Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering
Hung Hom, Hong Kong
4 Years
Full time
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HKD 145,000 / per year *
* per academic year payable by two equal instalments before the start of the first and second semesters of the academic year
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The Department of Mechanical Engineering has merged two undergraduate programmes, the BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering and the BEng (Hons) in Product Analysis and Engineering Design, into the BEng (Hons) Scheme in Mechanical Engineering. Students admitted to the scheme study together during the first 2 years, and then complete their preferred programme (one of the above two programmes), normally within 2 years. This arrangement allows students to make their choice of study after they have obtained a better understanding of the programmes. There is no quota restriction on the number of students in the BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering or the BEng (Hons) in Product Analysis and Engineering Design programmes.
Programme Characteristics
BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
After our students have received a broad and solid foundation in areas such as physics, mathematics, computing, engineering sciences, design and manufacturing, they are able to apply their knowledge and skills to the following clusters:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Environmental and Energy Engineering
- Mechanics and Materials
BEng (Hons) in Product Analysis and Engineering Design
The programme provides comprehensive education and training in design, development and analysis for engineering and product innovation, enabling graduates to synthesise product design, technology and business to produce successful new products that satisfy market needs. The programme adopts learning outcome-oriented, integrative and real-life design project-based teaching and learning approaches, helping students to develop their knowledge in engineering innovation, product development and marketing. We also help our students to develop their communication, teamwork innovation, project management and self-learning skills. Furthermore, students are given opportunities for extensive practical training through international or local attachments in professional design consultancy firms or industrial R&D departments for 2 to 6 months, to strengthen their ability to integrate knowledge into design engineering activities in a realistic industrial context. Thus, our graduates are equipped to play leading roles in the industry by virtue of their well-balanced education and practical training in design engineering innovation and product development.
In both programmes:
- we use a learning outcome-oriented teaching approach;
- students are required to complete Industrial Training and Work-Integrated Education; and
- students can also opt for summer placements in companies abroad, in the industry in Hong Kong or on the Chinese mainland.
Program Outcome
Programme Aims and Learning Outcomes
BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
We aim to educate professional mechanical engineers who are able to use up-to-date technology to solve and manage multidisciplinary engineering problems for various engineering/business sectors.
Graduates of the programme are expected to
- have learned to apply scientific principles and carry out engineering analysis and design to solve challenging problems that are typical in mechanical engineering;
- be able to use computers as tools to solve engineering problems;
- be able to formulate technical problems mathematically and analyse engineering systems;
- be able to properly select the most suitable materials and methods – i.e. those that are safe, environmentally and aesthetically acceptable, and economically competitive – for systems/products and their design and manufacture;
- have the skills needed to think innovatively and creatively and communicate effectively in both oral and written forms; and
- appreciate the ethical and societal responsibilities of engineers, the importance of lifelong learning, concepts relating to continuous quality improvement, and the continued effect of the globalisation of the design, manufacturing, and marketing of technical goods and services.
BEng (Hons) in Product Analysis and Engineering Design
This unique interdisciplinary programme aims to enable students to synthesise technology, design, and business in the development of high-quality innovative products. It provides graduates with the fundamental knowledge, skills, techniques, and global insight needed to develop creative products that are competitively priced, meet international standards for quality, and can be successfully marketed. Graduates usually serve the community as professional design engineers, engineering designers or product innovation specialists. They are expected to play important roles in Hong Kong’s evolving industry, from ODM to innovative OBM, as they have the ability to:
- perform product-design engineering by considering market needs and technology and business constraints;
- apply scientific, mathematical and engineering knowledge and understanding of market trends and customer needs to analyse design engineering problems;
- manage product innovation and development; and
- master innovation entrepreneurship and develop their own businesses.
The first year of the scheme adopts the first-year curriculum common to most programmes in the Engineering Faculty. It covers the fundamentals of physics, mathematics and information technology. In addition, instruction in languages and General Education are provided.
The curriculum in the second year is common to both programmes. In addition to coverage of the fundamentals of materials engineering, engineering mechanics, electricity and electronics, computing, and engineering design, instruction in mathematics, languages and General Education is provided. Students also undertake the same Industrial Training programmes during their first 2 years.
BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
The third and fourth years provide core knowledge of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, materials, design and manufacture, dynamics and control and advanced mathematics, and in-depth studies in communication and mechanical engineering. Students can choose Elective Subjects in the following clusters:
- Aerospace Engineering
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
- Environmental and Energy Engineering
- Mechanics and Materials
In their fourth year, students are required to complete a final-year Capstone Project.
BEng (Hons) in Product Analysis and Engineering Design
The third and fourth years provide core knowledge of thermo-fluid mechanics, dynamics and control, mechatronics, materials and design, industrial and engineering design, and in-depth studies in communication and design techniques.
In the fourth year, students are required to complete a final-year Capstone Design Project, which may involve industrial sponsorship and the production of a prototype.
Secondary Major Details
The secondary major in AI and Data Analytics (AIDA) features an expanded area of studies in addition to mechanical engineering, forming an additional award option of “a Major in Mechanical Engineering plus a Secondary Major in AI and Data Analytics”.
Studying for a Secondary Major is a free choice by students and not mandatory. Only students with a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or above may be considered for Secondary Major enrolment. This Secondary Major may stipulate additional selection criteria for admission and is subject to quota availability. Students must apply to and obtain approval from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, not later than the commencement of the second year of study, to be admitted to the Secondary Major.
Career Opportunities
BEng (Hons) in Mechanical Engineering
Due to their broad and solid knowledge in engineering and the sciences and their ability to apply their knowledge and skills to tackle complicated multidisciplinary engineering problems, our graduates are able to start their careers as mechanical engineers, design engineers, manufacturing and process engineers, service engineers, consulting engineers, or project engineers. They have excellent employment opportunities in the aviation and aeronautical engineering industries, public utility companies, the building services sector, engineering consultancy firms, the construction industry, the environmental, electronics and manufacturing industries, the information technology sector, government departments and educational institutions.
BEng (Hons) in Product Analysis and Engineering Design
Graduates of the BEng PAED have excellent opportunities to start their careers in product design and development, engineering consultancy, environmental engineering and manufacturing sectors. Due to their ability to integrate engineering with product design and their experience of performing design projects, our graduates have the competence to work as design engineers or project coordinators. The programme provides graduates with a very good foundation in mechanical engineering and its applications, and in product and system design. Thus, our graduates are able to pursue careers as mechanical engineers.
In addition to serving the community and industry as engineers, developing their own businesses is a possible career for our graduates. Thus, by making use of their knowledge of business, marketing and product innovation, some graduates start their own businesses in the design and development of new products.
Professional Recognition
Both programmes have been granted full accreditation by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) in the relevant disciplines.