BSc in Biology
Aberdeen, USA
4 Years
Full time
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USD 28,000 / per year *
* estimated yearly total for international students; USD 17,677 - estimated yearly total for residents
NSU's biology program emphasizes hands-on activities and critical thinking to bring you to a better understanding of the study of life.
You'll work one-on-one with caring, supportive faculty who encourage independent thinking skills that will prepare you to become a leader in your biological field. Most upper-level courses have no more than 25 students. Northern's biology faculty members teach their own labs - they'll get to know you as a person.
Northern biology students work in science labs with the latest equipment, including a DNA analyzer, confocal microscope, and anaerobic chamber. And the new Jewett Regional Science Education Center will advance educational and research opportunities for the university and region.
In NSU's biology program, you're encouraged to explore your interests and dive deeper into your studies with our focus on hands-on research. Here, you can work with professors on research projects, and present your results in publications or in public at Northern's Undergraduate Scholarship and Activity Forum or elsewhere.
Our program has even been recognized on this national list of universities with the best biology degrees!
Program Outcome
- Biology students demonstrate the ability to design, understand and discuss scientific data. (Cross-curricular Skill: Inquiry and Analysis)
- Biology students can effectively communicate scientific results orally and in writing using methods related to science. (Cross-curricular Skill: Critical and Creative Thinking)
- Biology students can identify appropriate scientific sources and analyze and interpret data. (Cross-curricular Skill: Information Literacy)
- Biology students will demonstrate the ability to work as a team while completing research/project-related endeavors. (Cross-curricular Skill: Teamwork)
- Biology students will demonstrate the ability to design and conduct scientific research. (Cross-curricular Skill: Problem-solving)
- Biology students will establish skills in core disciplines of biology, including the cellular basis of life sciences and the taxonomy of plants and animals.
First Year Fall
- IDL 190, Freshman Seminar 2
- BIOL 130, Success in Science 1
- BIOL 151/L, General Biology I 4
- CHEM 112/L, General Chemistry I 4
- MATH 114/L, College Algebra* 4
First Year Spring
- BIOL 153/L, General Biology II 4
- CHEM 114/L, General Chemistry II 4
- ENGL 101, Composition I 3
- Arts and Humanities Course (see catalog) 3
- MATH 120, Trigonometry***
Second Year Fall
- ENGL 201, Composition II 3
- MATH 123, Calculus I 4
- Behavioral/Social Sciences Course (see catalog) 3
- CHEM 326/L, Organic Chemistry I*** 4
Second Year Spring
- BIOL 343/L, Cell and Molecular Biology** 4
- Behavioral/Social Sciences Course (see catalog) 3
- Arts and Humanities Course (see catalog) 3
- CHEM 328/L, Organic Chemistry II*** 4
- SPCM 101, Fundamentals of Speech* 3
Third Year Fall
- BIOL 281, Introduction to Statistics 3
- BIOL 311/L, Principles of Ecology** 4
- BIOL 245/L, Cell Culture Techniques*** 3
- BIOL 357/L, Invertebrate Zoology** 4
Third Year Spring
- BIOL 351/L, Plant Structure and Function** 4
- Human Values Course (see catalog) 3
- Introduction to Biotechnology*** 3
- BIOL 383, Bioethics*** 3
- Elective or minor course 4
Fourth Year Fall
- BIOL 490, Senior Seminar, or BIOL 498, Undergraduate Research and Scholarship 1
- BIOL 301/L, Plant Systematics** 4
- BIOL 331/L, Microbiology** 4
- CHEM 464/L, Biochemistry I*** 4
Fourth Year Spring
- BIOL 371/L, Genetics** 4
- BIOL 365/L, Vertebrate Zoology*** 4
- BIOL 250/L, Bioinformatics*** 3
- Elective or minor course 4
*Fulfills a General Education Requirement. Other course options may be available.
**Fulfills a major requirement. Other course options may be available. *
***Fulfills a general elective. Other course options may be available.
Suggested Double Majors: Environmental Science, Chemistry, Associates in Biotechnology Suggested Minors: Geography, GIS, Quantitative Analytics in Science.
Suggested Certificates: Allied Health, Organismal Biology, GIS.
Career Opportunities
Many biology majors work at for-profit businesses and corporations. Others teach in educational institutions; work for the government, nonprofit foundations, and research organizations; or operate their own business or consulting services.
Potential jobs include health technologist and technician, nurse, pharmacist, dietitian, therapist, physician assistant, farmer, forester, and salesperson (non-retail).
Many students pursue careers in allied health (e.g., medicine, physical therapy, occupational therapy, mortuary science, dentistry, and optometry) and organismal biology professions (e.g., zookeeper, naturalist, and biologist).
We'll work closely with you and our connections to find internships and field experiences that accord with your scientific interests.
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!