Double Degree in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics and Management of Business and Technology
Barcelona, Spain
5 Years
Full time
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EUR 15,879 / per year
* the admission process remains open until the program is full
At La Salle Campus Barcelona, you can study for the Double Degree in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics and Management of Business and Technology and become an expert in transforming business through data.
The Degree is aimed at students with high critical and analytical thinking skills who wish to lead the decision and change processes in the business world.
Problem solvers with a transversal vision and curiosity for changes in consumer habits and trends.
It combines training in business management, but with a more technological vision to master data processing applied to marketing, logistics, business expansion, and product design.
In only 5.5 years you will obtain Degrees in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics and Management of Business and Technology.
Smart Learning
A new educational model for a new normal.
This new normal requires a new way of teaching and learning, adapted to a changing and uncertain situation that demands flexible, intelligent, and technological learning that adapts to all the students’ new educational needs.
La Salle Campus Barcelona - Ramon Llull University endorses the new Smart Learning model and takes another step in its innovative DNA, affecting all areas of the educational process: the service to the students, international exchanges, remote internships, the telework model applied to internships with companies, the job bank and research projects.
What is the new Smart Learning model?
State-of-the-art technology has been implemented in the classrooms that will allow students, both national and international, who cannot get to the Campus to attend and participate in classes without being physically in the classroom. The sessions given with on-site students will be broadcast live over the Internet and those who attend virtually will be projected on screens so that teachers and on-site students can see and interact with them.
All students, both on-site and those who cannot come to the campus, will form a single group while maintaining the same academic schedule and contact with their classmates and teachers.
With the new Smart Learning model, students will have a training which will be:
- Personalized, because it adapts to the student and their needs or circumstances, regardless of the health scenario.
- Flexible, because it overcomes the barriers of the online or face-to-face methods with a platform that allows face-to-face, blended and distance learning.
- Intelligent, because it is a new way of teaching and learning that combines physical and interactive experiences.
- Technological, in order to implement the Smart Learning methodology, classrooms have been transformed into Smart Classrooms, which consist of:
- Audio system with more than 8,000 virtual microphones per classroom
- Cameras equipped with artificial intelligence
- Smart Boards to share content to and from the Smart Classroom, enhancing collaborative work.
- Audio system with more than 8,000 virtual microphones per classroom
- Cameras equipped with artificial intelligence
- Smart Boards to share content to and from the Smart Classroom, enhancing collaborative work.
Learning on the Double Degree in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics and Management of Business and Technology is based on La Salle’s Dynamic Methodology. Its main points are:
- Our Learning by Challenge learning method
- Empowerment of knowledge, skills and tools
- Internationalization and globalization
- Technology as the key to learning
Learning by Challenge
The theory will be continually applied to real practical realities - management cases, projects with companies, business simulations, problem solving-. You will also analyse existing theories to develop a deep understanding of the business world.
Knowledge, abilities and tools
You will receive a practical approach to learning that will allow you to develop knowledge, but also personal and professional skills. You will prepare yourself to start a professional career in a fast changing international business environment. Teamwork, leadership and communication skills, practical use of tools (for database creation and management, web development, content management of social media channels, IT systems, or for design and management of Mobile applications), will be fundamental during your learning process.
International by definition
Internationalization is one of our hallmarks, so our program has been designed and managed by an international team of educators. You have a culturally diverse cam-pus experience with more than 40 nationalities and teachers from all over the world. At La Salle, we understand that students should have international experiences in order to grow as a person, and that is why we offer you a series of opportunities (stays in Shanghai and San Francisco and the United Nations model project in the city of New York) that will allow you to do different programs in London, Paris, Brus-sels, Frankfurt, Australia, China or Latin America.
The importance of technology
This degree program combines the world of technology and business. Companies, economies, and our societies are being rapidly transformed by technology. By this, we understand that business students must understand the importance of technology and how to manage it to develop new opportunities. We prepare you for the future so that you can be prepared to change and uncertainty, and to take advantage of the potential of technology to make our society a better place.
Credits: 351 ECTS
Year 1
Semester 1
- Thought and Creativity I (2)
- Principles of Business Management (6)
- Principles of Marketing (6)
- Microeconomics (4)
- Mathematics (6)
- Data Analysis Tools (5)
- Principles of Programming (5)
- Communication, Leadership, and Team Management (6)
Semester 2
- Thought and Creativity I (2)
- Accounting Principles I (6)
- Human Resources (3)
- Macroeconomics (4)
- Statistics (6)
- Databases (6)
- Business Law I (4)
Year 2
Semester 1
- Thought and Creativity II (2)
- Principles of Finance (6)
- Foreign Language I (5)
- Accounting Principles II (6)
- Principles of Operations (4)
- Marketing Management (4)
- Forecasting (6)
- Algorithms and Data Structure (6)
Semester 2
- Thought and Creativity II (2)
- Foreign Language II (5)
- Financial Management (6)
- Digital Marketing Strategies (5)
- Methods of Decision (4)
- Advanced Data Processing and Analysis (6)
- Business Law II (4)
Year 3
Semester 1
- Thought and Creativity III (3)
- Principles of Technological Project Management (4.5)
- Cross/Cultural Management (5)
- Corporate and International Finance (5)
- Budgeting, Planning and Control (4)
- Management IT and Information Systems I (4)
- Techno Ethics and Data Privacy (6)
- Market Research Tools (6)
Semester 2
- Thought and Creativity III (3)
- E-Business (4.5)
- Modern Social Thought and Movements and Economic History (6)
- Data Mining (6)
- Data Visualization (3)
- Creativity and Innovation Management (5)
- New Product and Service Development (3)
- Online Consumer Behaviour (5)
Year 4
Semester 1
- Integrated Marketing Communications (3)
- Sales Management (4)
- Management IT and Information Systems II (4)
- CRM Systems (6)
- Big Data Analysis (6)
- International Business (5)
- Entrepreneurship in Technology-Based Ventures (6)
- Digital Analytics (5)
Semester 2
- Marketing Simulations (4)
- Internet and Multimedia Technologies (4)
- R+D+I Management (5)
- Business Intelligence (6)
- Supply Chain Management (4)
- Transfer of New Technologies into the Economy (4)
- Data-Driven Strategic Management (6)
Year 5
Semester 1
- Final Thesis (16)
- Business Communication Skills (II) (2)
- Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital (3)
- Applied Research in Management and Technology (5)
- New Technology Ventures (3)
- Leading Teams and Organisations (4)
- Channel Management (3)
- Non-Structured Data Analysis (3)
Semester 2
- Final Thesis (15)
- Internship (4)
- Strategy Management for ICT Ventures (3)
- Internship (12)
Program Outcome
The basic objective of the double Degree is to train professionals with the appropriate personal and professional skills to assume functions of data analysis and interpretation for decision-making in positions of responsibility and management in the different strategic areas of companies.
You will be trained in creative and innovation processes, learning techniques and strategies to have and develop ideas that add value to the economy and society to have a vision and way of doing it sustainable and ethical, assuming responsibility to improve our society.
You will understand how new technologies are developed from a primarily business point of view. You will be able to identify the opportunities created by new technologies and how to capture the value they generate. Adopting a critical perspective of the risks and threats that may exist in this field and how to manage them ethically and sustainably.
Once you have completed this degree, you will be prepared to be part of a new generation of professionals who are experts in the analysis and use of data.
You will differentiate yourself in the job market by having an official double university degree that allows you to work anywhere in the world.
Career Opportunities
By studying a double degree in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics and Management of Business and Technology, you will obtain a solid base of skills and knowledge in business management and technology. Upon completion, you will have acquired an international vision and an entrepreneurial and innovative approach to business management. You will have a professional profile with a high demand today.
You will be able to be hired in any of the areas of finance, marketing management, operations, human resources, technology and innovation management, or project management.
You will be able to be hired internationally and you will be trained to work in multicultural work environments. The skills acquired, which include communication, teamwork, leadership, planning, organization, and analytical skills, will enable you to learn and develop quickly in the context of the organization.
A new professional profile that masters data from a business perspective. Some of the possible career opportunities are:
- Digital Business Development Manager
- Digital Business Analyst and startups
- Digital Information Technology Consultant
- Consumer Analyst / Digital Audience
- BB Source Manager: Big Data, App Marketing Analyst
- Data Analyst
- Business Analyst
- E-commerce Analyst
- Digital Project Manager
- Product Manager
- Content Manager
- CRM analyst
Program Leaders
Program delivery
Duration: 5.5 Years