BA in English
Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
3 up to 4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
Request earliest startdate
GBP 9,250 / per year **
* only for home students. We will continue to accept applications from international students after the 25th of January
** UK students: £9,250 per year | international: £14,300 for the first year
Why choose this course?
This degree gives you the critical and creative freedom to experiment with reading and writing in a wide variety of genres and media. It's an exciting, diverse, and stimulating programme that invites you to think about the world differently. Year-long modules, interactive lecture workshops, small group seminars, and individual supervision are designed to support all your needs and abilities. There's also a range of assessments that will empower you to achieve your best work; this includes traditional essays and dissertations, alongside blogs, critical definitions and creative pieces.
Throughout your course, you'll enjoy many extracurricular events and activities, including those organised by the Race/Gender Matters research group, Kingston Language Scheme, and the Writers' Centre, Kingston.
Reasons to choose Kingston
- Through our Writers' Centre, Kingston, you'll have opportunities to get involved in a huge range of professional and creative activities, including poetry festivals and readings by guest authors.
- You'll be taught by a diverse range of professional, creative and academic experts.
- Many of our graduates have had their work published. Recently, Oyinkan Braithwaite's debut novel My Sister, The Serial Killer, was longlisted for the Booker Prize 2019.
What you will study
Throughout this course, there is a strong emphasis on developing skills in critical reading, writing and analysis, as well as developing your interdisciplinary skills through the academic and teaching experts from creative writing, English literature and English language and linguistics.
You'll also develop a broad range of transferable skills, and enhance your communication and analytical abilities, from problem-solving to critical evaluation, time management to organisational abilities.
Each level is made up of four modules each worth 30 credit points. Typically, a student must complete 120 credits at each level.
Year 1
In your first year, you'll take core modules in literature, language and creative writing, examining critical, practical and theoretical concerns at the forefront of reading and writing literature.
You'll develop skills in oral and written communication and establish a strong foundation in the study of literature and language through interactive lectures, group discussions, close reading exercises, and practical activities.
Core modules
- Reading London: Drama, Poetry and Prose
- From Prospero to Potter: Reading Through Theory
- Race, Nation, Identity: Literatures of the World
- Writing that Works
Year 2
In your second year, you'll work under supervision from your tutor to develop your research skills and improve your working practice. You can also select from a range of options across the three subject areas, allowing you to select particular periods of literary study, creative writing specialism, or further exploration of linguistics and language.
You can also study abroad or take a work placement in your second year at locations in Europe, the United States, and Australia.
Core modules
- Independent Research Studies
- Deadly Desires/Dangerous Discourse: Gothic Literature and Theory
Optional modules
- Content, Form and Creativity
- Language and Society
- Being Human: Self, Subject, Identity in Medieval and Early Modern Culture
- Sex and the City: From Victorian Metropolis to Modernist Wasteland
- Transforming Realities: Innovation and Social Change in Twentieth Century and Contemporary Literature
- Screenwriting
Year 3
In your final year, you'll take the Dissertation module, enabling you to work in-depth on a topic of your choice under the supervision of a subject specialist.
Seminars provide a more intimate forum for the detailed exploration of texts, with student presentations and discussion.
Core modules
- Dissertation
- Professional Communication Skills and Practice for Success in the Workplace
Optional modules
- Special Study: Narrative
- Special Study: Meaning
- Special Study: Discourse and Social Media
- Radical Writers
- Making Shakespeare: Text, Performance and Adaptation
- American Countercultures
- Black and Asian Writing
- Imagined Places: Humans, Animals and Cyborgs
- Gender and Sexuality
- Special Study: Narrative Techniques in Popular Fiction
- Creative Writing Special Study: Get a Life: Forms of (Auto)biography
- Creative Writing Special Study: Innovations in Poetry and Prose
- Box Set Drama: Writing for Television
Please note
Optional modules only run if there is enough demand. If we have an insufficient number of students interested in an optional module, that module will not be offered for this course.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
After you graduate
This course is designed to foster a range of transferable skills desirable to employers, such as advanced literacy and communication skills, critical thinking, organisational skills, intercultural awareness and the ability to work independently and collaboratively with others in a team.
After you graduate you'll have many career opportunities open to you, in a wide range of fields including public relations, publishing, journalism, advocacy and campaigning, copywriting, advertising and marketing, management, the legal professions, administration, business and training.