Bachelor of Engineering in Industrial Management
Joensuu, Finland
4 Years
Full time
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EUR 22,000 / per year **
* Application period: 4 — 18 January 2022
** total tuition fee for non-EU/EEA students; no tuition fees for EU/EEA citizens
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Industrial Management
- Degree: Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Management), Insinööri (AMK)
- Extent and duration: 240 credits ECTS, 4 years
- Location: Wärtsilä Campus, Karjalankatu 3, 80200 Joensuu, Finland
- Intake/year (Joint admission): 40 (Online examination 8, entrance examination in Finland 12, entrance examination via FINNIPS 6, SAT test 2, certificate-based selection 12: Finnish Matriculation Examination and International Baccalaureate Degrees 8, Finnish Vocational Upper Secondary Qualification 4)
- Language of tuition: English
- Application period: 5 — 19 January 2022
Study objectives
An engineer who graduated from the Degree Program in Industrial Management is a sought-after professional in international companies. This education combines technology, business, and management skills. You will receive a great boost towards your future career, as Karelia has decades of experience in educating experts in business and technology.
The four-year degree studies give you strong expertise in intelligent production (IoT, Robotics, Quality, Data Analysis), sales, life cycle management of products and services, and team and project leadership. You are a wanted professional because you can combine your competence in engineering with economy and internationality.
In your duties, you develop new business or improve your company's productivity and efficiency in a multidisciplinary team. You have the ability to solve problems skillfully and constructively in an international team at home or abroad. Your job is in a company or in the public sector. You have excellent opportunities to continue your studies with European Masters programs.
More about the language of instruction
In Karelia UAS the language of tuition is Finnish. The language of tuition in the Degree Program in Industrial Management is English. When applicable, the thesis can be done in some other language than the language of tuition.
Study contents
Education in Industrial Management is based on three areas of top expertise: competence in production, economic thinking, and know-how in international sales. The technologies and principles of industrial production and software service business, development skills, quality, and designing skills form the entity in production competence. During the studies, you will reach e.g. Green Belt level in Lean as a process developer. You will learn how factories operate and you will get complicated web services to roll.
The entity of economic competence will give you the readiness to apply the basic tools of economic logic, such as profitability calculation and defining investment requirements.
International sales competence gives you the resources to work with international clients and partners. You will learn and understand the client so that you can transform the client’s needs into clear product requirements. After committing the client, you will lead the client project from the beginning to the end.
The three core competencies are deepened together with the university’s important local and international partners. A significant part of the studies consists of genuine company projects. The international partners of Karelia participate in the implementation of education in various ways. The needs and visions of leaders in this field are reflected in the teaching content and ways of studying.
Structure of studies
The first-year themes in studies are the basics of production and software service business, internal communication in an organization as well as basics of economic thinking. The second-year the studies focus on developing productions, service business, and quality as well as sales skills of expert services on the international market. In the third year, studies are international and a significant part of the studies includes designing and customer projects based on commissions from companies. The fourth-year offers a possibility to specialize in the field of your choice and completing your thesis.
The teaching is carried out so that in the autumn term you will study in the university learning environment and in the spring you will apply in practice in company and partner projects what you have learned. With this model, you can network both in the home country as well as internationally so that your career starts to develop already during your studies. Foreign students are offered a comprehensive study path in the Finnish language, which supports employment and integration into Finnish society.
The extend of studies in Industrial Management is 240 credits. The studies include 210 credits of core studies and 30 credits of complementary studies.
Final project
The thesis is a 15-credit work related to your own field of study dealing with work-related problems and development tasks. In the thesis, you have the opportunity to focus on a topic of particular interest to you. By completing your thesis, you will reinforce your expertise, develop your own thinking, and strengthen your communication and interaction skills.
Internationality is an essential part of your studies in Industrial Management Degree. The network of international companies and partner universities enables international commissions, traineeship, and thesis work. The international elements in your studies deepen your understanding of your own field, strengthen your language and communication skills, and support your ability to work with different types of people. At the same time, you get important connections and can create networks for your professional career in the future.
You can apply for student exchange to one of our partner universities around the world, or conduct part of your practical training abroad, or even do both at the same time. Studies at Karelia UAS also provide you with plentiful opportunities for internationalization at home. As an international tutor, you will strengthen your language skills, learn about new cultures, and get new friends.
Industrial Management Degree is a part of the expanding network of companies and universities. The parties are, on one hand, small and medium-sized international technology and service companies and, on the other hand, large multinational branch leaders. The other half of the network consists of high-quality Finnish and international universities that enable their students to have excellent opportunities to make their studies more international.
Create your own international career path – it is worth it!
Co-operation with other parties
Karelia UAS collaborates actively with companies, other organizations, and interest groups. You can participate in research and development activities carried out with the partners during your studies. Our partners also have a role in curriculum design and implementation e.g. in form of visiting lecturers.
Partnerships enable students to put theoretical knowledge into practice and create networks with potential future employers. The partnerships of Karelia UAS are useful when searching for suitable practical training placements and thesis opportunities and in international trainee and student exchanges.
The alumni, i.e. the graduates, of Karelia UAS stay in contact with us and share their experiences and career stories with current students, and also provide their expertise for the development of Karelia UAS education.
Research focus
Karelia UAS implements its research, development, and innovation (RDI) activities as part of its education and chargeable services, and in form of different types of RDI projects. The goal is to both create new and develop the already existing services, products, methods, tools, and processes in order to solve practical problems. Research and development will be used to produce new knowledge and skills for the needs of both education and working life. Computer integrated manufacturing, sustainable energy solutions, and circular economy are the cutting edges in research and development at Karelia University of Applied Sciences.
Karelia offers you also different types of programs to develop and experiment with business ideas and innovation processes:
Draft Program
Karelia UAS provides all its students and members of staff an opportunity to apply to the Draft program to get funding for one’s innovative business ideas. During the 12-month program period, the teams will develop their own innovative product and service concept into a finished product ready for sale. Karelia UAS may also provide funding for the implementation of ideas.
Epic Challenge
Students from Karelia UAS try to tackle the epic challenge of sustaining humans on Mars together with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA and other regional educational institutions in North Karelia. To accomplish the goal of coming up with new inventive solutions, students will study the innovation processes and methods (Innovative Concept and Engineering Design - ICED) used by NASA. These studies are worth 15 ECTS credits and the work will take place in a local setting in Joensuu with a remote connection to NASA and to its experts. To support the student teams and to gather together all Mars enthusiasts, a new voluntary-based hobbyist and developer community called Survival Systems Joensuu has been established.
Entrepreneurship path
The entrepreneurship path of Karelia UAS allows you to combine studying with the development of your own business or business idea. You are provided with both study units and services related to the different stages of entrepreneurship.
Postgraduate study opportunities
After graduating with a Bachelor of Engineering degree and having at least two years of work experience, you can apply for master-level programs UASes.
At Karelia UAS, the suitable second-cycle programs are Technology Competence Management or Renewable Energy (tuition in Finnish). High-quality Finnish and international university partners offer possibilities for further studies and master degrees.
An engineer who graduated from Industrial Management is the most sought professional in international large and medium-sized companies. This degree-awarding education combines technology, business, and management skills. You will receive a great boost towards your future career, as Karelia UAS has over 100 years of experience in business and 60 years of experience as an instructor in technology.
The four-year degree gives you strong expertise in intelligent production (IoT, Lean, Robotics, Quality, Data Analysis), sales, product and service life cycle management, and in team and project leadership. The major international business partners of our university participate actively in the training. The needs and visions of leaders in this field are reflected in the teaching content and ways of studying.
Thanks to our committed international partners, you can study abroad for a variety of durations. At the same time, you have the opportunity to specialize in the strengths of our partners.
After graduation, you will develop business and solve problems in an international team at home or abroad. In your duties, you are developing a new business or improving your company’s productivity and efficiency. Your job is in private businesses or in the public sector. You have excellent opportunities to continue your studies with European Masters programs.
Career Opportunities
Career opportunities
An engineer with the Industrial Management degree has exceptionally good career opportunities. There are jobs available in more than one field.
Your prospective job title may be:
- Quality Engineer
- Designer
- Production Engineer
- Production Manager
- Project Designer
- Project Manager
- Sales Engineer
- Solution Engineer
- Sales Manager
- Product Manager
- Marketing Planner/Manager
- Technical Service Expert
- Customer Service Manager
- Export Manager
- Entrepreneur
Program Tuition Fee
About the School
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