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ISPGAYA Management


Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal

3 Years


Full time

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EUR 3,120 / per year *


* Modality 1 - (studies only): Annual payment: 3120 € (2 semiannual installments). Modality 2 - (studies and accommodation): Annual payment: € 7,000 (four quarterly installments)


Course Presentation

Management as a social science must absorb the interdisciplinary perspective and the evolution of science. In the decision-making process, the key to success lies in the ability to anticipate future events, and whoever decides is daily faced with the challenge of responding to change, in a world where interconnecting networks are established and undo. if, at an unprecedented pace. It is in this scenario, of decisions taken in an environment of uncertainty and risk, but whose instrumental models seek to sustain, that the teaching of the Degree in Management at ISPGAYA .


Career Opportunities

Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

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About the School
