History B.A.
Milledgeville, USA
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Jan 2025
USD 46,410 / per year
Understanding the Past to Shape Your Future
Our B.A. in history provides students with unique, engaging opportunities to explore history through small classes covering a wider range of topics and themes. Our program teaches students to think critically in analyzing historical issues, encourages them to write clearly and cogently on historical topics, while conducting historical research, and provides students with a basic understanding of history as a discipline.
Key Benefits of this Degree
- Experience history come to life through our high-impact practices such as our acclaimed Reacting to the Past teaching series.
- Pursue a Global Foodways Certificate which is awarded in conjunction with a Bachelor's degree.
- A Global Foodways Certificate can help you find employment with government agencies dealing with food and agriculture issues, food-oriented non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and food processing, preparation, and distribution firms.
- We also offer a Teacher education pathway that supports students interested in a teaching career.
- Gain a deep understanding of Georgia's history, culture, and more by volunteering and participating in events at the Center for Georgia Studies.
Scholarships and Funding
Dr. Bob Wilson Scholarship - The Department of History and Geography awards the Bob Wilson Scholarship each year to a rising junior history major (or minor) with a GPA of 3.5 or higher who is judged by the Department to best represent the spirit of engagement in the pursuit of history with preference given to a student-focused on local or public history, wherever they may find it.
The award honors Prof. Bob Wilson, much beloved and valued by students, colleagues, and the community for his scholarly passion for the history of Milledgeville, Georgia, for his wit and wisdom, and his unrivaled collegiality.
- Daughters of American Revolution Scholarship (Public History)
- Joseph Steelman Scholarship
- Lala Carr Steelman Scholarship
Core Areas A-E
Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.
Core Curriculum
Georgia College, in cooperation with other institutions of the University System of Georgia, has adopted a core curriculum to allow the transfer of credit from one University System institution to another without penalty to the student. The University System's core curriculum is comprised of five areas: Areas A - E.
Students successfully completing an Area A-E course at one University System institution will receive full credit in Areas A-E for the course upon transfer to another System institution, even if the area has not been completed, as long as the course is within the area hour limitations of either the sending institution or the receiving institution and the student does not change from a non-science major to a science major.
Georgia College's approved core curriculum courses for Areas A, B, C, D, and E are listed below. Courses not listed here are not approved for these areas.
In this section
- Area A: Communication Skills
- Area A2: Quantitative Skills
- Area B: Institutional Options
- Area C1: Humanities and Ethics
- Area C2: Fine Arts
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Non-Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Health Professions Majors
- Area E: Social Sciences
- Area F: Courses Appropriate to the Student's Major Field
Total Credit Hours: 42
Area F
Required Courses
Satisfactorily complete each of the following courses. HIST 1132 may be taken as part of Area E rather than Area F. History courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.
- HIST 1131 World Civilization & Soc I
- HIST 1132 World Civilization & Soc II
- HIST 2111 The United States to 1877
- HIST 2112 The United States Since 1877
Total Credit Hours: 9-12
Additional Courses
Satisfactorily complete 6 hours from the following courses:
- ANTH 1102 Introduction to Anthropology
- CSCI 1000 Intro to Computer Sci & Appl
- ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2106 Principles of Microeconomics
- FREN 1002 Intro French Lang & Culture II
- FREN 2001 Interm Fren Lang & Culture I
- GEOG 1101 Intro to Human Geography
- GEOG 1102 World Regional Geography
- GRMN 1002 Intro German Lang & Culture II
- GRMN 2001 Inter German Lang & Culture I
- ITAL 1002 Intro Ital Lang & Culture II
- ITAL 2001 Interm Ital Lang & Culture I
- MATH 1401 Elementary Statistics
- POLS 2101 Intro to Political Science
- POLS 2201 State & Local Government
- POLS 2350 Intro to the Law
- POLS 2401 Intro to Intl Relations
- PSYC 1101 Intro to General Psychology
- PSYC 2101 Intro to the Psy of Adjustment
- PSYC 2200 Psychology of Gender
- SPAN 1002 Intro Span Lang & Culture II
- SPAN 2001 Interm Span Lang & Culture I
- SOCI 1121 Sociological Perspectives
Total Credit Hours: 6
Foreign Language Requirement
Demonstrate competence in one foreign language at the level of the fourth university course (2002). Some additional courses required to complete this requirement may count in Area F or toward general elective hours.
- FREN 2002 Interm Fren Lang & Culture II
- GRMN 2002 Inter German Lang & Culture II
- ITAL 2002 Interm Ital Lang & Culture II
- SPAN 2002 Interm Span Lang & Culture II
- Foreign Language 2002
Total Credit Hours: 3
Major Requirements
Research Course
Satisfactorily complete HIST 3001 Historical Research and Writing with a grade of C or better. Students should take HIST 3001 by the end of their second semester, sophomore year. Students may take two upper-division courses before taking HIST 3001, but are advised to avoid taking upper-division courses until HIST 3001 is taken.
Total Credit Hours: 3
European/ English History
Satisfactorily complete 6 hours from the following courses with grades of C or better:
- HIST 3301 England to 1660
- HIST 3305 England Since 1660
- HIST 4110 Classical Greece
- HIST 4120 Classical Rome
- HIST 4130 The Middle Ages
- HIST 4155 Early Modern Europe
- HIST 4170 Women in Early Mod Europe
- HIST 4210 French Revolution & Napoleon
- HIST 4230 Modern France
- HIST 4245 Modern Germany
- HIST 4250 Twentieth Century Russia
- HIST 4280 Int'ual & Cult His of Eur 1550
- HIST 4285 Int & Clt His of Eur Since1550
- HIST 4310 Tudor England
- HIST 4315 Stuart England
- HIST 4335 Modern Britain
- HIST 4360 Cul His of Wales, Scotland, Ire
- HIST 4380 Brit Emp & Cmnwlth of Nations
- HIST 4950 Special Topics
Total Credit Hours: 6
World History
Satisfactorily complete 6 hours from the following courses with grades of C or better:
- HIST 4380 Brit Emp & Cmnwlth of Nations
- HIST 4700 Conquest of Latin America
- HIST 4710 Modern Middle East
- HIST 4950 Special Topics
Total Credit Hours: 6
History Electives
Satisfactorily complete 9 hours of History electives with grades of C or better. These courses may be from any field: U.S., European, or World. A full listing of all undergraduate History courses and descriptions is available at Undergraduate History Courses.
Total Credit Hours: 9
Senior Thesis
Satisfactorily complete HIST 4970 with a grade of C or better. Senior thesis will be taken as a scheduled cohort experience. Eligible students will be admitted to the course following consultation with the instructor and the approval of a prospectus for the thesis which has been submitted to the instructor. Students will not be allowed to complete their senior thesis until the first or second semester of their senior year.
Total Credit Hours: 3
Optional Concentration: Teacher Preparation
NOTE: Federal financial aid will not pay for an optional concentration course unless that course is also necessary to complete the 120 hours required for a degree or the 39 hours required for upper-level credit. Contact Financial Aid if you have questions about your federal aid eligibility.
This concentration allows students to explore how to apply content knowledge and critical thinking skills to the development of careers in teaching, and to be better prepared to seek admission to a MAT program in teaching. The concentration provides professional insight into and support of student engagement with the teaching profession and preparation for professional standards exams such as the Georgia GACE tests.
Courses used to fulfill major requirements may also be used toward concentration requirements if listed among the approved courses below.
The concentration requires the following:
- Students will take either HIST 1131 or 1132 designated as “For Majors Only”
- Students will take either HIST 2111 or 2112 designated as “For Majors Only”
- Students will take HIST 4930: The Art and Craft of Teaching History for 3 or 6 credit hours
- Students may take any 4000-level History course deemed relevant to the concentration (with approval of the department chair) for 3 credit hours. Students choosing this option will work with the course instructor to develop assignments relevant to the concentration such as: developing content lesson plans; leading class discussions; and delivering a class lecture.
- An electronic teaching preparation portfolio that reflects on and showcases the outcomes of the concentration.
- Students interested in teaching in middle grades may also consider taking HIST 4415 Georgia: Colony and State in support of planning to teach in middle grades social sciences in the state of Georgia.
Total Credit Hours: 0-9
Optional Concentration: Public History
NOTE: Federal financial aid will not pay for an optional concentration course unless that course is also necessary to complete the 120 hours required for a degree or the 39 hours of required upper-level credit. Contact Financial Aid if you have questions about your federal aid eligibility.
Instead of completing nine hours of HIST electives in the major, satisfactorily complete HIST 4020 Public History, HIST 4960 Internship, and one of the following courses, all with grades of C or better:
- HIST 4010 Local History
- HIST 4015 Historic Architecture Preserve
- HIST 4025 Archival, Theory & Issues
- HIST 4035 Intro to Museums & Hist Org
- HIST 4040 Historic Site Interpretation
Total Credit Hours: 9
Total Credit Hours: 30-33
Additional Degree Requirements
- Satisfactorily complete all graduation requirements listed in the academic policies section of this catalog.
- Earn a grade of C or better in all HIST courses, including courses applied to Area F, major requirements, and optional concentration requirements.
- A digital portfolio of papers and personal reflection on the program of study to include a Senior Thesis to be completed as part of HIST 4970. (May be presented as an electronic or digital platform. See department chair for details.)
- A grade of C or higher in HIST 4970 fulfills the senior exit requirement for the History major. Students may also fulfill the senior exit requirement by participating in a pre-approved and sanctioned study abroad course.
Total Credit Hours: 120
Career Opportunities
History majors often go to work in many different career fields. Some career paths available to history majors are:
- Teaching or administration at the secondary or college level or work at historical societies
- Archivist
- Museum curators
- Lawyer
- Parks or historical sites employees.
- Library work
- Government service
- Ministry and other religious opportunities
- Journalism and media work
Many other areas not directly related to history are also open to history majors.
There are even more career opportunities for students pursuing education in global foodways. Some of the many career paths available to our students are:
- Documentary producer or director for food-related films
- Culinary tourism
- Food studies academic careers
- Food research and development
- Work with farmers to bring their products to market
- Work to support agricultural biodiversity, sustainability, and independent farming
- Curate museum exhibits focused on food
- Program coordinator, Community agencies like food banks
- Community advocate for Non-profit food councils
- Agricultural market research analyst
- Social media-blogging, food-related online and print media, ‘influence marketing,’ and television
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!