BA (Hons) English with Creative Writing
London, United Kingdom
3 Years
Full time
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BA (Hons) English with Creative Writing
Combine the study of literature with the practice of creative writing. You’ll graduate with the ability to be informed and curious about literature, and with the imagination to turn that curiosity into creativity.
This flexible programme allows you to choose topics related to American literature and culture, comparisons of literature across different cultures and art forms (also known as Comparative Literature), and study diverse aspects of language use in linguistics modules. Your literary and creative studies will be supported by lectures and seminars which will give you practical advice to help you improve your essay writing and refine your research strategies.
Scholarships and Funding
Several scholarship options are available. Please check the university website for more information.
Year 1
- Explorations in Literature
- Approaches to Text
- Foundation Workshop in Creative Writing
- Introduction to Poetry
- Introduction to US Literature and Culture: America and its Discontents
- Introduction to Comparative Literature
- Understanding Language in Use
Year 2
- Creative Writing Workshop
- Drama and Transgression: From Prometheus to Faust
- Inventing the Nation: American Literature in the mid-19th Century
- Literary London, 1800 to 1900
- Renaissance Worlds
- Literature of the Later Middle Ages: Society and the Individual
- Moderns
- Old English
- Post-Victorian English Literature
- 18th-Century Literature
- Sensibility and Romanticism: Revolutions in Writing and Society
- Shakespeare
- Discourse and Society
- Aspects of the Novel
- Contemporary Arab Migrant Writing
- Work Placement (English)
- Sociolinguistics: Language use, Variation, and Identity
- (Re)writing America: from the nineteenth century to the present day
- Language Learning
- Language Teaching
Year 3
- Caribbean Women Writers
- Decadence
- The Emergence of Modern America: American Literature 1890–1940
- Approaches to Language and the Media
- Modern American Fiction
- Modern Poetry
- Modernism & Drama (1880-1930)
- The Art of the Novel
- Oedipus: Myths, Tragedies and Theories
- Postcolonial Literatures in English
- Studies in Literature and Film
- Renaissance Worlds
- Narratives of the Great War (1923-1933)
- Work Placement (English)
- Professional Communication
- Word Power: How words are born, live, and die
- Language and Gender
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Our graduates have a good employment record: professions include publishing, journalism, PR, teaching, advertising, civil service, business and industry, European Union private sector management and personnel work, and the media. You can read more about potential career options after graduation on our Department of English careers page.