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The Education University of Hong Kong Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology
The Education University of Hong Kong

Bachelor of Social Sciences (Honours) in Psychology

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

4 up to 5 Years


Full time

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HKD 167,000 / per year *


* non-local students per annum | local students: HKD42,100 per annum


BSocSc(Psy) aims to provide a curriculum conforming to standards comparable to local and overseas universities, but also three interrelated concentrations that develop students’ intellectual capacity and ability to apply psychological knowledge and skills in the workplace - (1) School Psychology, (2) Health Psychology, and (3) Human Relations and Communication.

Program Aims

The program embraces two overarching goals and six subsidiary objectives for education and training. Upon graduating from the programme, students will be able to demonstrate a high level of competence in each of these areas.

To equip graduates with a solid background in psychological knowledge and research

  • Demonstrate breadth and depth of knowledge in psychology;
  • Apply scientific methods to design and carry out psychological research;
  • Demonstrate critical and creative thinking in applying psychological principles to personal, social, and organizational issues locally as well as globally.

To produce graduates who can competently integrate the science and application of psychology

  • Communicate and collaborate effectively with professionals and the public in providing information about psychological research and services;
  • Apply psychological knowledge and skills at a pre-professional level in a variety of settings;
  • Demonstrate sensitivity and competence in applying ethical principles and standards to support professional responsibilities and conduct in the workplace.



Scholarships and Funding

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Student Testimonials

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