Seminar
- ENVE 497 - Capstone Design Proposal
- ENVE 498 - Capstone Design
at least 3 credits from:
- ENVE 414 - Hazardous and Solid Waste Handling
- ENVE 416 - Air Quality Control
- ENVE 417 - Contaminant Hydrogeology
and at least 3 credits from:
- ENVE 418 - Stormwater Treatment
- ENVE 419 - Biological Processing
- ENVE 420 - Acid Mine Drainage Prevention and Treatment
- ENVE 425 - Drinking Water Treatment and Distribution
Collateral Requirements: 56 credits
- CHEM 121 - General Chemistry I
- CHEM 122 - General Chemistry II
- CHEM 221 - Organic Chemistry I
- GEOL 205 - Physical and Structural Geology
- MATH 121 - Calculus I
- MATH 122 - Calculus II
- MATH 221 - Calculus III
- MATH 306 - Ordinary Differential Equations I
- PHYS 121 - General Physics I
- PHYS 122 - General Physics II
- PHYS 321 - Thermodynamics
- ENGR 101 - Introduction to Engineering Concepts I
- ENGR 102 - Introduction to Engineering Concepts II
- ENGR 201 - Engineering Statics
- ENGR 301 - Fluid Mechanics
At least 3 credits from these biology electives:
- BIOL 203 - Ecology
- BIOL 302 - General Microbiology
- BIOL 322 - Field Biology
- ENVE 350 - Environmental Biotechnology
And at least 6 credits from these collateral electives:
A second course from the biology electives
- CHEM 251 - Quantitative Chemical Analysis
- ENGR 202 - Engineering Dynamics
- ENGR 350 - Material Science
- ENGR 315 - Mechanics of Materials and ENGR 315L Mechanics of Materials Laboratory
Program Outcome
Each graduate will have demonstrated proficiency in the following outcomes upon graduation with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering:
- an ability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
- an ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
- an ability to communicate effectively with a range of audiences
- an ability to recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts
- an ability to function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
- an ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
- an ability to acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.
Career Opportunities
Strong Salary Potential: The median salary for environmental engineers is around $92,120 annually, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Plus, job satisfaction ratings in the category of 'Upward Mobility' is rated as 'Above Average' for opportunities for advancements and salary growth.
Growth Industry: U.S. News & World Report ranks Environmental Engineers #7 out of the 'Best Engineering Jobs' category in 2021.
SFU Grads: Graduates of our program have moved on to careers at the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, Geotech Engineering, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Veeder-Root, and Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Commands.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!