Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics
Lakeland, USA
4 Years
Full time
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USD 105 / per credit *
* resident and non-resident tuition fee for 30 credit hours
In a global, digital world, all businesses, products, markets, and economies face common pressures — make smart decision-making faster, make it easier to measure success, and make success more routine. The B.S. in Business Analytics brings together the broad application of math and statistics, the intelligent design/computing of data science, and the business savvy of operations research and management to support success.
What Gets Measured, Gets Managed
You will gain exposure to broad business areas (finance and strategic management/marketing), with a special emphasis on supply chain and operations. Global environment, political, and social change all make the ability to translate data into insights and smarter decision-making vital for global supply chain and operations.
Get Involved Outside the Classroom
We have an active student organization community with more than 35 clubs that vary based on specific academic interests, professional development, and activities just for fun.
Math Club
The Math Club at Florida Poly seeks to promote a healthy environment for students to embrace higher-level mathematics and develop an appreciation for mathematics in STEM-related careers.
American Society of Mathematical Engineers (ASME)
ASME’s Florida Poly chapter is a professional organization that enables students to collaborate, share knowledge, and develop skills across different engineering disciplines.
Scholarships and Funding
We offer generous need- and merit-based scholarships and participate in statewide college funding programs like Florida Bright Futures and Florida Prepaid.
Institutional Scholarships
- Alexander Scholars
- Provost Scholars
- Florida Poly Merit Scholars
- Johnson Scholarship
- Latin American Caribbean Scholarship
- Florida Poly National Merit Finalist Scholarship
Out-of-State Scholarships
- First Generation Matching Grant
- Florida Student Assistance Grants (FSAG)
- Florida Bright Futures Scholarship
- José Martí Scholarship Grant Fund
- Rosewood Family Scholarship
College Skills (1) & Co-Curricular
All majors are required to complete an approved internship/professional experience before graduation.
- EGN 1006 - Career Design for STEM Disciplines (Credits: 1)
- IDS 4941 - Professional Experience Internship (Credits: 0)
Communication (6)
- ENC 1101 - English Composition 1: Expository and Argumentative Writing (Credits: 3)
- ENC 2210 - Technical Writing (Credits: 3)
Arts and Humanities (9)
Students in Business Analytics must take IDS 2144 and an additional 6 credit hours from the following courses.
Program Core Required:
- IDS 2144 - Legal, Ethical, and Management Issues in Technology (Credits: 3)
Required, one of the following:
- ARH 2000 - Art Appreciation (Credits: 3)
- HUM 2020 - Introduction to the Humanities (Credits: 3)
Optional: One from the following or another from above:
- HUM 2022 - Explorations in the Humanities (Credits: 3)
Social Sciences (9)
Students in Business Analytics must take both ECO 2013 and ECO 2023 as well as 3 credits of history or political science. If the student has met the civic literacy requirement, the student may take any social science course.
Program Core Required:
- ECO 2013 - Principles of Macroeconomics (Credits: 3)
- ECO 2023 - Principles of Microeconomics (Credits: 3)
Required: One of the following:
- AMH 2020 - American History Since 1877 (Credits: 3) (Fulfills Civic Literacy Requirement)
- POS 2041 - American Government (Credits: 3) (Fulfills Civic Literacy Requirement)
- PSY 2012 - General Psychology (Credits: 3)
Optional: One from the following or another from above:
- AMH 2010 - American History to 1877 (Credits: 3)
- HIS 2930 - Special Topics (Credits: 3)
Mathematics (7)
- MAC 2311 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 1 (Credits: 4)
- STA 2023 - Statistics 1 (Credits: 3)
Natural Sciences (8)
- CHM 2045 - Chemistry 1 (Credits: 3)
- CHM 2045L - Chemistry 1 Laboratory (Credits: 1)
- EVR 1001 - Environmental Science (Credits: 3)
- EVR 1001L - Environmental Science Lab (Credits: 1)
Technical Foundations (18)
- IDS 1380 - Foundational Lessons in Applications of Mathematics (Credits: 3)
- COP 2271 - Introduction to Computation and Programming (Credits: 3)
- EGN 3448 - Operations Research (Credits: 3)
- COP 3710 - Database 1 (Credits: 3)
- STA 3036 - Probability and Statistics 2 for Business, Data Science, and Economics (Credits: 3)
- ISC 2310 - Python for Data Analytics (Credits: 3)
Business Analytics Core (36)
All Business Analytics majors will take these courses. IDS 2144, ECO 2013, and ECO 2023 are additional core requirements. They are listed within the general education requirements.
- FIN 2001 - Introduction to Business Finance (Credits: 3)
- ACG 2020 - Accounting for Managers (Credits: 3)
- ENT 2112 - Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis (Credits: 3)
- BUL 2241 - Law, Public Policy, Negotiation and Business (Credits: 3)
- GEB 3373 - International & Comparative Dimensions of Business (Credits: 3)
- EGS 3625 - Engineering & Technology Project Management (Credits: 3)
- ECP 4031 - Benefit-Cost Analysis (Credits: 3)
- MAN 4633 - Strategic Management (Credits: 3)
- CAP 4770 - Data Mining & Text Mining (Credits: 3)
- COP 2073 - Foundations of Data Analytics (Credits: 3)
- MAN 3504 - Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Management (Credits: 3)
- MAR 4705 - Marketing Analytics (Credits: 3)
- QMB 4690 - Process Design Using Lean Sigma (Credits: 2)
Business Analytics Concentrations (12)
Students choose one concentration (12 credits) to supplement their program.
Advanced Topics
Students choose one concentration (12 credits) to supplement their program.
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management is the coordination of all logistical functions in an enterprise including acquisition, handling, the internal allocation of resources, delivery, and output. Students develop knowledge of the business and technical aspects of managing large-scale delivery operations. The expert in Logistics/Supply Chain Management optimizes these complex networks to ensure efficiency and satisfaction.
- MAN 3570 - Purchasing and Materials Management (Credits: 3)
- MAN 3610 - Global Logistics Management (Credits: 3)
- Select two courses from the following:
- MAN 4594 - Reverse Logistics (Credits: 3)
- MAN 4522 - Planning and Control Systems for Supply Chain Management (Credits: 3)
- MAN 4593 - National Transportation Management (Credits: 3)
Intelligent Mobility & Autonomous Systems
Intelligent Mobility uses data and technology to connect people, places, and goods across all transportation modes. Growth in intelligent mobility will transform the way people travel, interact with their environment, and connect goods and services.
- ESI 4513 - Intelligent Mobility (Credits: 3)
Choose two or three from the following:
- ESI 4011 - Data Analytics for Smart City & Transportation (Credits: 3)
- ESI 3005 - Introduction to Networks and a Connected World (Credits: 3)
- COP 4421 - Autonomous Systems Programming (Credits: 3)
- CAP 4613 - Applied Deep Learning (Credits: 3)
Possible Elective (maximum of one may be taken):
- MAN 4593 - National Transportation Management (Credits: 3)
- CAP 4410 - Computer Vision (Credits: 3)
- CEN 4721 - Human-Computer Interaction (Credits: 3)
Quantitative Economics & Econometrics
Quantitative Economics and Econometrics focuses on quantitative analysis and rigorous modeling of economic phenomena. This includes analysis of individual and firm decisions when data is messy, incomplete, or otherwise imperfect, analysis of strategic situations, and analysis of market outcomes and trends. Training in Quantitative Economics and Econometrics hones critical reasoning skills and prepares students for analytical careers or graduate or professional study.
- ECO 4400 - Game Theory and Strategic Decisions (Credits: 3)
- ECO 4422 - Econometrics: Causal Inference, Panel and Survey Data (Credits: 3)
- ECP 3004 - Contemporary Economic Issues (Credits: 3)
- ECP 4044 - Economic Analysis for Technologists (Credits: 3)
Business Analytics Electives (6)
Students choose six credits from the following electives:
- COP 3834 - Web Application Development (Credits: 3)
- MAC 2312 - Analytic Geometry and Calculus 2 (Credits: 4)
- MAN 3613 - Supply Chain Risk Management (Credits: 3)
- STA 3241 - Statistical Learning (Credits: 3)
- STA 4853 - Time Series Analysis for Business, Data Science, and Economics (Credits: 3)
- Any DSBA concentration course outside of a pursued concentration
Program Capstone Sequence (6)
- IDC 4942 - Data Analytics Capstone I (Credits: 3)
- IDC 4943 - Data Analytics Capstone II (Credits: 3)
Program Outcome
Business analytics enable organizations to turn complex challenges into substantial opportunities by transforming data into information, and information into insights for making better decisions and improving results.
The business analytics curriculum provides training in the skills needed to solve complex problems that occur in the management of big data analytics, marketing, finance, and innovation and technology.
The undergraduate program in business analytics offers an education that can be found only at Florida Poly: data analytics expertise with a business focus by offering a cutting-edge program specially designed to prepare students for top jobs in today’s technology and data-intensive business world.
Educating students with cutting-edge concepts, techniques, and practices in data science and business analytics to innovatively solve challenges and provide informed decision support.
Upon completion of a Business Analytics degree, students will be able to:
- Apply current business analytics concepts, techniques, and practices to solve business problems.
Analyze a given business problem using appropriate analytics techniques to generate insights and solutions. - Effectively communicate insights, analysis, conclusions, and solutions to a diverse audience.
Your future as a trusted professional and confident problem solver begins with some essential skills. Your General Education courses give you:
- Critical Thinking Skills…so that you can both make and follow a reasoned argument and develop habits of organized thinking and rational analysis.
- Communication Skills…so that you can translate thoughts into words (spoken and written) and make the complex simple.
- Exposure to Arts/Humanities and Social/Behavioral Sciences … so that you see all problems in their larger human context.
- Mathematical Reasoning…so that you find and follow the quantitative thread connecting all scientific inquiry.
- Scientific Reasoning…so that you can apply the scientific method to phenomena big and small.
Program Tuition Fee
Career Opportunities
Business Analytics is much younger as a profession than accounting. The variety of people, skill sets, job titles, and work environments within Business Analysts is wide.
At the high end of the spectrum, job titles like chief data officer, business intelligence developer, or business intelligence architect can earn upwards of $200,000. Early career titles include analytics manager, data-driven decision-maker, functional analyst, and data systems developer.
Job Growth
According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data, the employment of management analysts – including business analysts – is expected to grow 14% from 2014 to 2024, which is much faster than the average for all occupations.
Salary Ranges
BLS reports for May 2016 showed that the average annual income for all management analysts, including business analysts, was $91,910. The middle 50% earned between $60,950 and $109,170. Salaries for the lowest 10% were around $46,560, while the highest 10% brought in upwards of $149,720.
Make Your Passion a Career
We're here to give you the resources to land your dream internship, work alongside faculty in groundbreaking research, and develop leadership skills to stand out in the workplace.
Internship Opportunities
Internships are an important part of setting you up for success after college and are a requirement for you to graduate.
Research Opportunities
Conduct research alongside faculty that is improving lives and changing businesses, with impact ranging from the local Lakeland community to the outer reaches of space.
Career Development
We understand the importance of feeling prepared, and we are committed to your success here and beyond. That's why we have resources to support you in your continued career development.
Program Leaders
English Language Requirements
Certify your English proficiency with PTE. The faster, fairer, simpler English test, accepted by thousands of universities around the world. PTE, Do it worry-free!