Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Costa da Caparica, Portugal
3 Years
Full time
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EUR 7,000 / per year *
* national students: 697 Euros/annual | international students: 7000 Euros/year
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The Degree in Mechanical Engineering from the New School of Science & Technology | FCT NOVA lasts for three years and corresponds to the first cycle resulting from the disintegration of the Integrated Master in Mechanical Engineering. It starts operating in the academic year 2021/22 and is accredited for 6 years by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).
Mechanical Engineering has application in all areas of economic activity. To meet this universality, the course offers comprehensive preparation. In the 3rd year, the student can choose the one corresponding to a curricular unit from a wide range of other units offered by the faculty for other courses.
Also in the 3rd year, an internship is offered in a company and, thus, contact with the business reality and with the activity of engineers in that environment. The course culminates in a product development project in a collaborative environment.
The Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering (2nd cycle) will be the natural continuation of the Licentiate Degree, however this, although at university level, can also result in a direct exit to the labor market. The mechanical engineering training area has shown very high levels of employability.
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Erasmus+ Programme: Under the Erasmus+ programme, students have the possibility to undertake a period of study at a European university, as an integral part of the degree study programme. It is a very rewarding experience both academically and personally.
Business fabric: The Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering maintains excellent relationships with the business fabric and employers, providing student involvement in internships.
1st Semester
- linear algebra and analytic geometry
- Mathematical Analysis I
- Mechanical Construction Drawing
- Physics I
- Chemistry C
2nd Semester
- Mathematical Analysis II D
- Transversal Competencies for Science and Technology
- Economy
- Physics II
- Informatics for Science and Engineering D
- Introduction to Mechanical Technologies and Processes
3rd Semester
- Mathematical Analysis III D
- Materials science
- Physics III
- Applied Mechanics I
- Odds and Statistics B
4th Semester
- Computer Aided Design
- Electrotechnics and Electric Machines
- Applied Mechanics II
- Mechanics of Solids I
- Society, Sustainability and Digital Transformation
- Applied Thermodynamics
5th Semester
- General Electronics
- Fluid Mechanics
- Mechanics of Solids II
- Foundry and Welding Technologies
5th Semester - PIIC/PIPP Option
- Introduction to Scientific Research in Mechanical Engineering Program
- Introduction to Professional Practice in Mechanical Engineering Program
6th Semester
- Mechanical Behavior of Materials
- Production Management
- Product Development Project
- Cutting Technologies
- Heat Transmission
- Mechanical Vibrations and Noise
- Introduction to Scientific Research in Mechanical Engineering Program
- Introduction to Professional Practice in Mechanical Engineering Program
Program Outcome
- Offer a comprehensive preparation in the fields: mechanics of solids and fluids, applied thermodynamics, structural mechanics, mechanical vibrations, characteristics and behavior of materials and manufacturing processes, without forgetting technical drawing, as an important form of communication of the mechanical engineer.
- Provide experimental or computational work, fundamental in the formation of an engineer.
- Offer solid basic training in engineering sciences, and more specifically in mechanical engineering, which allows the graduate to specify, analyze and solve problems, even if they are new to him, and to achieve an attitude of autonomy and critical thinking, so that can be successful anywhere in the world.
- Provide an integrated vision of engineering, by carrying out a product development project and an internship in a company, in addition to the careful sequence of curricular units.
- Preparing not only the engineer, but also the person, developing soft-skills through the complementary training provided by the FCT Curriculum Profile.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
In all areas of economic activity. The licensee can integrate project teams and assume functions involving: selection of equipment, industrial and production technology, maintenance and management, production planning, computer aided modeling and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), thermodynamic processes and transmission of heat, energy conversion or air conditioning equipment, structural mechanics solutions, mechanical vibration or noise situations, fluid networks, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, among many other situations.
- Industry: aeronautics and automobiles and their components, shipbuilding and repair, metalworking, electromechanics, machine tools, metallurgy, mining, refrigeration and air conditioning, energy conversion, transport, communications, chemistry, chemical-pharmaceuticals, beverages and food, ceramics and glass, paper, textiles, plastics, among other manufacturing industries.
- Services: transport, insurance, hospitals and health units, airlines, retailers, public services, supply services or collection and treatment of fluids, among others.
- Consultancy and design: study and engineering design offices
- Other outputs: Research in the areas of mechanics and the like.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.