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Instituto Taquaritinguense de Ensino Superior Dr. Aristides de Carvalho Schlobach (ITES)

Our story

Instituto Taquaritinguense de Ensino uperior - ITES “Dr. Aristides de Carvalho Schlobach ”is headquartered at Praça Dr. Horácio Ramalho, 159, in the city of Taquaritinga, São Paulo, and is maintained by the Fundação Educacional Taquaritinga - FETAQ, which obtained its Act of Creation at the meeting of the FETAQ Curator Council, which took place on July 11, 1997. Throughout its history, ITES has stood out in the Administration, Agronomy, Accounting Sciences, Civil Engineering, Pedagogy and Psychology courses, in addition to having trained more than 1,500 students. Recently, the Production Engineering course was authorized by MEC. ITES aims at the continuous search for the quality of teaching and the services provided, in addition to encouraging and supporting academic activities developed, with the purpose of training creative and cooperative professionals, directed to the exercise of ethics and citizenship.

Our mission

ITES's mission is to generate, promote and socialize cultural and scientific knowledge, in order to provide professionals with conditions for the exercise of intellectual and moral autonomy, preparing them so that they can intervene and act, effectively, in the process of transformation and development of society.

  • Taquaritinga

    Praça Dr. Horácio Ramalho, 159 - Centro Taquaritinga/SP, 15900-000, Taquaritinga

    Instituto Taquaritinguense de Ensino Superior Dr. Aristides de Carvalho Schlobach (ITES)