B.S. in Information Systems Management
Fairmont, USA
4 Years
Full time, Part time
Request application deadline
Sep 2024
USD 342 / per credit *
* resident students | metropolitan students: $518 per credit hour|non-resident students: $755 per credit hour
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By earning a degree in Information Systems Management, Fairmont State graduates can compete for positions related to Information Systems (IS), Information Technology (IT), and Business.
Information systems are concerned with the information computer systems can provide to help a company, non-profit or government agency define and achieve overall goals. Faculty combines business management principles and instruction in the tools and technologies used within computerized information systems.
The Information Systems Management curriculum covers areas of:
- Information Systems
- Programming and Systems Development
- Critical Thinking and Analysis
- Communication
- Data Analytics and Cybersecurity
- Project Management
Why Information Systems Management?
As we are in the 21st century, we are once again experiencing an intense period of technology-enabled innovation, creativity, and excitement that has been spurred by information and telecommunications technologies and associated changes in our life, work, and society. We are now in the information/knowledge age - a time when information and knowledge are power. Leading industrial countries are transforming from industrial-based economies to information/knowledge-based economies. Information is everywhere. Information and knowledge have become critical, strategic assets for most organizations. We live in an "information society," where power and wealth increasingly depend on information and knowledge as central assets.
Information systems will continue to change our business, society, and lives. Information systems and technologies will also play large roles in your career. Along with the business changes come changes in jobs and careers. No matter whether you are a finance, accounting, management, marketing, operations management, or information systems major, how you work, where you work, and how well you are compensated will all be affected by business information systems.
When interviewing potential employees, business firms often look for new hires who know how to use information technologies and systems for achieving bottom-line business results. It is widely recognized that understanding information systems is essential for managers and employees because most organizations need information systems to survive and prosper. Employees will depend on information systems to increase their productivity. Management will use information systems to improve their decision-making processes. Thus the knowledge of information systems and the ability to put this knowledge to work can result in a successful personal career.
Career Opportunities
Students who complete an Information Management degree are qualified for occupations that have good pay wages and are growing professions. There is a wide variety of jobs available in Information Systems including:
- Project Manager
- Database Administrator
- Business System Analyst
- Data Network Specialist
- Chief Information Officer
- Computer Consultant
Major Courses (84 Credit Hours)
- BISM 1200 - Introduction to Computing Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 1500 - Business Information Tools Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 2000 - Management Information Systems Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 2400 - Operating Systems Concepts Across the Enterprise Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 2600 - Introduction to Networking Administration Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 3000 - Business Programming Logic Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 3300 - Information Systems and Data Analytics for Leaders Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 3400 - Database Design and Development Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 3500 - Fundamentals of SDLC Methodologies Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 3600 - E-commerce and Web Development Strategy Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 3800 - Object-oriented Business Applications Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 4200 - Systems Analysis and Design Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 4300 - Business Intelligence Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 4500 - Information Systems Project Planning Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 4600 - Information Assurance and Cybersecurity Credit Hours:
- BISM 4800 - Information Systems Project Management Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 4420 - Business Ethics and Corporate Accountability Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 3306 - Business Law I Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 3310 - Business and Economic Statistics. Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 2211 - Principles of Macroeconomics Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 2212 - Principles of Microeconomics Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 2220 - Fundamentals of Accounting Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 2221 - Introduction to Financial Management Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 2204 - Principles of Marketing Credit Hours: 3
- BSBA 2209 - Principles of Management Credit Hours: 3
- MGMT 3500 - Project Management Credit Hours: 3
- MATH 1530 - College Algebra Credit Hours: 3
- Higher Math (3)
Electives (9 Credit hours)
Major Electives to be offered–not required
- BISM 4400 - Current Topics in Information Systems Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 4900 - Internship in Information Systems Credit Hours: 3
- BISM 4998 - Undergraduate Research Credit Hours: 0-6
Degree Total = 120 Credit Hours
Program Tuition Fee
Scholarships and Funding
Program Leaders
English Language Requirements
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