Bachelor in Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle
Tilburg, Netherlands
4 Years
Full time
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EUR 2,314 *
* Statutory tuition fees Full-time| Statutory tuition fees Part-time- € 2.130
This creative study programme lets you work on concepts that bring about a sustainable and liveable future for all people. The central concept we focus on is quality of life. Learn how to design and shape lifestyle concepts by working on actual issues from the practical field, enhancing the quality of life on both individual and social level. You always work on the basis of research, trend analysis and future thinking based on levels. These skills are then applied to the benefit of the companies, organisations, institutions and governments that shape the necessary transformation of our economy and society. Think of the coming shift in our energy sources or the transition of the healthcare sector. As TCL student, you can personally contribute to shaping the economy of the future: the creative economy.
Why study Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle in the Netherlands
- Work on meaningful creative concepts that enhance the quality of life.
- Learn how you can contribute to a more vital, sustainable and inclusive society.
- Learn how to combine your creative skills with social responsibility and professional business skills.
- Work on actual practical challenges for clients from the practical field, both profit and non-profit.
- The programme offers you both a solid theoretical knowledge base and practical skills while developing your vision.
- Gain lots of international experience.
- Work with students and teachers from other programmes in multidisciplinary teams while cooperating on practical projects in the Crossover Labs.
How does your week look
Studying is hard work. That’s okay, as long as there’s diversity in what you do. This is exactly what the Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle course will give you. One minute you’re working in a team on a trend report or a concept, the next you’re getting to know all lifestyle sectors within the programme: appearance, living, food, human movement, health, leisure, and work.
Year 1
The weekly hours in the first year of Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle will be divided as follows:
- 35% theory
- 25% self-study
- 40% practice
Each study quarter, you’ll engage in a project and work towards a professional product as the result. To create this product, you’ll gather knowledge under the guidance of coaches. After this, you’ll demonstrate in an assessment that you are competent at the desired level. This will immediately introduce you to the two main professions that you’ll be trained for trend researcher and concept developer.
Year 2
The second year of the study program is also built up of four quarters. In the first two quarters (semester 1), you’ll work on an individual project. The last two quarters (semester 2) will be dedicated to a group project. Additionally, you’ll work on different core tasks within different sectors during each quarter as well. Each semester ends with an assessment in which you demonstrate your competence at the desired level. The second year is all about deepening your knowledge of the sectors, as well as the professional roles of concept developer and trend researcher.
International experience
You’ll gain international experience by working on international assignments and going on a study trip. You’ll work on a real-world assignment for a company in a specific industry.
The Idea Factory
During the last quarter of year two, you’ll ‘set up’ a Lifestyle Company together with fellow students. You’ll analyze trends and design a concept: you’ll shape it, test it, and introduce it to the market. All Lifestyle Companies present their concepts during the Idea Factory. Future employers will also be invited to this event.
Year 3
In the third year, you’ll follow a minor and do your internship. The internship is an important part of your studies, as it allows you to put into practice what you learned in the first two years. You’ll gain practical experience as a concept developer.
You can choose which minor you’ll follow. Choose a minor from the interesting offerings of Fontys University of Applied Sciences or follow courses at another university. Have you always wanted to study abroad? The minor is an excellent opportunity to spend 6 months of your studies abroad at one of our 45 international partner universities.
An internship or minor abroad has added value, is challenging, and offers a fun international experience.
Year 4
During the final year of this course, you’ll choose a specialization. You can choose two sectors (i.e., appearance, living, food, human movement, health, leisure, and work) in which you want to further develop your skills. Additionally, you can choose from a wide range of specialisation modules and further specialize within the core tasks of trend research and concept creation.
Bachelor thesis
You’ll also start working on your Bachelor's thesis. Here you apply the knowledge that you have gained in the specialization modules by designing a concept. You can freely choose the company for which you will work on your Bachelor thesis assignment. You’ll present your final Bachelor's thesis to future employers during the Graduation show.
Program Outcome
What will you learn
Become a concept developer and researcher who can use creative, entrepreneurial, and social skills to develop and realise meaningful lifestyle concepts. Learn on how to analyze and interpret trends and translate your insights into innovative and future-proof concepts. This includes learning how to visualize analysis insights, create concept designs, and test them on your target groups.
- The programme offers a mix of real-life assignments from practice, fascinating workshops, and personal projects.
- Acquire the following skills: trend research, concept creation, and realization, advising and reflecting.
- Your fields of expertise: concept development, creative thinking, creative techniques, trend research, future thinking, lifestyle research, designing, marketing, branding, professional communication, language skills, imagery, presentation techniques, consultation techniques, cooperation and project management, anthropology, and ethics.
- Explore the sectors that contribute to quality of life, such as Health, Leisure, Appearance, Food, Human Movement, Living, and Work.
Scholarships and Funding
Some Fontys study programs offer the Holland Scholarship to their students. You might also be eligible for other scholarships not provided by Fontys.
Career Opportunities
Trend Research & Concept Creation in Lifestyle graduates will be able to work professionally in the field of analyzing trends and developing and marketing lifestyle concepts. After completing your studies, you could work as:
- Concept developer
- Trend researcher
- R&D manager
- Design thinker
- Designer