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Royal Roads University Bachelor of Arts in Global Tourism Management
Royal Roads University

Bachelor of Arts in Global Tourism Management

2 up to 4 Years


Full time

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CAD 24,450 / per year *


* for International students, year 1 $24,450 Year / year 2 $22,063, year 3-4 $44,125


Learn about the intersection of tourism, management and how to influence positive social change through the Bachelor of Arts in Global Tourism Management.

You'll gain key skills to advance your career through experiences that range from creating, managing and working in a tourism business to learning about topics such as destination management, tourism attractions, museums and events.

Get a local and international perspective by exploring breathtaking tourism destinations right in British Columbia’s own backyard.

And build industry connections, while you study with a group of global learners. Your instructors and classmates will become part of your worldwide network.

Gain a competitive edge and career experience through a three-month internship in Canada or abroad. And expand your international experience with optional semesters abroad.

Students may be eligible for a $10,000 entrance award/bursary towards their tuition.

Program Description

This program is offered as a 4-year undergraduate degree or a 4-year undergraduate degree with language support for students typically entering from high school (or equivalent) or as a degree completion option (years 3 & 4) for eligible students.

Common Foundations

Through challenge-based learning, you'll receive an interdisciplinary foundation for the first two years of your undergraduate program. You'll be immersed in world issues while acquiring the key knowledge and skills essential for today's careers. Working in teams, you'll design sustainable solutions for local challenges while learning transferrable skills, such as leadership, communication, critical thinking, contingency planning and collaboration. Visit the common foundations page to learn more about challenge-based learning in the first two years of this program.


The Bachelor of Arts in Global Tourism Management (BAGTM) program ­focuses on global tourism opportunities, trends and issues that will ensure you’ll have the tools and knowledge to advance your career in tourism and hospitality anywhere in the world. You will not only learn to use entrepreneurship, leadership, and management skills to contribute to community and business development, you will come away with a distinct competitive advantage. Now more than ever, the world needs leaders spearheading changing, building resilience and innovating the way we do business.

Not everything can be planned for. Learn the skills you need to respond, pivot quickly and lead change. Experiential learning is an important component of this program; you will be taken out of the classroom and exposed to actual tourism operations and situations through a 1-week field trip course. Here you will explore some of the best that Vancouver Island has to offer, including the beaches of Tofino and slopes of Mount Washington. You will meet tourism entrepreneurs and professionals to better understand the issues and realities faced by the tourism industry. You will learn the practical aspects of travel management and tour operations while travelling to different destinations on Vancouver Island. At the same time, you will be given the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities including skiing, snowboarding, whale watching, surfing and stand-up paddle boarding.

A key aspect of our program is the internship. Cap your education by applying and expanding your tourism knowledge in a three-month professional work placement. You will be mentored by a supervisor and guided by an RRU advisor as you learn about your chosen career in the tourism and hospitality industry. Internships can be completed anywhere in the world, and will provide you with an opportunity to expand your network and turn your internship position into a profession. Previous internships have occurred in organizations across Canada and internationally (e.g. China, Korea), in areas such as music festival coordinators, management trainees, front-line workers, and tour leaders.

Is this for you?

We are looking for creative and motivated individuals who enjoy working with people and have a passion for the tourism industry. If you wish to advance your career in tourism and hospitality as a professional tourism manager or entrepreneur, this degree is for you. You will gain a comprehensive range of abilities, knowledge, and experience to contribute to a viable and sustainable tourism industry. Bring your outgoing, friendly nature and your love to explore the world and its people.

This program is a degree completion program enabling you to complete years three and four of your degree on-campus.

Read more on the institution's website



Program Outcome

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