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Karlstad University

Karlstad University - Change the future!

As one of the youngest universities in Sweden, we hope to be more adventurous in challenging the established and exploring the unknown.

Our ambition is to contribute to the development of knowledge at international, regional and individual levels. Thanks to our openness, creativity and multidisciplinarity, we have already attained a significant level of academic achievement. All our education and research is underpinned by a close dialogue with private companies and public organisations. Not least, we can also offer one of the most inspirational university environments in the country.

The sun is the symbol of the University. The sun provides light and represents life, warmth and energy, It is associated with enlightenment and growth, just like Karlstad University.

The main aim of Karlstad University is to provide broad-based, multidisciplinary programmes for students in Sweden and visiting students from abroad while developing strong areas of research.

The University is located on one campus offering a modern and stimulating environment. The architecturally inspiring library lies at the heart of the campus providing a much-appreciated study environment for about 12,500 students. In 2009, a new exciting building, Vänern, was inaugurated which reflects our high ambitions for education and research. The University also has a campus in Arvika, about 90 km from Karlstad, where the Ingesund School of Music with its 300 students is located.

  • Karlstad

    Universitetsgatan 2 , SE-651 88, Karlstad



    Karlstad University