Jalalabad State University
Jalal-Abad State University is a public institution designed to provide higher education in the following fields: electronics, energy; construction; education; agro-industrial complex. The University holds in high regard the promotion of virtuous ideals and the concept of whole-person education.
Jalal-Abad State University is a public institution designed to provide higher education in the following fields: electronics, energy; construction; education; agro-industrial complex. Jalalabad State University holds in high regard the promotion of virtuous ideals and the concept of whole-person education while being committed to the implementation of professional education and the development of academic research. It also focuses on cultivating high-quality talent with both ability and integrity to accord with globalization in science, technology, and the economy.
Our educators hold fast to the belief that the University is not just simply a place to teach professional knowledge and develop professional skills; instead, it is more akin to a site that promotes thinking and wisdom, purifies souls, and passes on traditions of great cultural and humanistic spirit.
- Jalal-Abad
Lenin Street, , Jalal-Abad