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The International Information Technologies University (IITU)


The International University of Information Technology (IITU) is the only University in Kazakhstan to receive ASIIN institutional international accreditation. The university trains a new generation of specialists in ICT with knowledge of industry technologies, advanced management, economics, and communication skills.

The International University of Information Technology (IITU) is the only University in Kazakhstan to receive ASIIN institutional international accreditation and undergo a formal confirmation of compliance with international standards. The International University of Information Technology guarantees the fulfillment of institutional, procedural, and cultural requirements for high-quality teaching and successful learning.

Over ten years of development, IITU entered the list of the best technical universities in the country. The university is constantly working to improve the quality of educational services and provides high potential for faculty staff. The modern infrastructure of the university, the harmonization of educational programs with leading international universities contribute to the dynamic growth of the student body. The university trains a new generation of specialists in ICT with knowledge of industry technologies, advanced management, economics, and communication skills with an in-profound understanding of the English language.

  • Almaty

    Manas Street,8, 050000, Almaty

    The International Information Technologies University (IITU)