Corvinus University of Budapest
Corvinus University is Hungary’s most eminent educational institution in the fields of economics, Management, and Social Sciences. University-level education, just as in the most advanced countries of the world, started in Budapest in the1920s at the autonomous Economics Faculty of the Hungarian Royal University of Science.
Corvinus at a glance
Corvinus University is Hungary’s most eminent educational institution in the fields of economics, Management, and Social Sciences. University-level education, just as in the most advanced countries of the world, started in Budapest in the1920s at the autonomous Economics Faculty of the Hungarian Royal University of Science.
We believe in continuous development. We should not content ourselves with the results so far achieved. It was therefore decided that as of July 2019 Corvinus will be maintained by a State foundation rather by the State itself. While this model allows for more flexible operations, it also ensures long-term and predictable planning.
Our objective is fairly ambitious: to turn into an international university, to become the leading institution of Central Europe in the field of economic, management, and social sciences by 2030.
1899: The direct forerunner of Corvinus, the Eastern Commercial Academy is established
1917: At the proposal of Director General Elemér Balogh, Hangya Szövetkezet (Producers’, Distributors’ and Consumers’ Co-operative) offers a fund of one million Hungarian crowns for the benefit of the future university of Economics
1920: On 5th October, Act XXXI of 1920 on the establishment of the Economics Faculty of the Hungarian Royal University of Science enters into force. The first start-of-term ceremony takes place on 31 October.
1934: The Faculty of Economics becomes integrated into the Palatine Joseph University of Technology and Economics
1948: The autonomous Hungarian University of Economics is born
1950: The university moves to the former Chief Customs Palace located at Fővám tér
1953: The University is renamed Karl Marx University of Economic Sciences
1956: An assembly is held with the participation of academics and students that adopts a 22-point list containing key national policy demands. On 23 October students take part in a dignified march to the Bem Monument. Education is suspended until 1 February 1957.
1968: Kálmán Szabó becomes Rector and implements a major reform with regard to the study programs.
1970: The first of its sort in Hungary, the Rajk László College of Advanced Studies is founded under the leadership of Attila Chikán
1989: As an outcome of faculty restructuring, the Business School, the School of Economics and the Faculty of Social Sciences comes into being.
1990: The university is renamed Budapest University of Economic Sciences
1996: The University joins the CEMS Alliance of the leading business schools and companies of the world.
2007: Building „C” at the corner of Közraktár and Czuczor Streets is inaugurated, the Campus on the Pest side now comprises three buildings together with the Chief Customs Palace and the Salt House
2019: A joint MBA program is set up with one of the best universities in the world, the Fudan University of Shanghai

EQUIS Accreditation by EFMD
Corvinus Business School accredited for 3 years for the 1st time, 2018.
With this accreditation, CBS has entered the circle of the world's top 2% business schools that own this prestigious accreditation
EPAS Accreditations by EFMD
Executive MBA program 4th time for 3 years
Bachelor in Business and Management program 3rd time for 5 years
BSIS Label
Corvinus Business School, BSIS labeled, 2018 for the 2nd time
The Business School Impact System (BSIS) scheme is designed to determine the extent of a school’s impact upon its local environment – the city or region in which it is located.
EAPAA Accreditation
The certification is only held by about two dozen universities in Europe, and only four from the Central honor from the Central and Eastern European region, including Corvinus.
Master in Public Policy and Management – 1st time for 7 years
Rankings, awards
We are especially proud of the numerous academic successes.
Success in Hungary
Based on the number of first-place applicants, Corvinus Business School was again the most popular school. It also has a leading position when regarding the excellence of the admitted students.
According to HVG magazine, the Corvinus School of Social Sciences and International Relations is the 1st in Student Excellence. The excellency of the students is also indicated by the fact that almost 98 % of the admitted students have at least one language exam and the faculty is also the 10th in the national faculty rankings. In the ranking of economic schools, Corvinus Business School got the 1st place in the category of Student Excellence, while Corvinus School of Economics got the 1st place in the category of Teacher Excellence.
At the Social Sciences Section of OTDK, the students of the School of Social Sciences and International Relations got all in all 20 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in 2019. At the Economics Section of OTDK, Corvinus gained more than 50% of the 1st place. A Ph.D. candidate of Corvinus was rewarded with the newly-established Roska Tamás Award.
International success
Corvinus Business School gained a first place among the best business schools in Eastern Europe according to Eduniversal and it also gained the EQUIS Accreditation on the annual conference of EFMD.
Corvinus Business School was also positioned among the first 100 best business schools by the Financial Times Business Schools Ranking.
Based on the evaluation of students and the votes of academic directors, Corvinus was named the 3rd best among the 32 CEMS members in 2019 in the category of CEMS School of the Year.
Corvinus Science Shop resulted in an internationally acknowledged increase in 2019: within the frames of the courses directed by 29 professors, 765 students were given the opportunity to elaborate on the questions raised by our 40 partners, and as a result, they created a significant positive social impact.
The Master’s program in Actuarial and Financial Mathematics of Corvinus School of Economics got the 31st place among the 40 best master programs of the world in the ranking of Eduniversal in the category of Insurance, Risk & Actuarial Sciences.
In 2019, the Master’s program in Public Policy and Management gained the international accreditation of the European Association for Public Administration Accreditation (EAPAA) for the period of 2019-2026, which was the second time in case of the Hungarian program and the first time in case of the English program. In addition, the number of students applying for the scholarship places of the Bachelor’s program in Applied Economics has increased by 30 percent, including the number of first-place applicants.
The Regional and Environmental Economics MA of the School of Social Sciences and International Relations got a noble place among more than 1000 universities in Eduniversal’s global ranking: it got the 36th place among the 100 best programs on sustainable development and environmental management.
- Budapest
Budapest, Fővám tér 8., 1093 Hungria, , Budapest