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Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences


Working practice-oriented and in small groups, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences offers high-quality study programs with a clear orientation towards current and future market requirements. The young team of professors is practically experienced. With an interdisciplinary setup, teaching focuses on both the promotion of individual strengths and the imparting of social competences, such as teamwork.

Working practice-oriented and in small groups, Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences offers high-quality study programs with a clear orientation towards current and future market requirements. The young team of professors is practically experienced. With an interdisciplinary setup, teaching focuses on both the promotion of individual strengths and the imparting of social competences, such as teamwork.

A new university in Hamm and Lippstadt with plenty of design potential. Modern campus life, market- and practice-oriented study courses, openness, tolerance, team spirit, and high demands from the start. The newly constructed and barrier-free campuses in Hamm and Lippstadt provide ideal conditions for the future-oriented education of engineers. A total floor area of 32,250 square meters provides laboratories with state-of-the-art equipment, such as scanning electron microscope, industrial CT scanner, 3D projection surfaces, embedded systems or crane tracks, as well as plenty of space for student work, communication, teaching, and research.

Close to the future

Working in a practice-oriented way and in small groups, we offer a study program on a very high academic level with a clear orientation towards current and future market requirements. The team of professors is practically experienced and young. With an interdisciplinary setup, teaching focuses on both the promotion of individual strengths and the conveyance of social competencies such as teamwork. Right from the start, project-oriented work is attributed great importance. Last but not least, creativity and communication are important factors required to prepare engineers for the future.

We share common targets

We are curious about our students, are looking forward to interesting encounters and maintain an intense, partnership-based exchange with the industry. Our lean organization offers fast and uncomplicated services in all areas. Sporting activities and support for young families open up many possibilities. E-library, digital auditorium and central knowledge management make the university accessible from anywhere in the world. Whether as bachelor, master or professional undergoing in-service training: we educate young, creative and highly qualified engineers, who have excellent career opportunities owing to their market-oriented competencies.

Our higher mathematics is no dull theory

Natural sciences are the basis for engineering degree courses. Our curricula are based on the knowledge of mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology acquired at school and place it in new contexts. Formulas are turned into applications. Applications are turned into research projects. Research projects are turned into products.

Unbeatable in terms of practical relevance

Whether practical semester in the form of internships, projects or theses, the involvement of companies in teaching activities is of great importance to us. This is particularly evident in dual study programs, which we offer as both practice- and training-integrated study courses.

Learning for life

Companies expect their employees to have specialist knowledge as well as maximum personal skills and competencies such as team orientation, project management, and language skills. These proficiencies are promoted during the entire duration of studies at the Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences. Furthermore, we attach great importance to intercultural competencies. It is important to expand one’s horizon and prepare for the international job market at an early stage. In order to facilitate the decision in favor of an internship or study visit abroad, we have reserved a whole semester for it. The advantages are perfectly obvious: full recognition of accomplishments and no time lost during the studies. The International Office assists students with all organizational issues so that administrative and language barriers, as well as costs, are kept low.

EFMD Equis AccreditedAMBA AccreditedAACSB Accredited

  • Lippstadt

    Marker Allee 76–78, 59063, Lippstadt

    Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences