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Kauno Kolegija


Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution (in Lithuanian – Kauno Kolegija) is a public multidisciplinary higher education institution situated in Lithuania (one of the three Baltic countries) providing education in the fields of engineering, technology, social sciences, humanities, arts, medicine, and health sciences. It offers a wide spectrum of Bachelor's study programs with a practical bias for around 5500 students studying at 4 faculties.

Kauno kolegija Higher Education Institution(in Lithuanian – Kauno Kolegija, further referred to as KK) is a large and constantly evolving accredited public higher education institution in the Baltic region. Being a multidisciplinary university of applied sciences, it offers a wide spectrum of Bachelor's study programs with a practical bias. We are committed to educating highly qualified specialists in the fields of engineering, technology, social sciences, humanities, arts, medicine, and health sciences.

The strategic aspirations of KK include the interaction of scientific and educational activities, integration of research into the study process, introduction of innovations, concern for students’ needs, and competence development. Responsibility, professionalism, openness, respect, and sense of community are the underlying values considered through all activities of the university. High-quality studies and attention to student needs while striving to become a leading institution with a successful impact on socio-economical changes in the region and the country are the main goals of our university.

Main facts and figures

  • Around 5500 students
  • Over 600 academic staff members
  • Around 200 incoming students and over 350 outgoing students per year
  • Over 250 foreign partners
  • Top positions held in ratings of Lithuanian higher education institutions
  • Students are taught across 4 faculties located in Kaunas City and a regional department in Tauragė
  • Courses in the hybrid model are available which means the combination of courses arranged both remotely and in classrooms
  • Possibilities to obtain a double degree via the international mobility scheme

Our institution today

Today KK is one of the largest professional higher education institutions in Lithuania, with a community of around 5 500 students, about 1.000 employees, and over 30.000 graduates, who have successfully established their careers in Lithuanian and foreign companies. The university delivers the first cycle of studies leading to a professional bachelor’s degree. It has four faculties and one regional department.

The average student age is 22-23 years. The tuition of almost two-thirds of the future professionals is covered by the state, while the remaining students pay tuition fees. Over 1.600 students graduate from the university every year.

Read more on the institution's website

  • Kaunas

    Pramonės prospektas, 20, 50468, Kaunas

Kauno Kolegija