Bachelor of Arts in Theology
Jdeideh, Lebanon
3 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Jan 2025
USD 6,400 / per year
The Bachelor of Arts in Theology prepares students who have been called by God to a life of service as gospel workers in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This degree is uniquely tailored for service to the people of the Middle East and North Africa region.
We aim for our students to effectively proclaim biblical faith through personal witness, preaching, teaching, and leadership in their communities and around the world.
The mission of the program is to equip converted Adventist gospel workers and leaders to think theologically, engage globally, and live biblically.
The Department of Religion offers undergraduate degrees to prepare Bible teachers and gospel ministers to serve the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the wider community. Degree students are provided in-depth instruction in biblical, theological, historical, ethical, and pastoral courses so as to be better equipped for a wide and relevant proclamation of the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. The department also provides basic religion courses to meet the religion course requirement needs of general education courses.
The mission of the department is to involve both degree majors and general education students in an experiential understanding of Jesus Christ and His Word; to encourage the study of God's word, sharing of spiritual and ethical ideas, connecting with people, serving humanity, and changing one's world; and to contribute to the development of family, community, and the Church in anticipation of the soon return of Jesus Christ.
The department offers the following degree programs:
- Bachelor of Arts in Religion (BA)
- Bachelor of Arts in Theology (BA)
The BA degree in Theology is offered to those who desire to become gospel workers and leaders in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Students are introduced to various phases of gospel ministry and to the methods, principles, and procedures of biblical interpretation. It aims to develop skills required for effective proclamation of biblical faith through personal witness, preaching, teaching, and leadership in local, regional, and global communities. Courses are designed to enhance students' commitment to Jesus Christ and their involvement in the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Graduates will be prepared for ministry in any vocation in the world field especially Middle Eastern North African contexts or with people who come from the region. Students must complete 124 credits.
General Education Courses
- COMM211 Communication Skills
- CPTR208 Foundations of Information Technology
- ENLG211 English Composition I
- ENLG212 English Composition II
- HLED135 Wellness 360
- PEAC___ Physical Education Course
- PSYC201 General Psychology
- RLGN290 Research Methods in Religious Studies
- ARAB101 Arabic for Beginners I
- ARAB211 Arabic Language Skills
Core Courses
- RLGN225 The Gospels
- RLGN238 Biblical Spiritual Life
- RLGN252 Biblical Hebrew I
- RLGN253 Biblical Hebrew II
- RLGN255 New Testament Greek I
- RLGN256 New Testament Greek II
- RLGN262 Personal Ministry
- RLGN268 Music, Worship, and Liturgy
- RLGN278 Biblical Hermeneutics
- RLGN281 Introduction to World Religions
- RLGN295 Ministerial Praxis I
- RLGN320 Studies in Daniel
- RLGN322 Studies in Revelation
- RLGN325 Old Testament Studies I
- RLGN326 Old Testament Studies II
- RLGN327 Old Testament Studies III
- RLGN328 Acts and Epistles I
- RLGN329 Acts and Epistles II
- RLGN341 History of the Christian Church I
- RLGN342 History of the Christian Church II
- RLGN345 History of Seventh-day Adventism
- RLGN362 Pastoral Ministry
- RLGN366 Biblical Preaching I
- RLGN375 Doctrines of the Adventist Faith
- RLGN378 Prophetic Heritage
- RLGN381 Introduction to the Religion of Islam
- RLGN395 Ministerial Praxis II
- RLGN420 Foundations of Biblical Canon
- RLGN428 Studies in Hebrews
- RLGN440 Biblical Archaeology
- RLGN462 Pastoral Counseling
- RLGN466 Biblical Preaching II
- RLGN471 Christian Theology I
- RLGN472 Christian Theology II
- RLGN485 Theology of Mission
- RLGN488 Church Planting
- RLGN495 Ministerial Praxis III
Cognate Courses
- ACCT208 Stewardship and Church Finance
- EDTE311 Introduction to Religious Education
- PHIL245 Biblical Ethics
- SOCI315 Marriage and Family Relations