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Osaka University - Osaka


In August 2017, Osaka University established provosts and strategic committees to realize swift decision-making and optimize university administrative efficiency under the leadership of the president. For an agile management system, two executive vice presidents are named as provosts: a senior executive vice president of university management and a senior executive vice president of education and research. The strategic committees are roughly divided into 3 groups each according to a branch of science: social sciences, engineering sciences, and life sciences.

In August 2017, Osaka University established provosts and strategic committees to realize swift decision-making and optimize university administrative efficiency under the leadership of the president. For an agile management system, two executive vice presidents are named as provosts: a senior executive vice president of university management and a senior executive vice president of education and research. The strategic committees are roughly divided into 3 groups each according to a branch of science: social sciences, engineering sciences, and life sciences.

At committee meetings, which serve as places for cross-border communication and collaboration, members are engaged in the planning of strategies and approaches for increasing administrative efficiency.

  • Suita

    1-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, 565-0871, Suita


    Osaka University - Osaka