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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens BA Program in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

BA Program in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece

Athens, Greece

4 Years


Full time

15 Jun 2025*

29 Sep 2025

EUR 6,000 / per year


* For applicants required to issue a student visa (D1.1)


A four-year BA program taught in English, devoted to the study of Greek Antiquity. The program is offered by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (based in its School of Philosophy). Aimed at international citizens, it offers a unique opportunity to study the culture of ancient Greece while acquiring first-hand knowledge of some of Greece's most important archaeological monuments and sites, such as the Athenian Acropolis and the Parthenon, Delphi, and Olympia. The program includes courses in Greek archaeology, ancient Greek history and literature, and modern Greek. With an academic tradition of more than 180 years, the Institution guarantees a high-quality undergraduate program, based on experiential learning and offers both systematic disciplinary knowledge and critical and creative thinking skills.

The BA Program in the Archaeology, History, and Literature of Ancient Greece brings together three collaborating disciplines from the field of Classics; the Program’s multi-disciplinary curriculum, taught by a diverse staff consisting of highly specialized academics and senior researchers, combines the strengths of the three disciplines in a single, innovative Degree.


The Program includes a systematic survey of prehistoric and ancient Greek archaeology and art. The first six semesters feature course topics such as Minoan and Mycenaean Prehistory, the social significance of ancient Greek art and iconography, the development of ancient Greek architecture and city planning, and the relations of the Greek world to the civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean, such as the Hittites, the Egyptians, and the Persians. The seventh and eighth semesters feature two seminars that afford in-depth study of specific archaeological topics. The Program places great emphasis on on-site classes in museums and archaeological sites in Greece, as well as upon hands-on instruction in the University Museum of Archaeology and History of Art and the University archaeological excavation at Marathon.


Roughly one-third of the Program overall consists of History classes: beginning with an Introduction to Historical Studies in the first semester, students are guided through Greek history with a series of courses on the Greek polis, Alexander the Great, and Hellenistic Greece, Greece, and Rome, history of religion and sports, as well as a more specialized course in the study of inscriptions and a seminar on the artistic and historical significance of Greek coins.

Ancient Greek and Latin Literature

The Program encompasses a wide range of courses on ancient Greek and Latin literature, across their main periods of development and their most important genres. Students also receive intensive instruction in the Classical Greek and Latin languages. Students get to know major authors and genres of Greek and Latin literature, including Homer and epic, drama, historiography (Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon), philosophy and oratory, poetry, as well as the world of ancient papyri. Courses in religion and myth broaden their understanding of the Greek culture and its continuity into the Roman era. The study of literary masterpieces of the Roman world, with a focus on the interactions between Greek and Roman literature, enables students to understand the importance of the Ancient world for the Western tradition and our own, contemporary world.

Read more on the institution's website



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