Bachelor in Industrial Design Engineering
Venlo, Netherlands
4 Years
Full time
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EUR 2,314 *
* Statutory tuition fees Full-time| Statutory tuition fees Part-time- € 2.130
Coffee machines, phones, medical devices: they all need to be ‘designed’. When designing these products, many questions need to be asked and answered. What does the customer need? How does the customer expect the product to look? How can the product be manufactured? What materials should be used? How can it be tested? How should it be marketed?
The study programme BSc Industrial Design Engineering helps you to answer these questions. This unique study programme responds to the growing demand from the design and manufacturing industries for ID engineers who have skills and knowledge but can also apply these in professional situations.
Why this study in the Netherlands
- You will be studying in an international, project based environment with English as the main language
- You will be following a study programme that consists of a unique combination of design and engineering: approximately 60% design and 40% engineering
- The project-based structure allows you to develop a collaborative attitude and the creative design skills needed to function as an Industrial Designer in an international market
- You will have access to excellent workshop facilities to realise prototypes and test your design concepts
What does your week look like
IDE students combine real projects with self-study in a design studio, not a classroom. Every week is different with client meetings and presentations mixed with workshops on design theory and skills development. 4 full days per week are spent in the studio.
Years 1 and 2
IDE students work in a design studio rather than a classroom. The design studio works throughout the year on live projects of different durations usually with multiple projects running at one time ( like in a real design studio) To evaluate the student’s progress ( ‘learning’) the program assesses ‘competencies’( e.g ‘professional practice’ or ‘concept development’ ) There are 2 assessment moments per year ( each worth 30 credits) where the students demonstrate their competence development through a portfolio. 60 credits can be gained per year for 4 years totalling 240 credits after which a Bachelor of Science ( BSc) in Industrial Design Engineering is awarded.
Year 3
In the 3rd year, students have to opportunity to study for 1 semester in another university anywhere in the world (‘Minor Semester’) and to work in a company on an internship for another semester.
Year 4
The final ( 4th year) is divided into an on-campus semester and a semester-long graduation project which takes place off campus in a company. It is a requirement that one of the Internship, Minor, or Graduation semesters is done in an international setting ( a country outside the student's home country).
Program Outcome
What are you going to learn
Within this study program, you will learn about the process of designing new products from concept development and prototyping, to production and bringing a product to market. For this, you need to acquire knowledge and skills in a wide range of topics, such as aesthetics, production methods, materials, and user-centered research. You will analyze existing products and learn to design and build prototypes. You will also learn the commercial aspects involved in bringing a product to market.
- You will integrate theory and practice from day one
- You will develop a professional attitude by working with clients on live projects
- You will develop skills to visualize and present your concept ideas
- You will acquire knowledge in materials, engineering, and manufacturing processes allowing you to define and justify your designs from a technical perspective
Scholarships and Funding
Some Fontys study programs offer the Holland Scholarship to their students. Check out the link to see if this study program participates and for more information. You might also be eligible for other scholarships not provided by Fontys.
Career Opportunities
The business field has an increasing demand for BSc graduates in the field of Industrial Design Engineering. After graduation, you could work as a:
- Product Designer working in a design consultancy
- Design Engineer for a manufacturer of consumer electronics
- Research and Development Designer in a medical equipment supplier
- Freelance Design consultant with your own company
- Structural Packaging designer
Of course, you also have the opportunity to continue with a master’s programme.
Some of the partner companies of our Industrial Design Engineering program that are looking for people with these skills are Philips, Canon, Ahrend, Heras, Bosch, Vogels, and VDL.