Middle Grades Education B.S.
Milledgeville, USA
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Jan 2025
USD 46,410 / per year
Pursue an Extensive, Field-Based Middle Grades Education
A bachelor’s degree in Middle Grades Education prepares graduates to teach in grades 4th - 8th. At Georgia College & State University candidates are well-rounded through a balanced curriculum delivered through a mentor-led, field-based cohort model.
Key Benefits of this Degree
- Receive 4th - 8th grade teaching certificate (T-4) upon graduation.
- Join a mentor-led, field-based cohort program. With small cohort sizes and professors who also serve as advisors, field supervisors, and mentors, you will receive a personalized education that meets your needs.
- Work alongside our maker space - a high-tech collaborative workspace with drones, 3-D printers, assistive technologies, Glowforge, an embroidery machine, and more.
- Network with a student-led professional organization (Collegiate Middle-Level Association) which provides numerous opportunities for leadership, professional development, and professional relationships.
- Many of our teacher candidates receive teaching offers before they graduate. We also have a Middle Grades Education M.Ed. available for students who want to continue their education.
Core Areas A-E
Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.
Core Curriculum
Georgia College, in cooperation with other institutions of the University System of Georgia, has adopted a core curriculum to allow the transfer of credit from one University System institution to another without penalty to the student. The University System's core curriculum is comprised of five areas: Areas A - E.
Students successfully completing an Area A-E course at one University System institution will receive full credit in Areas A-E for the course upon transfer to another System institution, even if the area has not been completed, as long as the course is within the area hour limitations of either the sending institution or the receiving institution and the student does not change from a non-science major to a science major.
Georgia College's approved core curriculum courses for Areas A, B, C, D, and E are listed below. Courses not listed here are not approved for these areas.
In this section
- Area A: Communication Skills
- Area A2: Quantitative Skills
- Area B: Institutional Options
- Area C1: Humanities and Ethics
- Area C2: Fine Arts
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Non-Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Health Professions Majors
- Area E: Social Sciences
- Area F: Courses Appropriate to the Student's Major Field
Total Credit Hours: 42
Area F
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- EDUC 2110: Invest Crit Cont Issues in Ed
- EDUC 2120: Exploring Socio-Cultural Persp
- EDUC 2130: Exploring Learning & Teaching
- ENGL 2200: Engaging Texts
- Electives: Content Courses (6 hours)
Total Credit Hours: 18
Elective Content Courses: Choose six hours in lower division courses to support one content concentration area: mathematics, science, or social sciences.
Major Requirements
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- EDMG 3001: Field Placement I
- EDMG 3002: Field Placement II
- EDMG 3003: Seminar I
- EDMG 3004: Seminar II
- EDMG 3212: FB Dev Lrn: Theory Practice
- EDMG 4001: Field Placement III
- EDMG 4003: Seminar III
- EDMG 4150: FB Soc of Mdl Schls/Dem Clsrms
- EDMG 4218: Dev & Assess Logical Thought
- EDMG 4243: FB Capstone Experience
- EDMG 4245: FB Middle Grades Curriculum
- EDMG 4250: Inquiry and Reflection
- EDMG 4960: Internship
- EDEX 3220: Legal Issues in Special Ed
- EDIT 3221: Intro Instr Tech Teachers
Total Credit Hours: 33
EDEX 3220 must be completed with a grade of B or higher (HB671).
Concentrations in Content Fields
- All candidates are required to have an English/Language Arts Concentration
- All candidates must complete foundation courses in social studies, mathematics, and science
- All candidates must also complete a second concentration in social studies, mathematics, or science
Total Credit Hours: 27
English/Language Arts Concentration (Required)
Satisfactorily Complete the Following Courses:
- ENGL 4448: Adolescent Literature
- ENGL 4116: Structure of Present-Day English
- EDRD 3150: Lit, Read, & Writ Content Fields
- EDRD 3214: Reading Instructional Strategies
Total Credit Hours: 12
Concentration Foundation Courses
Satisfactorily Complete the Following Courses:
- GEOG 4500: Comparative Regional Geography
- MAED 3100: Mathematical Investigating
- PHSC 4010: Integrated Physical Science
Total Credit Hours: 9
Social Studies Concentration
Satisfactorily Complete the Following Courses:
- HIST 4415: Georgia: Colony and State
- One additional 3000-4000 level course in CRJU, ECON, GEOG, HIST, POLS, SOCI
Total Credit Hours: 6
Mathematics Concentration
Satisfactorily Complete the Following Courses:
- MAED 4080: Concepts in Algebra
- MAED 4510: Concepts in Geometry
- MAED 4680: Concepts in Discrete Math
Total Credit Hours: 6
Science Concentration
Satisfactorily Complete the Following Courses:
- EDMG 4950: Special Topics in Mid Grd Curr (1-12)
- One additional 3000-4000 level course in BIOL, CHEM, GEOL, PHSC, PHYS
Total Credit Hours: 6
Total Credit Hours: 120
Major Requirements
- A freshman 1-hour orientation course is required by GC.
- In order to receive credit towards graduation, candidates must earn a B or higher in EDEX 3220.
Career Opportunities
The breadth and depth of knowledge gained will prepare graduates for a variety of career paths. The possibilities are endless:
- Teacher
- Tutor
- Librarian
- Curriculum Developer
- Human Resources Director
- School Counselor
- School Administrator
- Vice Principal
- Principal
- Superintendent
- Physical Education Teacher
- Children’s Minister
- Curriculum Development Specialist
- Education Management Specialist
- Family Services Worker
- Religious School Teacher
- School Administrator
- School Counselor
- Social Services Specialist
- Youth Program Director
- Youth Specialist
- Teaching Assistant
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!