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Inscape Education Group Bachelor of Design specialising in Interior Design
Inscape Education Group

Bachelor of Design specialising in Interior Design

3 Years


Full time

Request application deadline

Feb 2025

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Interior Design is about planning environments for people and how they live and work, by considering their psychological, emotional and physical needs. A good designer looks at feasibility, context, circumstances, and cultural inclusion. Students learn about emerging technologies, products and services and the latest software. They can develop concepts and produce digital technical drawings. Graduates are able to create interior design solutions for clients in the retail, hospitality, domestic, exhibition, services, corporate, and specialist industries.

  • Consumables cost 1st year (+-R1000) **estimates only
  • Continuous project based assessment
  • Digital and print portfolio submissions in 2nd and 3rd year
  • Final years graduate in December
  • Degree candidates can go on to apply for post graduate studies pending they meet the application and entrance requirements of the relevant Institution.
  • Our programmes are quality assured and standardised across all Inscape campuses nationally.
  • You can enrol for our Bachelor of Design programme at any campus to complete your 1st year.
  • Students who are accepted into certain degree specialisation programmes might be required to complete their 2nd and 3rd year studies at another specialised Inscape campus.

What is included in the course

  • MacBook * optional
  • Wacom tablet
  • Software licenses (as per programme requirements)
  • Prescribed textbooks
  • 1st year preliminary art equipment
  • Online library subscription
  • Digital study guides and courseware
  • Internet connectivity


  • Monthly consumables
  • Digital camera

Course Information Year 1


  • Developing fundamental design skills to create design savvy critical thinkers.
  • Developing foundational Drawing Skills, Basic Material and Manufacturing awareness, Digital Image Making, Communication,
  • Software and Leadership skills to create well-rounded designers fit for any design industry.
  • Developing an awareness of the integrated nature of design, advancing the unique thinking of our students.
  • Introducing an appreciation for Design History.
  • Establishing fundamental building blocks for creative problem-solving.

Course Information Year 2


  • Discipline Specific knowledge will be developed through understanding specially developed briefs meeting specific client needs or wants. The study of the functionality of a given space assists in creative solutions to problem-solving for interior design spaces. Design challenges are adapted to cover all specialised areas of interior design such as hospitality design; residential design; corporate design; retail design; furniture design; speciality design and services design.
  • Applying theory to practice through an introduction into basic technical drawing conventions, construction techniques, site analysis and measurements, tracked and recorded site visits, technical services, lighting, electrical and plumbing requirements and how to communicate through drawings and specifications. This study includes an understanding of built environment terminologies used within interior design, a basic knowledge of the theory of materials, including their properties and the manufacturing process of the products, an introduction to national building regulations with reference to SANS 10400 and an introduction to Furniture design
  • Advancing software skills and technical knowledge through an introduction to AutoCAD Basics, 3DsMax, Photoshop Rendering and Revit Modelling.
  • Developing an understanding of the business of design through the awareness of project management process methodologies, plotting and lifecycle, feasibility studies, the scope of work management, breakdown structures and time management. Practical applications of procurement schedule, resource planning, project cost management, human resource allocation and management as well as a basic introduction to law and contract management will be covered.

Course Information Year 3


  • Developing a signature interior design style by expanding on research and concept development skills focusing on design solutions and execution. Emphasis is placed on research, preparation and concept design both for competition briefs and allocated briefs.
  • Developing advanced knowledge and expert skills by exercising design development, financial feasibility, construction methods and choice as well as character and study of material types and building systems.
  • Awareness of the latest design technologies and innovations through practice in software such as 3D Max and 3D Advanced Modelling focussing on more advanced rendering techniques as well as further enhancing Revit skills.
  • Developing an understanding of the guidelines and principles involved in running a design business. Promoting business vision, mission and values give graduates the confidence and ‘know-how’ to start their own design initiatives based on a foundational knowledge of strategic development, marketing strategies, the importance of branding and managing finances.

More about the bachelor of design degree (B.DES)

This three-year full-time qualification produces professional designers equipped for a rewarding career in design. Students qualifying can practise as junior designers or study towards an Honours Degree. As this qualification is universal, it applies to a variety of design disciplines, including fashion design, interior design, graphic design, multimedia design, jewellery design, industrial design, product design, spatial design, design research, design writing and design for the environment.

Traditionally, the various fields within design and design education have been separated. Public and private Higher Education schools have offered all sorts of qualifications. Our Bachelor of Design qualification aligns industry standards and educates designers following common guidelines. It also implements the long-awaited minimum standards for designers of all disciplines.

Design is globally recognised as a profession. Worldwide, designers are required to have at least a three-year qualification. Inscape offers the Bachelor of Design Degree with common competencies and specialisations through elective subjects.

The first year of the Bachelor of Design provides a foundation in design thinking, constructs and visual communication, photography, material studies, image making and design history, communication studies, leadership and unique thinking and software include basics in Adobe products. We love that our students learn alongside aspiring designers of other disciplines. This kind of exposure blows a student’s design perspective wide open and teaches relevance and appropriateness in terms of design solutions within the business world.

At the end of the first year, students are required to select their chosen stream as a specialisation of their future career choice. Our students love the fact that they have a full year to become fully entrenched in the world of design. They attest to the fact that when they make their final decision regarding a chosen specialisation that they do so with confidence and fully informed.

Second and third year are intense. Each specialisation stream is packed with knowledge and technical skill required of the respective discipline. Our students, however, are well prepared in the first year and enter into the senior years equipped with the ability to think critically and apply themselves effectively. Our success rates are a testimony to the fact that our unique approach to teaching design, works.

About the School


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