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Oman Tourism College


Here we know that your opportunities in the tourism & hospitality industry are endless. Our role is to help you to realize them. Whether you are looking for a short course to enhance your professional development, a taught diploma degree or the chance to study for a bachelor’s degree, you will find the right opportunity that meets your needs and fires your imagination.

Here we know that your opportunities in the tourism & hospitality industry are endless. Our role is to help you to realize them. Whether you are looking for a short course to enhance your professional development, a taught diploma degree or the chance to study for a bachelor’s degree, you will find the right opportunity that meets your needs and fires your imagination.

Perfectly located in the heart of Oman’s capital, Muscat, and close to the Oman International Airport, OTC’s campus provides you great facilities to enhance your learning outcomes and to help you to achieve your goals. We offer an excellent connection to the industry that will help you to find the right and relevant work placement after your graduation.

  • Muscat

    Muscat, Oman

    Oman Tourism College