Gwynedd Mercy University
Gwynedd Mercy is a Catholic university rooted in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy. Our learning community prepares students for successful careers and meaningful lives in a global society.
Gwynedd Mercy is a Catholic university rooted in the tradition of the Sisters of Mercy. Our learning community prepares students for successful careers and meaningful lives in a global society.
As a Mercy University committed to academic excellence, we value:
Integrity in Word and Deed
Respect for the Dignity of Each Person
Service to Society
Social Justice in a Diverse World
With a special focus on the Critical Concerns of the Sisters of Mercy: Earth, Immigration, Anti-Racism, Non-Violence, Women
Our Core Values place inclusive excellence at the centre of our culture. Learn how we are actively fostering diversity, equity & inclusion at GMercyU.
- Gwynedd Valley
Sumneytown Pike,1325, 19437, Gwynedd Valley