English B.A. (Creative Writing Concentration)
Milledgeville, USA
4 Years
Full time
Request application deadline
Jan 2025
USD 46,410 / per year
Words Matter!
The Creative Writing B.A. concentration introduces students to a rigorous exploration of our common literary and linguistic heritage. Students practice their craft in small workshops in which they develop their own voices as writers. The program produces effective communicators, people whose skills are applicable to a wide range of careers, including writing, publishing, editing, media relations, and marketing.
Key Benefits of this Degree
- Become well versed in both the critical skills of an English literature major and the creative artistic skills of a literary author.
- Participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities such as working with our publications and reading series or participating in the annual spring “24-Hour plays” project.
- Choose the capstone experience you want to specialize in. We have several options including journal editing, poetry translation, teaching of writing in the schools, study abroad, and more.
- Learn unique perspectives from our Visiting Writers Series which brings nationally renowned authors to campus
- Pursue various scholarship and award opportunities such as the Sarah Gordon Scholarship, the Wellington Study Abroad Scholarship, and the Margaret Harvin Wilson Writing Award.
Core Areas A-E
Satisfactorily complete core Areas A-E, as listed in the Core Curriculum section of this catalog.
Core Curriculum
Georgia College, in cooperation with other institutions of the University System of Georgia, has adopted a core curriculum to allow the transfer of credit from one University System institution to another without penalty to the student. The University System's core curriculum is comprised of five areas: Areas A - E.
Students successfully completing an Area A-E course at one University System institution will receive full credit in Areas A-E for the course upon transfer to another System institution, even if the area has not been completed, as long as the course is within the area hour limitations of either the sending institution or the receiving institution and the student does not change from a non-science major to a science major.
Georgia College's approved core curriculum courses for Areas A, B, C, D, and E are listed below. Courses not listed here are not approved for these areas.
In this section
- Area A: Communication Skills
- Area A2: Quantitative Skills
- Area B: Institutional Options
- Area C1: Humanities and Ethics
- Area C2: Fine Arts
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Non-Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Science Majors
- Area D: Natural Sciences, Math, and Technology for Health Professions Majors
- Area E: Social Sciences
- Area F: Courses Appropriate to the Student's Major Field
Total Credit Hours: 42
Note: Majors should plan to take ENGL 2110 World Literature OR IDST 2305 Topics in the Humanities and Fine Arts to fulfill the Core Area C Humanities requirement, as these courses fulfill the prerequisite for 4000-level Literature courses.
Area F
Satisfactorily complete the following courses:
- ENGL 2208 Intro to Creative Writing
- ENGL 2130 American Literature
- ENGL 2150 Shakespeare
- ENGL 2200 Engaging Texts
Foreign Language 2002
Choose one of the following courses:
- ENGL 2120 Intro to British Literature
- ENGL 2310 Postcolonial Literature
- ENGL 2315 America's Diverse Lit Heritage
Total Credit Hours: 18
Foreign language requirement options include FREN 2002, GRMN 2002, ITAL 2002, and SPAN 2002.
If a student places out of any language at the 2002 level, Area F3 may be replaced by any 1000-2000 level AFST, ARTS, BLST, HIST, IDST, LING, MSCM, MUSC, PHIL, RELI, THEA, or WMST course not used to fulfill areas B, C, & E (3 hours).
Major Requirements
Intermediate Courses
Satisfactorily complete two (2) of the following courses:
- ENGL 3011 Intermediate Scriptwriting
- ENGL 3012 Inter Creative Nonfiction Writing
- ENGL 3021 Intermediate Poetry Writing
- ENGL 3022 Intermediate Fiction Writing
Total Credit Hours: 6
Satisfactorily complete two (2) of the following courses in the same genres as selected for the Intermediate Courses:
- ENGL 4011 Script Writing
- ENGL 4012 Creative Nonfiction Writing
- ENGL 4021 Poetry Workshop
- ENGL 4022 Fiction Workshop
Total Credit Hours: 6
Literature Electives
Satisfactorily complete three (3) of the following courses:
At least one course must be in British literature written pre-1800, one in American literature, while the third can be from any others among those listed below.
- ENGL 4220 Medieval English Literature
- ENGL 4223 Chaucer
- ENGL 4224 Renaissance Poetry and Prose
- ENGL 4226 Topics in Shakespeare
- ENGL 4227 Milton
- ENGL 4228 Development of English Drama
- ENGL 4229 English Renaissance Drama
- ENGL 4330 Restoration & 18th Cent Lit
- ENGL 4331 Eighteenth-Cent English Novel
- ENGL 4335 English Romanticism
- ENGL 4337 Victorian Literature
- ENGL 4338 19th-Century English Novel
- ENGL 4440 Modern Drama
- ENGL 4441 20th-Century British Fiction
- ENGL 4445 Literary Women
- ENGL 4446 Modern Poetry
- ENGL 4450 International Women's Lit
- ENGL 4530 Early American Literature
- ENGL 4540 American Romanticism
- ENGL 4555 American Realism
- ENGL 4660 Modern American Literature
- ENGL 4662 Southern Literature
- ENGL 4664 Flannery O'Connor
- ENGL 4667 African-American Literature
- ENGL 4669 Multicultural Amer Literature
- ENGL 4671 Studies in Native American Lit
- ENGL 4675 Contemporary American Lit
- ENGL 4910 Spec Topics in American Lit
- ENGL 4915 Spec Topics in British Lit
- ENGL 4920 Spec Topics in Pre-1800 Lit
- ENGL 4925 Spec Topics in Post-1800 Lit
Total Credit Hours: 9
Senior Elective
Satisfactorily complete one (1) of the following courses:
- ENGL 4110 Literary Criticism
- ENGL 4112 Theories of Comp and Lit
- ENGL 4115 Hist of the English Language
- ENGL 4116 Structure of Present-Day Eng
Total Credit Hours: 3
Senior Capstone
Satisfactorily complete one (1) of the following options:
- ENGL 4013 Literary Translation
- ENGL 4024 Teach Writing in Schools II
- ENGL 4025 Lit Journal Design & Editing
- ENGL 4940 Independent Study
- ENGL 4980 Study Abroad
- IDST 4999 IDST Capstone
Total Credit Hours: 3
Creative Writing Seminar
Satisfactorily complete the following course:
- ENGL 4031 Creative Writing Sr Seminar
Total Credit Hours: 3
Foreign Language Requirement
Demonstrate competence in one foreign language at the level of the fourth university course (2002). Additional courses required to complete this requirement will count toward general elective hours.
Total Credit Hours: 0-12
- Total Credit Hours: 21-30
Total Credit Hours: 120
Other Requirements
- Completion of the First-Year Academic Seminar with a passing grade. Students who transfer to GC after the first term are exempt from this requirement, but need to be aware that timely placement in creative writing courses cannot be guaranteed. Note: this course credit (1 hour) does not count toward the 120 earned hours required for graduation
- A grade of C or better is required in all English courses.
- A minimum of 39 semester hours overall must be at the 3000-4000 level.
- Fulfillment of University-wide Senior Capstone Experience requirement.
Career Opportunities
The breadth and depth of knowledge gained will prepare graduates for a variety of career paths:
- Journalist
- Technical Writer
- Educator
- Editor
- Advertising Agent
- Sales Representative
- Circulation Assistant
- Publisher
- Marketing Assistant
- Researcher
- Writer
- Media Director
- Lawyer
- Media Manager
- Human Resources Assistant
- Speech Writer
- Marketing Director
- Insurance Underwriter
- Public Relations Manager
English Language Requirements
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