Bachelor of Arts in Film and Video Studies
Fairfax, USA
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline *
Aug 2024
USD 4,897 / per semester **
* for International student | Domestic student is 1st of February
** in-state tuition full-time (12-15 credits); USD 16,980 - out-of-state tuition full-time (12-15 credits); USD 1,803 - mandatory student fee
The Film and Video Studies degree is the first multidisciplinary undergraduate degree in Virginia focusing on cinematic arts production and film theory and history with core courses in ethics, business, writing for the moving image, fiction, documentary, interactive storytelling, and episodic television.
Students complete courses in the Film Core. To fine-tune their craft, students select advanced courses of study from four concentrations:
- Directing
- Producing
- Production/Post-Production (Cinematography or Editing/Sound)
- Screenwriting
Each concentration includes a capstone experience wherein students are mentored by faculty on original projects in their senior year that prepares them for work in the cinematic arts.
Degree Requirements
Total credits: 120
Students must earn a minimum grade of C in all required Film degree courses.
Mason Core
Film majors may not double-count Literature and Art courses toward both the Film major and Mason Core requirements. The synthesis requirement is part of the Film's core requirements.
Foundation Requirements
- ENGH 101 Composition (Mason Core) 3
- ENGH 302 Advanced Composition (Mason Core) 3
- Oral Communication 3
- Quantitative Reasoning 3
- Information Technology 3
Exploration Requirements
- Arts 3
- Global Understanding 3
- Literature 3
- Natural Science 7
- Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
- Western Civilization/World History 3
Total Credits 37
Film and Video Studies Core Requirements
- FAVS 204 Ways of Seeing: Perception, Form, and Film (Mason Core) 3
- FAVS 225 Introduction to World Cinema (Mason Core) 3
- FAVS 250 Business of Film and Television 3
- FAVS 255 Video Production for Film 3
- FAVS 280 Writing for the Moving Image (Mason Core) 3
- FAVS 304 Ways of Thinking: Film, TV, and Beyond 3
- FAVS 352 Ethics of Film and Video (Mason Core) 3
- FAVS 400 Career Development Seminar 3
- FAVS 450 Internship in Film and Video Studies 3
Analysis, History, Theory
Choose one course from the following: 3
- AVT 377 Cyberpunk
- COMM 380 Media Criticism
- COMM 399 Special Topics in Communication 1
- ENGH 370 Introduction to Documentary (Mason Core)
- ENGH 371 Television Studies (Mason Core)
- ENGH 372 Introduction to Film (Mason Core)
- ENGH 470 RS: Topics in Film/Media History (Mason Core)
- ENGH 472 Topics in Film/Media Theory
- ENGH 474 Topics in Film/Media Studies
- FAVS 399 Special Topics in Film and Video Studies 1
- HIST 380 Uncovering the U.S. Past Through Film
- HIST 389 Topics in U.S. History 1
- HIST 393 Topics in Film and History
- INTS 312 Images and Experiences of Childhood: Social Construct, Literature, and Film
- MUSI 301 Music in Motion Pictures (Mason Core)
- THR 411 Great Film Directors (Mason Core)
- THR 412 Great Film Performances (Mason Core)
Other courses as approved by Program Director
Diversity of Perspectives
Choose one course from the following: 3
- ARAB 360 Topics in Arabic Cultural Production
- COMM 365 Gender, Race, and Class in the Media
- COMM 399 Special Topics in Communication 1
- ENGH 318 Introduction to Cultural Studies 1
- ENGH 362 Global Voices (Mason Core) 1
- ENGH 418 Cultural Constructions of Sexualities
- FAVS 300 Global Horror Film (Mason Core)
- FAVS 320 Afrofuturism and Their Kin (Mason Core)
- FAVS 399 Special Topics in Film and Video Studies 1
- FREN 470 French and Francophone Cinema
- FRLN 331 Contexts for Global Cinema (Mason Core)
- GERM 340 Topics in German Literature and Film
- HIST 357 Postwar Japan (Mason Core)
- HIST 367 History, Fiction, and Film in Latin America
- ITAL 320 Topics in Italian Film and Literature (Mason Core)
- INTS 347 Gender Representation in Popular Culture (Mason Core)
- JAPA 320 Japanese Cinema
- RUSS 470 Topics in (Post) Soviet Film
- WMST 300 Current Issues in Women and Gender Studies 1
- WMST 450 Current Topics in Women and Gender Studies 1
Other courses as approved by Program Director
Select one of the following concentrations: 30
- Directing
- Producing
- Production and Post-Production
- Screenwriting
Total Credits 63
Concentration in Directing (DIR)
Fundamental Courses
- FAVS 260 Video Editing for Film 3
- FAVS 331 Cinematography 3
- FAVS 333 Sound Editing and Recording 3
Fundamental Electives
Select one course from the following: 3
- FAVS 311 Producing I
- FAVS 356 Film Marketing
- FAVS 460 Advanced Video Editing
- FAVS 431 Advanced Cinematography
- FAVS 433 Advanced Sound
- FAVS 483 Feature-Length Scriptwriting
- AVT 382 2D Experimental Animation
- AVT 383 3D Experimental Animation
- THR 210 Acting I (Mason Core) or THR 310 Acting II
Other courses as approved by Program Director
Authoring Courses
- FAVS 365 Documentary Filmmaking 3
- FAVS 375 Fiction Film Directing 3
Authoring Electives
Choose two courses from the following: 6
- FAVS 312 Film Lab
- FAVS 366 Video Production for Social Change
- FAVS 377 Interactive Storytelling for Social Change
- FAVS 378 Web Series
- FAVS 380 TV Writing or FAVS 483 Feature-Length Scriptwriting
- FAVS 399 Special Topics in Film and Video Studies 1
- FAVS 475 Advanced Fiction Directing
- AVT 309 Art as Social Action
- AVT 390 Video Art
- AVT 457 Documentary Photography
- THR 329 Directing
- THR 340 Advanced Studies in Directing
Other courses as approved by Program Director
- FAVS 498 Development for Senior Project 3
- FAVS 499 Senior Project (Mason Core) 3
Total Credits 30
General Electives
Students must use general electives to complete a minor, a double major, or a double degree outside their primary major field of study (15-21 credits) or demonstrate intermediate-level proficiency in one foreign language (0-9 credits). After fulfilling one of these options, the remaining general electives may be taken inside or outside of the department. 17
Total Credits 17
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!