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Karaganda State Technical University

Karaganda State Technical University

Karaganda State Technical University


The establishment of the Mining Institute was a significant event not only for Karaganda but also for Central Kazakhstan.

The Karaganda Technical University is one of the leading technical higher schools in Kazakhstan. Nowadays, the University has nine faculties –Mining Faculty, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Road-and-Transport Faculty, Faculty of architecture and civil engineering, Faculty of computer technologies and system engineering, Faculty of engineering economy and management, Faculty of telecommunications, power engineering, and automation, Military-Technical Faculty, Faculty of correspondence and distance learning; 6 support departments - Academic-and-methodological department, Science department, Strategic development department, Inner development department, Department of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Department of the youth policy; 34 chairs and other supporting and accompanying services. University trains specialists in more than 46 specialties.

The University is actively involved in the European programs Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Erasmus+ and international project Synergy in cooperation with Germany and Austria, is the primary institution in Environment and Energy Programs of the University of Shanghai Cooperation Organization.


  • Karagandy

    Mira Boulevard,56, 100000, Karagandy
