Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education (Pre K-4)
Loretto, USA
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Aug 2024
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Distance Learning, On-Campus
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Earn a degree in early childhood education from Saint Francis University
Children deserve a great start in life. Early childhood education professionals make that lofty goal a reality every day. Whether you are beginning your career or looking to advance, SFU's flexible early childhood education degree programs can meet your professional needs and make a difference to the children you teach.
- Participate in field experience opportunities in your first year of the B.S. program
- Gain skills to become a well-informed, critically reflective, and engaged educator
- SFU is a T.E.A.C.H. and Rising Stars partner for those who qualify for this funding.
The SFU Learning Experience
Early childhood education is one of many areas of study offered through the Education Department at Saint Francis University. Choose your path with online or onsite programs at the associate, bachelor's, and post-baccalaureate levels.
- Real teaching experience: Practical experience to connect theory to practice.
- Small class size: Individualized focus, attention, and support.
- Experienced University faculty collaborate with school personnel and pre-service teachers to accomplish the goals of the teacher preparation program.
- 98% of our recent graduates are employed or enrolled in graduate school.
- Interstate certification agreements allow graduates with PA certificates to qualify for licensure in 45 states.
On-Campus | Online |
Year 1
- FNAR Fine Arts Elective 3
- PHYS 101 Introduction to Physical Science 3
- PSYC 101 Introduction to Psychology 3
- FTAE 105 Franciscan Goals for Today 3
- WRIT 102 Research Writing 3
- CORE 103 Community Enrichment Series Fall 0
- EDUC 150 Educational Psychology 3
- EDUC 212 Early Childhood Pedagogy 3
- CHEM 105 Contemporary Chemistry 3
- PHIL 205 Disc Philosophy Reasoning & Response 3
- CORE 113 First Year Seminar 3
- CORE 104 Community Enrichment Series Spring 0
Year 2
- EDUC 205 Introduction to Special Education 3
- BIOL 103 Environmental Biology 3
- EDUC 223 Emergent Literacy & Language Development 3
- EDUC 231 Child Development or PSYC 209 Developmental Psychology 3
- EDUC 250 Family and Community Relations 3
- WRIT 387 Grammar and Editing 3
- EDUC 125 PDE Math Preparation 3
- *LIT 104 Introduction to Literature 3
- EDUC 215 Differentiated Instructional Practices 3
- EDUC 324 Foundations of Reading 3
- EDUC 345 Assessment 3
- ECON 101 Principles of Economics I or
PLSC 102 American National Government or
PLSC 103 World Politics; or
SOC 100 or 200 any 100 or 200 Level Soc 3
Year 3
- EDUC 225 Instructional & Assistive Technology 3
- EDUC 261 Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom 3
- EDUC 315 Positive Behavior Supports 3
- EDUC 401 Teacher and the Law 3
- MATH 105 Elementary Math I 3
- LANG LANG 102+ 3
- EXAM 301 Writing Comp Exam 0
- EDUC 335 Reading Strategies & Assessment 3
- EDUC 375 An Inclusive Approach to DAP 3
- EDUC 432 Early Childhood Methods II 3
- HIST 103 The United States to 1877 or
HIST 104 The United States since 1877 3 - MATH 106 Elementary Math II 3
Year 4
- EDUC 420 Autism Spectrum Disorders 3
- EDUC 431 Early Childhood Methods I 6
- GEOG 201 Geography 3
- PHIL 319 Ethics and Education or any additional PHIL or RLST course 3
- EDUC 450 Student Teaching 12
- EDUC 407 Teacher as Reflective Practitioner 3
*LIT 104 - Completing any of the following 200-level literature courses (LIT 201, 202, 204, 207, 222, 274, and 270) can also satisfy this requirement.
Program Outcome
- Content and Pedagogical Knowledge: Pre-service teachers will acquire knowledge of teaching content and pedagogy including an understanding of developmentally appropriate practice, teaching standards, varying forms of assessment, differentiated instruction, technology integration, state and federal mandates, behavior management, and implementation of best practices.
- Clinical Competence: Pre-service teachers will possess the ability to provide effective instruction to a diverse population of students. Students within the professional program will utilize assessment and observation to guide instructional practices. Graduates will possess the necessary content knowledge as well as clinical reasoning and problem-solving abilities to provide appropriate instruction for all learners in an educational environment conducive to learning.
- Interpersonal and Communication Skills: Pre-service teachers will possess interpersonal and communication skills including verbal, nonverbal, and written forms that result in effective information exchange with students, parents, administration, and colleagues.
- Professionalism: Graduates will demonstrate effective academic and professional skills, attributes, attitudes, and behaviors necessary to function as practicing educators. Program completers will demonstrate qualities and characteristics as defined by the Teacher Information Management System (TIMS) for a recommendation for Level I teaching certification.
Career Opportunities
Graduates from the Bachelor of Arts program now work as Head Start Coordinators, Daycare Directors, Early Childhood Specialists, and Teachers (non-certification positions). Centers and Schools hiring our graduates include Head Start Programs, Keystone Stars, The Learning Camp, Daycare Centers, and more.
Graduates from the Bachelor of Science program pursue careers as Lead Teachers, Elementary Teachers, Pre-K specialists, Daycare Center Directors, Head Start Coordinators, and more. The BS in Early Childhood Education offers graduates opportunities to work for public or private schools, tutoring and learning centers, early childhood programs, Head Start Programs, Keystone Stars, and more. While some graduates secured new jobs, others were promoted at their current center or moved into a Lead Teacher position upon graduation. Some of the employers who have hired our graduates include The Learning Lamp, Indiana Area School District, Blair County Head Start, Cenclear, Keystone Star, area school districts, PA Head Start Programs, and more!
Graduates from the Associate of Science in the Early Childhood Education program have secured positions as teaching assistants, teacher’s aides, daycare assistants, head start aides, and continued on for a BA or BS in ECE. With an AS in Early Childhood Education, there are abundant opportunities in these settings: Early Childcare Learning Centers, Head Start Programs, Public or Private Schools, Daycare Centers, Tutoring Centers, and more!
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!