BSEd in Elementary Education
Aberdeen, USA
4 Years
Full time
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USD 28,000 / per year *
* estimated yearly total for international students; USD 17,677 - estimated yearly total for residents
NSU provides hands-on instruction combined with extensive in-classroom experience – including courses that take place at a local elementary school – to prepare you to become an effective and engaging elementary school teacher.
Complete your undergraduate degree in only 120 credit hours!
In the elementary education program at Northern, you’ll learn to create lessons that actively involve your students, and how to best address a wide variety of learning styles.
You’ll be encouraged to enhance your employability by earning endorsements at birth through preschool education, kindergarten education, middle-level education, and coaching.
Northern also offers the following minors to enhance the value of your degree:
- E-Learning
- English as a new language
- Coaching
- Reading
- Early childhood
- Special education
- Music minor for education
- Physical education
In our elementary education program, you'll receive a free iPad in your sophomore or junior year, and learn to use it and other technology tools effectively as a teacher. Through a partnership with the Aberdeen School District, several of your elementary education classes will take place at the new Mike Miller Elementary school, where each student has access to an iPad. To further enhance your educational technology skills, the Creation Lab at Northern's Williams Library offers open access to a 3D printer, 3Doodler Pen, Chromebooks, SMARTboard, and AppleTV.
Our partnership with local schools and the community extends beyond the classroom, with recognized student organizations focusing on education, and extracurricular activities involving K-12 students.
Program Outcome
- Teacher candidates use their understanding of child growth and development, individual differences, and diverse families, cultures and communities to plan and implement inclusive learning environments that provide each child with equitable access to high-quality learning experiences that engage and create learning opportunities for them to meet high standards. They work collaboratively with families to gain a holistic perspective on children's strengths and needs and how to motivate their learning. (Cross-curricular Skill: Inquiry and Analysis; Critical and Creative Thinking; Problem Solving; Teamwork; Civic Knowledge and Engagement; Intercultural Knowledge; Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity)
- Teacher candidates demonstrate and apply understandings of major concepts, skills, and practices, as they interpret disciplinary curricular standards and related expectations within and across literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies. (Cross-curricular Skill: Inquiry and Analysis; Critical and Creative Thinking; Problem Solving; Teamwork; Civic Knowledge and Engagement; Intercultural Knowledge; Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity)
- Teacher candidates assess students, plan instruction and design classroom contexts for learning. Candidates use formative and summative assessment to monitor students' learning and guide instruction. Candidates plan learning activities to promote a full range of competencies for each student.They differentiate instructional materials and activities to address learners' diversity.
- Teacher candidates foster engagement in learning by establishing and maintaining social norms for classrooms. They build interpersonal relationships with students that generate motivation and promote students social and emotional development. (Cross-curricular Skill: Information Literacy; Inquiry and Analysis; Critical and Creative Thinking; Problem Solving; Integrative Learning)
- Teacher candidates make informed decisions about instruction guided by knowledge of children and assessment of children's learning that result in the use of a variety of effective instructional practices that employ print, and digital appropriate resources. Instruction is delivered using a cohesive sequence of lessons and employing effective instructional practices. Candidates use explicit instruction and effective feedback as appropriate and use whole class discussions to support and enhance children's learning. Candidates use flexible grouping arrangements, including small group and individual instruction to support effective instruction and improved learning for every child. (Cross-curricular Skill: Inquiry and Analysis; Information Literacy; Problem Solving; Integrative Learning)
- Teacher candidates promote learning and development of every child through participation in collaborative learning environments, reflective self-study and professional learning, and involvement in their professional community. (Cross-curricular Skill: Inquiry and Analysis; Critical and Creative Thinking; Information Literacy; Problem Solving; Teamwork; Civic Knowledge and Engagement; Intercultural Knowledge; Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity, Ethical Reasoning; Foundational Lifelong Learning Skills)
First Year Fall
- IDL 190, Freshman Seminar 2
- HIST 152, United States History II* 3
- SPED 100, Introduction to Persons with Exceptionalities 3
- ENGL 101, Composition I 3
- MATH 103, Mathematical Reasoning* 3
- HLTH 100, Wellness for Life 1
First Year Spring
- Arts and Humanities Course 3
- ENGL 201, Composition II 3
- BIOL 101/L, Biology Survey I* 3
- POLS 100, American Government 3
- EDFN 102, Introduction to Education 3
Second Year Fall
- ELED 303, Earth and Physical Science for Elementary Teachers 3
- SPCM 101, Fundamentals of Speech 3
- GEOG 210, World Regional Geography 3
- EPSY 302, Educational Psychology, and ELED 296, Field Experience 3/1
- MATH 341, Math Concepts for Teachers I 3
Second Year Spring
- Elective, Minor, or Endorsement Course 4
- Arts and Humanities Course 3
- Natural Science with Lab Course 3
- MATH 342, Math Concepts for Teachers II 3
- EPSY 428, Child and Adolescent Development 3
Third Year Fall
- INED 411, South Dakota Indian Studies 3
- ELED 440, K-8 Language Arts Methods 3
- ELED 450, K-8 Reading Methods 3
- ELRN 385, Educational Technology and Distance Teaching 3
- ELED 396, Field Experience 1
- Elective, Minor, or Endorsement Course 3
Third Year Spring
- EDFN 475, Human Relations 3
- ARTE 310, K-8 Art Methods 1
- MUS 353 , K-8 Music Methods 1
- PE 330, PK-8 Health/Safety/PE Methods 2
- EDFN 455, Research-Based Literacy Instruction and Assessment 3
- MLED 480, Middle-Level Methods 2
- EDFN 472, School Law and Ethics for Educators 2
Fourth Year Fall
- ELED 320, K-8 Science Methods 3
- ELED 330, K-8 Math Methods 3
- ELED 360, K-8 Social Science Methods 3
- ELED 395, Practicum (Reading Clinic) 1
- ELED 496, Field Experience 1
- SPED 441, Inclusive Methods for Diverse Learners 2
- Elective, Minor, or Endorsement Course 3
Fourth Year Spring
- EDER 415, Educational Assessment 2
- EDFN 440, Classroom Management 2
- ELED 488, K-8 Student Teaching 8
*Fulfills a General Education Requirement. Other course options may be available.
**Fulfills a major requirement. Other course options may be available.
***Fulfills a general elective. Other course options may be available.
This plan of study is not an official document. Depending on placement scores, developmental courses may be required. Course rotations may change. Please visit with a professional advisor at least once a semester to review appropriate course choices and plan updates.
Career Opportunities
Northern’s B.S. in elementary education program prepares you to make an impact in the teaching field. Graduates can pursue careers as elementary teachers or paraprofessionals, or apply to graduate school.
NSU offers academic advising throughout your college experience, as well as focused career planning.
Students gain valuable hands-on experience during their sophomore field experience and two residencies. NSU’s extensive field experiences, under the supervision of our caring university faculty, prepare you to make an impact in the lives of elementary students.
Scholarships and Funding
Due to the generosity of Millicent Atkins, who earned a teaching degree from Northern State in 1940 and believed in the true impact of educating children, we are able to offer every incoming Elementary Education major an annual scholarship.
Scholarship awards start at $500 a year and are provided annually for up to four years.
Additional School of Education scholarships are available to incoming freshmen and upperclassmen.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!