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Constructor University Biochemistry and Cell Biology
Constructor University

Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Bremen, Germany

3 Years


Full time

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EUR 20,000



Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Biochemistry is the study of molecules and chemical processes in living organisms, while Cell Biology is concerned with the structure and physiology of cells, their components, and interactions with the environment. The two fields are combined in one comprehensive degree program, which will give you a broad understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms that form the basis of life, including the principles of inheritance and gene expression. This allows BCCB graduates to address in their careers important problems in today's society, be it by basic or by applied research, for example in the areas of biomedicine, biotechnology, or molecular biology. For this, the BCCB program at Constructor University provides not only the theoretical background, but also substantial practical training. Students are, furthermore, involved in hands-on research during their studies.

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Program Admission Requirements

Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.

About the School
