“Design School Kolding may be small compared to other schools, yet great in terms of human interaction, skill, and dedication.”
Designskolen Kolding
We cultivate and value talent and challenge it by teaching our students to reflect on their own process and by teaching them to collaborate by completing tasks related to specific contexts of use, preferably in interaction with industry.<br /><br />DK builds on the tradition of Danish Design and focuses on design that is meaningful.
Designskolen Kolding
We respect the raw material entailed in each student and staff member and value dialogue, equality and diversity.
DK’s student intake is based on talent. This distinguishes DK from traditional universities. We cultivate and value talent and challenge it by teaching our students to reflect on their own process and by teaching them to collaborate by completing tasks related to specific contexts of use, preferably in interaction with industry.
DK builds on the tradition of Danish Design and focuses on design that is meaningful. We believe that relating to history and tradition enables the creation of something new. The school’s approach to teaching is that we don’t provide the answer, we discover it together.
At DK we work with tools, techniques, concepts and methods. We build on knowledge and research and emphasise sensory perception and experiments; uniting the hands and the mind.
DK has university status. We offer an academic setting that comprises a number of recognised researchers focusing on the emergent research field of design and a growing output of PhD projects. At the same time, we value professional practice and give priority to offering excellent workshop conditions enabling our students to work with the materials on a 1:1 scale. We require our school faculty to be practitioners in their field, and our esteemed visiting faculty ensures inspiration from professional practice.
We offer three different Master programs:
The Master’s Degree programme in Design at Design School Kolding supports and expands on the knowledge, competences and skills that you bring from your BA training and allows you to specialise in Design for People, Design for Planet or Design for Play.
The MA programme will provide you with an in-depth and broad understanding of the methods, theories and techniques related to the design profession.
In addition to the knowledge and competences that link to the speciality you choose, we also offer professional dialogue and supervision within:
Industrial Design
Communication Design
Fashion Design
Textile Design
Accessory Design
‘The Programme focuses on collaboration with the business community and wider society along with individual courses based on specific cases. Collaborations and courses have strong elements of making, engaging, and co-creating with users. This could involve clothes, games, products, user interfaces, services, physical surroundings, toys – whatever supports the playful human being, sustainable living, or a socially inclusive society.’
The Master’s Programme concludes with a graduation project and you will be awarded the title of Master of Arts in Design. A Master’s Degree in design qualifies you to participate and collaborate in artistic and scientific design development projects.
Alina Moat, Master’s degree student, Design School Kolding
- Kolding
Ågade 10