Bachelor in International Relations
Struga, Macedonia
3 Years
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Full time
Request application deadline
Sep 2024
EUR 1,200 / per semester *
* per semester
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Bachelor in International Relations
Enthusiasm and desire to contribute to the development of Higher Education were the only motive we lead to the right formation of Euro College - Struga. The first steps began with the academic sincerity, the way we chose is more difficult but we intend to insist more and build a Higher Educational institution who would be in step with the world, an institution which will provide learning with such a quality framework and will provide input in the development of labor-research teaching.
Motivated by the support of many foreign institutions and the country, continues to make safer steps without distinction by all the difficulties because we have a clear vision and mission. Support from the British University, "Kensington College of Business," by renowned New grade group, the research center European Business Competence License (EBCL), British Business Group, whose task is understanding the specific industrial standards. We also had great significance to support the "American Heritage University" and College of London - "London City College".
We would have loved to express great thanks to all ambassadors, prominent faces and institutions who visited our campus and supported us in our work.
In academic 2007/2008 year we started as Euro College with three faculties, and in 2008 by the Ministry of Education and Science in the Republic of Macedonia won accreditation for two new institutes, the Institute of Politics and European Studies, International Institute for Economic Development and Ecological Management, which was the reason for the change of the name in the "International University of Struga.
Year 1 Semester 1
- Introduction to Law
- Introduction to Economy
- English language 1
Facultative subjects (elect one):
- Sociology of Law
- Macedonian language
- Albanian language
- Turkish language 1
Year 1 Semester 2
- Constitutional Law
- IT
- Political System
Facultative subject (elect one):
- History of State and
- Law
- English language 2
- Turkish language 2
- Legal writing
Year 2 Semester 3
- Administrative Law
- International relations
- History of Diplomacy
Facultative subjects (elect one ):
- English language 3
- Modern geopolitics
- Comparative Law
Year 2 Semester 4
- European Union Law
- International public
- Law
- Civil Law
Facultative subject (elect one):
- Political parties and Society
- English language 4
- Legal terminology
Year 3 Semester 5
- Foreign Policy
- International organizations
- Negotiations
Facultative subjects (elect one):
- Diplomatic and consular labor
- Philosophy of Law
- Modern political systems
Year 3 Semester 6
- International private Law
- Globalization
- Diplomatic protocol
Facultative subject (elect one):
- Trade Law
- United nations systems
- and reforms
- Organized crime
- 20 Lecture rooms (each one, 25 students capacity fully equipped OHP, TV screens.)
- 3 Computer Laboratories (each one, 20 computers of the latest technology fully networked and access to the Internet.)
- 1 Computer Laboratory graphic design
- 60 Internet computer stations.
- Library (50 students seats capacity)
- Students room tutorial room
- Conference room
- 2 Amphitheaters (small and big)
- Refectory-Cafeteria
- Lecturers Offices
- Executive conference room
- Administration offices
- Secretary and Registrar Office
- Career office
Students who enroll and study at the International University of Struga are accommodated for free at Hotel ' ArtHouse ' (Art Caffe), Hotel 'Beograd', Hotel 'ART' and some others that are located in the center of Struga.
So, accommodation in these hotels (accommodation and residence during the study) is completely covered by the annual payment of the International University of Struga for its students.
Hotels are located in those areas of the city where students have opportunities and favorable conditions to fulfill other basic needs and interests as: café bars, restaurants, shops, etc.
IUS – Branch in Preshevo started the academic 2010/2011 year, in 11th of October. Students in this University are studying in four courses: Faculty of Economic Sciences, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Political Sciences and Faculty of Informative Technology - IT. 62 students enrolled in the first academic year, 10 of them in Master studies. Learning process takes place in three teaching rooms and an IT Lab. It also owns a Library, an amphitheater, student desk, students’ café and professors’ halls.
The branch of the International University of Struga in Gostivar, in accordance with the curriculum regulated by the BasicStatute, includes a variety of activities that are the result of completing of the professional subjects appropriate for each Faculty of IUS - Gostivar.
It is worth mentioning, that, professional collaborations built on major structures of this high educational institution with the PrimaryCourt, Prosecutor's Office, the Municipality and a series of public and private offices, willing to contribute with material and intellectual resources, serves to complete Clinical Practice which is necessary for any professional course that takes place in the relevant Faculties of IUS- Gostivar.
The value of participation for one semester costs 1200 Euros in denar value. Participation is included for all the spending needed for an academic year (books, installation, seminars and visits, tests, mid-term exams).
**50 scholarships for the most distinguished students
The primary objective of the International University of Struga is to increase the quality of higher education in the Republic of Macedonia, and to contribute in professional and qualified preparation, for that purpose we provide 50 scholarships for the most distinguished students. Students who accomplish the requirements during the study will have the opportunity to benefit scholarships of 1 500 Euros.
Applicants must accomplish the following conditions:
Conditions for application
• Continually excellent success over the past four years
• Exemplary behavior
• Diplomas from national, regional and municipal competitions
Documents needed
• Brief biography
• Letter of Motivation
• Copy of transcripts
• Copy of Birth Certificate
• Photocopy of citizenship
**Other Opportunities:
ADMISSION for granting one-off funding for published scientific research for 2011