Bachelor 1Communication & Advertising
1 Years
Full time
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Sep 2025
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The Bachelor Communication & Advertising (years 1 and 2) is a program directly oriented towards the professional practice of communication professions.
The Bachelor Communication & Advertising allows in two years to understand all the mechanisms and professions of communication, marketing and digital before specializing in the third year in order to access the title of e-business Project Manager. A real alternative to the BTS, the Bachelor program (years 1 and 2) gives pride of place to learning trades.
As part of the Bachelor Communication & Advertising, immersion in business becomes a reality with an internship of at least 2 months from the 1st year, and an alternating internship throughout the 2nd year (classes take place in the morning, afternoon being devoted to internships or professional projects). Theory and practice are united to build unique training paths in terms of intensity that best correspond to the professional aspirations of the students.
This program perfectly illustrates the DNA of ESP: immersion in business, personalized coaching, pedagogical innovation, excellence of the results obtained.
With a culture in communication & advertising, you will take the path of professionalization and choose your specialization in 3rd year.
The Bachelor Communication gives access to Title n° 34340 Level 6 e-business project manager registered in the National Directory of Professional Certifications.
Shared Time, The Asset Of The ESP
As part of the Communication & Advertising Bachelor's degree at the École Supérieure de Publicité, immersion in business becomes a reality for students since from the first year, classes are organized over half-days (afternoon in 1st year, in the morning in 2nd year) while the other half-day is devoted to internships or professional projects. Theory and practice are united to build unique training paths in terms of intensity that best correspond to the professional aspirations of the students.
A decisive advantage
At the end of the second year of Bachelor Communication & Advertising, a student already has four solid internship experiences. This decisive asset will allow him to continue his third year within the framework of a professionalization contract or an apprenticeship contract (work-study) accessible in most specializations.
The first two years are punctuated by shared time, over a single day, between lessons (afternoon in the 1st year, morning in the 2nd year) and professional experience in internship on the other half-day. Full-time internships complete the course.
For the first year, the course details are as follows:
UE 1: Human sciences & general culture
- English
- Economy
- Legal culture
- Environment and climate transition
- Monitoring and Digital Culture
UE 2: Creation & production
- DTP workshop
- Video Workshop
- Photography Workshop
- Creation Workshop
- Writing techniques
UE 3: Marketing & communication strategy
- marketing
- Communication strategy
- Psychosociology of communication
- social media
UE 4: Design & realization of projects
- junior competition
- Social media project
- Creation project (print, photo or video)
- Pitch training
UE 5: Professional integration
- Office tools
- Internship Coaching
- Full time internship (2 months)
For the second year, new teaching units are added to those already present in the first year and the duration of the internship increases from 2 to 4 months:
UE 1: Human sciences & general culture
- English
- Economy
- Legal culture
- Creative and advertising culture
- Breaking down the news
- Sustainable development
UE 2: Creation & Production
- Graphic design
- Advertising creative
- Drafting design
- Web workshop
- Manufacturing technique
UE 3: Marketing & communication strategy
- Digital Marketing
- Communication strategy
- Psychosociology of communication
- Press relations
- Media planning
- social media
UE 4: Design & realization of projects
- photography project
- Social media project
- Video project
- Podcast Project
- junior competition
- Pitch training
UE 5: Professional integration
- Full-time internship (4 months)
Conditions of admission
Baccalaureate (all sections) and entrance exam with motivational interview.
Students in Terminale (all sections) or already holders of the Baccalaureate can take the entrance exam to the 1st year of ESP.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.