English B.A. (Literature Concentration)
Milledgeville, USA
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Jan 2025
USD 46,410 / per year
Explore Literary and Linguistic Heritage
The Literature concentration cultivates in students skills of literary appreciation and critical inquiry. Literature majors hone their abilities in reading, analysis, and argumentation in small discussion-based classes. Graduates have gone on to post-baccalaureate study in many areas, including law and education, while others have found rewarding positions that value their expertise in critical thinking and research.
Key Benefits of this Degree
- Our accomplished faculty are published scholars and creative writers, but we are first and foremost teachers. English majors learn and practice a variety of skills, such as critical and theoretical thinking.
- Prepare for a career in publishing by serving as an editor on The Peacock's Feet, our undergraduate art and literary magazine.
- Interested in teaching? Mentor seventh-grade writers in our Writing in the Schools project.
- Meet distinguished published authors. Each year we host visiting writers who meet with students, present readings, and other programs on campus.
- Gain experience creating essays for publication through various experiences from our capstone to competitions, and conference opportunities.
The B.A. in English with a concentration in Literature allows students to explore their own literary and linguistic heritage and to become acquainted with representative works of major world writers. We offer a wide range of courses in English, American, multicultural, and international literature.
Courses in critical theory and the history and structure of the language help sharpen analytical faculties, encourage clarity of thought and expression, and stimulate and develop critical and creative imagination.
The degree in literature develops critical thinkers and effective communicators, people whose skills are applicable in a wide range of careers including education, publishing, writing, information and research, media, politics, and public service.
Core Areas A-E
Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.
Core Curriculum
Georgia College, in cooperation with other institutions of the University System of Georgia, has adopted a core curriculum to allow the transfer of credit from one University System institution to another without penalty to the student. The University System's core curriculum is comprised of five areas: Areas A - E.
Students successfully completing an Area A-E course at one University System institution will receive full credit in Areas A-E for the course upon transfer to another System institution, even if the area has not been completed, as long as the course is within the area hour limitations of either the sending institution or the receiving institution and the student does not change from a non-science major to a science major.
Georgia College's approved core curriculum courses for Areas A, B, C, D, and E are listed below. Courses not listed here are not approved for these areas.
In this section
- Area A: Communication Skills
- Area A2: Quantitative Skills
- Area B: Institutional Options
- Area C1: Humanities and Ethics
- Area C2: Fine Arts
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Non-Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Health Professions Majors
- Area E: Social Sciences
- Area F: Courses Appropriate to the Student's Major Field
Total Credit Hours: 42
Area F
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- ENGL 2120: Intro to British Literature
- ENGL 2130: American Literature
- ENGL 2150: Shakespeare
- ENGL 2200: Engaging Texts
- Foreign Language 2002
Choose one of the following courses:
- ENGL 2310: Postcolonial Literature
- ENGL 2315: America's Diverse Lit Heritage
Total Credit Hours: 18
Foreign language requirement options include FREN 2002, GRMN 2002, ITAL 2002, and SPAN 2002.
Major Requirements
Pre-1800 Topics
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- ENGL 4220 Medieval English Literature
- ENGL 4223 Chaucer
- ENGL 4224 Renaissance Poetry and Prose
- ENGL 4226 Topics in Shakespeare
- ENGL 4227 Milton
- ENGL 4228 Development of English Drama
- ENGL 4229 English Renaissance Drama
- ENGL 4330 Restoration & 18th Cent Lit
- ENGL 4331 Eighteenth-Cent English Novel
- ENGL 4530 Early American Literature
- ENGL 4920 Spec Topics in Pre-1800 Lit
Total Credit Hours: 33
Post-1800 Topics
Satisfactorily complete one of the following courses:
- ENGL 4335 English Romanticism
- ENGL 4337 Victorian Literature
- ENGL 4338 19th-Century English Novel
- ENGL 4440 Modern Drama
- ENGL 4441 20th-Century British Fiction
- ENGL 4445 Literary Women
- ENGL 4446 Modern Poetry
- ENGL 4450 International Women's Lit
- ENGL 4540 American Romanticism
- ENGL 4555 American Realism
- ENGL 4660 Modern American Literature
- ENGL 4662 Southern Literature
- ENGL 4664 Flannery O'Connor
- ENGL 4667 African-American Literature
- ENGL 4669 Multicultural Amer Literature
- ENGL 4671 Studies in Native American Lit
- ENGL 4675 Contemporary American Lit
- ENGL 4680 Hip Hop Literature & Culture
- ENGL 4740 Women & Popular Culture
- ENGL 4770 Studies in Folklore
- ENGL 4775 Folklore and Literature
- ENGL 4810 Film Studies
- ENGL 4820 Jane Austen on Film
- ENGL 4830 Topics in Film, TV, New Media
- ENGL 4890 American Film & the South
- ENGL 4925 Spec Topics in Post-1800 Lit
Total Credit Hours: 3
American Topics
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- ENGL 4530 Early American Literature
- ENGL 4540 American Romanticism
- ENGL 4555 American Realism
- ENGL 4660 Modern American Literature
- ENGL 4662 Southern Literature
- ENGL 4664 Flannery O'Connor
- ENGL 4667 African-American Literature
- ENGL 4669 Multicultural Amer Literature
- ENGL 4671 Studies in Native American Lit
- ENGL 4675 Contemporary American Lit
- ENGL 4680 Hip Hop Literature & Culture
- ENGL 4910 Spec Topics in American Lit
Total Credit Hours: 3
British Topics
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- ENGL 4220 Medieval English Literature
- ENGL 4223 Chaucer
- ENGL 4226 Topics in Shakespeare
- ENGL 4227 Milton
- ENGL 4228 Development of English Drama
- ENGL 4229 English Renaissance Drama
- ENGL 4330 Restoration & 18th Cent Lit
- ENGL 4331 Eighteenth-Cent English Novel
- ENGL 4335 English Romanticism
- ENGL 4337 Victorian Literature
- ENGL 4338 19th-Century English Novel
- ENGL 4441 20th-Century British Fiction
- ENGL 4820 Jane Austen on Film
- ENGL 4915 Spec Topics in British Lit
Total Credit Hours: 3
International Topics
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- ENGL 4224 Renaissance Poetry and Prose
- ENGL 4447 Comparative Literature
- ENGL 4449 Great Books of the Western Wrl
- ENGL 4450 International Women's Lit
- ENGL 4451 African Literature
- ENGL 4452 African Women Writers
- ENGL 4455 Lit of the Islamic World
- ENGL 4468 Intro to Japan Lit & Culture
- ENGL 4770 Studies in Folklore
- ENGL 4775 Folklore and Literature
- ENGL 4955 Special Topics in Intern'l Lit
Total Credit Hours: 3
Multicultural Topics
Satisfactorily complete one of the following courses:
- ENGL 4667 African-American Literature
- ENGL 4669 Multicultural Amer Literature
- ENGL 4680 Hip Hop Literature & Culture
- ENGL 4671 Studies in Native American Lit
- ENGL 4740 Women & Popular Culture
- ENGL 4950 Special Topics
Total Credit Hours: 3
Language and Theory
Satisfactorily complete one of the following courses:
- ENGL 4110 Literary Criticism
- ENGL 4112 Theories of Comp and Lit
- ENGL 4115 Hist of the English Language
- ENGL 4116 Structure of Present-Day Eng
Total Credit Hours: 3
Junior Seminar
- ENGL 3900 Critical Theory
Total Credit Hours: 3
Senior Seminar
- ENGL 4900 Seminar of Language & Literature
Total Credit Hours: 3
Senior Capstone Experience
Satisfactorily complete one of the following courses for at least 3 hours of credit:
- ENGL 4960 Internship
- ENGL 4970 Thesis
- ENGL 4999 Undergraduate Research
Total Credit Hours: 3
Foreign Language Requirement
Demonstrate competence in one foreign language at the level of the fourth university course (2002). Additional courses required to complete this requirement will count toward general elective hours.
Total Credit Hours: 0-12
Total Credit Hours: 18-30
Additional Degree Requirements
Satisfactorily complete all graduation requirements listed in the academic policies section of this catalog. A grade of C or better is required in all English courses; more than one grade of D or below may disqualify a student from continuing in the major.
Total Credit Hours: 120
Career Opportunities
The breadth and depth of knowledge gained will prepare graduates for a variety of career paths:
- Journalist
- Technical Writer
- Educator
- Editor
- Advertising Agent
- Sales Representative
- Circulation Assistant
- Publisher
- Marketing Assistant
- Researcher
- Writer
- Media Director
- Lawyer
- Media Manager
- Human Resources Assistant
- Speech Writer
- Marketing Director
- Insurance Underwriter
- Public Relations Manager
English Language Requirements
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