Bachelor in Business Administration
Rome, Italy
3 Years
Full time
31 May 2024
Sep 2024
EUR 12,300 / per year *
* Luiss Tuition Fee is to be paid in three installments
Program Insight
BA offers a diverse range of knowledge and skills to cultivate managers who excel in leading teams within global contexts. Throughout their academic journey, students will be immersed in a dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment characterised by lectures with top academics and industry professionals, Alumni testimonials, and the enquiry-based educational approach which has students actively involved in laboratories, project works with companies, simulations and games that culminate in a “Grand Challenge”. Highly interdisciplinary, the Programme provides a strong foundation in management, economics, law, quantitative analysis and IT disciplines and is further complemented by data analysis and programming workshops as well as a Humanities course of the student’s choosing.
Study Plan
The first two years are intended to offer students enrolled in the BSc in Business Administration a broad and solid training in basic subjects: management, economics, mathematics and statistics, law, and IT. The characterizing activities include the study of courses in accounting, marketing, strategies and finance, macroeconomics and industrial economics, quantitative subjects applied to data analysis, and European Law and intellectual property. In the third year, students will be able to focus their studies on a specific topic of interest. The course includes a series of workshops and design activities aimed at providing students with the application skills of the concepts and notions provided by the different courses and necessary for solid managerial training.
GAP Activities are highly interactive intensive courses that students will undertake at the end of the first and second semesters of each academic year. In January and June/ July of the first year, students will be enrolled in Coding in Action Lab Module II and Module II respectively. In January of the second year, students will be enrolled in Distinctive Employability Skills Lab and will be able to do an Internship or Project Work at the end of the second year. The third-year GAP Activities will be in Humanities.
International Opportunities
The degree program offers the possibility of obtaining a triple degree carried out jointly with the George Washington University of Washington (USA) and Renmin of Beijing (RPC) which will allow students to spend a period in these universities and obtain, at the end of the course of studies, a trilateral joint degree. Furthermore, students can participate in the Erasmus call, and exams taken abroad can also be recognized as part of the Semester free mover and Summer School programs.
Scholarships and Funding
Luiss University aims to inspire meaningful change in society by educating a new generation of successful students and graduates. To this end, the University invests in inclusion, social mobility and collective leadership by going beyond conventions, roles and goals to transform boundaries into horizons.
Our mission is to create a future fueled by an intertwining of knowledge, cultures, responsibility and passion. Social, cultural and gender diversity and sustainable development in the circular economy and in digitalization are the guiding principles in taking action for international students. Welcoming international students is one of our most important values, which is why Luiss University offers a variety of full and partial scholarships to talented students from all over the world each year.
Study Plan
I year - 2024-2025
- Microeconomics (8 Credits)
- The goal of this course is to provide students with the necessary tools to understand individual consumption and production choices under different institutional setups and under both certainty and uncertainty. The course analyzes the functioning of the market and its allocative properties.
- Principles of Accounting (6 Credits)
- Students will acquire a broad set of accounting/business vocabulary. They will be able to develop the ability to understand, prepare, and compare financial reports.
- Calculus (8 Credits)
- The course aims to provide students of the first year of economics with the main mathematical methodologies that are used to deal with many problems applied in economics, business, finance, and insurance.
- Introduction to Business Law (6 Credits)
- The competencies to be developed aim to enable the students to govern the basic tools of business law not only on a domestic platform but also with a look to the international practice.
- Coding in action Lab (Module I) (6 Credits)
- The course is intended to teach basic programming concepts to students with no prior coding experience, developing an attitude towards computational thinking.
- Fundamentals of Management (6 Credits)
- The course familiarizes students with the fundamentals of management theory and practice. It combines basic concepts from the economic theory of the firm and industrial organization with ideas from modern strategy literature.
- Statistics (8 Credits)
- The course aims to provide the student with good basic preparation in probability and mathematical statistics, possibly including a first approach to the use of statistical software.
- Macroeconomics (6 Credits)
- This course aims to provide the methodological and theoretical tools to understand how the economies work and to explain the past and current economic developments.
- GAP Activities: Coding in action Lab (Module I) (6 Credits)
- The course is intended to teach basic programming concepts to students with no prior coding experience, developing an attitude towards computational thinking. The activity will be delivered in January-February.
- GAP Activities: Coding in action Lab (Module II) (6 Credits)
- The course is intended to teach basic programming concepts to students with no prior coding experience, developing an attitude towards computational thinking. The activity will be delivered in June-July.
II year - 2025-2026
- Marketing (8 Credits)
- The Marketing course presents the fundamentals of marketing management, and therefore models, processes, tools, and techniques that accompany the analysis, decisions, and operational management of marketing.
- Financial Statement Analysis (8 Credits)
- This course focuses on the use of financial statements, particularly for analysis and valuation. Students will learn how to use accounting and financial information for the analysis of corporate financial performance and equity valuation.
- EU Law (6 Credits)
- The course will strengthen the students’ abilities to use legal comparative analysis and will provide all relevant information on the EU regulation concerning corporate law and governance.
- Distinctive Employability Skills Lab (6 Credits)
- The course aims to guide students towards an excellent professional career. To this end, the course will concentrate, through practical exercises, on a set of competencies, such as communication, adaptability, leadership, and writing skills that will allow them to better navigate our increasingly complex and challenging work environment.
- Industrial Economics (6 Credits)
- The course aims to make students aware of the degree of complexity of the business logic and to put them in a position to be able to build an interpretative key of the evolutionary logic of manufacturing worldwide and in the Italian context.
- Applied Business Statistics (6 Credits)
- Students will learn the theory and practical implementation of estimating a linear model using the least-squares method and will learn to evaluate the appropriateness of different model specifications to answer empirical questions in economics.
- Managerial accounting, Planning & Control (6 Credits)
- The course aims to describe and analyze the logic, methodologies, and planning and control tools to support management decisions.
- Corporate Finance (8 Credits)
- The objectives of the course are: to provide students with the methods that a company should follow to make investment decisions; teach how a company should finance investments.
- GAP Activities
- Distinctive Employability Skills Lab (6 Credits)
- The course aims to guide students towards an excellent professional career. To this end, the course will concentrate, through practical exercises, on a set of competencies, such as communication, adaptability, leadership, and writing skills that will allow them to better navigate our increasingly complex and challenging work environment. The activity will be delivered in January-February.
III year - 2026-2027
- Competitive Strategy (8 Credits)
- The course introduces the concepts, tools, and principles of strategic management in today’s global business context.
- Data Analysis for Business (6 Credits)
- This course shows how to help organizations collect, analyze, store and interpret large-scale data to develop informed business strategies, by providing a framework to improve students' understanding of data analytics and enhance their critical thinking and decision making.
- Organizational Behavior (6 Credits)
- The course aims to provide the theoretical and conceptual knowledge and the methodological tools necessary for the analysis and design of organizational architecture.
- Intellectual Property Rights (6 Credits)
- This course is aimed at providing students with a basic and operational knowledge of topics in intellectual property and the transfer of technology as a critical disciplinary endowment for future managerial decisions in high-tech, knowledge-intensive industrial sectors and services.
- Financial markets (6 Credits)
- This course aims at providing participants with a general understanding of the different functions performed by financial markets and intermediaries within the financial system.
- 3 Elective Courses (18 Credits)
Additional Credits
- Mandatory Language (4 Credits)
- Humanities (4 Credits)
- Internship or Project Work (4 Credits)
- Final Thesis (4 Credits)
Total: 180 Credits
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Job opportunities
The BSc in Business Administration offers the tools to develop a profile and skills both to continue with a highly prestigious master's degree program, possibly even abroad, and for the job market, especially in the international arena. The BSc prepares students for effective integration into the world of work for professions, both nationally and abroad, whose qualification is a three-year degree. In particular, some examples of employment opportunities are: Multinational enterprise management technician; Export company management technician; Consultant company operator; Official of international institutions; Official in public institutions for the support of internationalization.