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Military University of Technology


Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego (Military University of Technology, MUT) in Warsaw is a military, academic polytechnic university operating since 1951. As a public university supervised by the Minister of National Defence, the University educates students and conducts scientific research.

Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego (Military University of Technology, MUT) in Warsaw is a military, academic polytechnic university operating since 1951. As a public university supervised by the Minister of National Defence, the University educates students and conducts scientific research. The MUT offer includes first degree studies (engineering and bachelor’s degree), second degree (master’s degree), third-degree (doctorate), as well as postgraduate studies and further education and language courses.

The University educates students in military and civilian studies. Graduates of military studies receive the professional title of magister inżynier and are appointed to second lieutenant's rank. Civilian reviews are generally available, without any obligation to the Ministry of National Defence. These studies provide the opportunity to obtain the professional title of inżynier or licencjat, magister inżynier or magister, a scientific degree of doktor.

  • Warsaw

    gen. Sylwestra Kaliskiego,2, 00-908, Warsaw



    Military University of Technology