Double Degree in Early Childhood Education Primary Education
Valencia, Spain
5 Years
Full time, Part time
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EUR 5,782 / per year
Official Degree: Double Degree in Early Childhood Education Primary Education
Duration / ECTS: 5 years / 312 ECTS
Places / Campus: 80 / Moncada - Alfara; 80 / Elche; 80 / Castellón
Taught in: Spanish
Learning outcomes
That makes us different?
1. The 5 pathways of employability: Master's Comprehensive Employability Plan
To be a teacher in the Valencian Community requires several accreditations. Our bet is that the student of Education of the CEU-UCH finishes the degree in the 4th year with those accreditations also in his possession. And of course, without paying more. So that your employability is maximum from the zero minute you leave the university:
- Training in English: you will finish the degree with the qualification that enables you to teach any subject in English.
- Training in Valencian: you will obtain at the end of the degree the qualification that enables you to teach any subject in this language.
- Title for the teaching of the Catholic Religion: to teach catholic religion. Something that most employers require, whether public or private.
- Preparation for Oppositions: In addition, in 4th year, we offer you advanced training in techniques of preparation of oppositions.
- Transversal Competence Accreditation: formative support in techniques to improve your employability conditions and your capacity for entrepreneurship. And we credit you at the end of the degree to enrich your curriculum.
2. Direct contact with the profession
Because we understand that in order to become a good teacher you must be in contact with the best professionals first:
- Many of our teachers are outstanding active teachers who work innovating in educational centers.
- And the subjects that are developed in the degree are completed with direct training in schools and institutes, with workshops and seminars that are physically developed in these centers.
3. Recognition of credits
If you have completed a higher cycle of Vocational Training you can have an important credit validation. For more information about these credits validations and recognitions you can check the CFGS equivalence table or ask for a personalized interview.
On the other hand, also the graduates in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences can access our Education degrees in advantageous conditions regarding the credits to be completed in the degree.
4. The international dimension
- Language: free complementary training in English to improve your level.
- International exchanges: with our Erasmus coordinated program with mobility in several European countries, so you can study a semester or course in another country.
- Practices outside Spain: in educational centers in the United Kingdom, Poland, Ireland ...
- Practices in bilingual schools: bilingual and British centers of the Valencian Community.
5. Double degrees of the specialist in double degrees
You can study at the same time two university courses with compatible schedules, with all the classrooms in the same facilities and, of course, without paying twice as much. So are the double degrees of the University specialist in double degrees.
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General competitions
- Know the essential foundations of the human person and to establish the dignity of the person.
- Know and assimilate the anthropological foundations, which support the great principles of educational work, especially those that are based on the Christian message.
- Analysis and synthesis of the social realities and currents of thought that affect the historical future of Humanity, which are based on the Christian message.
- Know the guidelines that Christian anthropology offers for social issues, and especially for everything that refers to family and education.
- Analyze the complex world of social relationships that condition the destiny of man, trying to give a meaning to the existence and the mystery that surrounds Humanity.
- Analyze the different proposals and solutions given to the social issue, emphasizing the social perspective of the Magisterium.
- Critical awareness of the existence of transcendence and its experience in the religious fact.
- Systematic knowledge of the religious fact in various cultures, as well as its social, ethical and cultural influence.
- Awareness of and respect towards the religions of other cultures.
- Ability to identify and understand the meaning of religious language as a way of expressing the ineffable.
- Critical awareness of the inextricable relationship between a belief and its praxis.
- Knowledge of the centrality of the figure of Jesus Christ in the message and Christian morality.
- Detailed knowledge of the essential contents of the Christian Faith.
- Know the value of the Christian family as a support for educational processes and as an area of excellence for harmonious growth.
- Know the anthropological foundations of the educational task.
Specific competencies
- Know the objectives, curricular contents and evaluation criteria of Early Childhood Education.
- Promote and facilitate learning in early childhood, from a globalizing and integrating perspective of the different cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and volitional dimensions.
- Design and regulate learning spaces in contexts of diversity that address the unique educational needs of students, gender equality, equity and respect for human rights.
- Promote coexistence in the classroom and outside of it and address the peaceful resolution of conflicts. Know how to systematically observe learning and coexistence contexts and know how to reflect on them.
- Reflect as a group on the acceptance of norms and respect for others. Promote the autonomy and uniqueness of each student as factors in the education of emotions, feelings and values in early childhood.
- Know the evolution of language in early childhood, know how to identify possible dysfunctions and ensure its correct evolution. Effectively address language learning situations in multicultural and multilingual contexts. Express yourself orally and in writing and master the use of different expression techniques.
- Know the educational implications of information and communication technologies and, in particular, television in early childhood.
- Know the basics of children's diet and hygiene. Know the foundations of early care and the bases and developments that allow us to understand the psychological, learning and personality construction processes in early childhood.
- Know the organization of early childhood education schools and the diversity of actions that comprise their operation. Assume that the exercise of the teaching function must be perfected and adapted to scientific, pedagogical and social changes throughout life.
- Act as a counselor for parents in relation to family education in the period 0-6 and master social skills in the treatment and relationship with the family of each student and with the families as a whole.
- Reflect on classroom practices to innovate and improve teaching work. Acquire habits and skills for autonomous and cooperative learning and promote it in students.
- Understand the function, possibilities and limits of education in today's society and the fundamental skills that affect early childhood education schools and their professionals. Know quality improvement models with application to educational centers.
- Understand the educational and learning processes in period 0-6, in the family, social and school context.
- Know the developments in the evolutionary psychology of childhood in periods 0-3 and 3-6.
- Know the basics of early care.
- Recognize the identity of the stage and its cognitive, psychomotor, communicative, social, and affective characteristics.
- Knowing how to promote the acquisition of habits around autonomy, freedom, curiosity, observation, experimentation, imitation, acceptance of norms and limits, symbolic and heuristic play.
- Know the pedagogical dimension of interaction with peers and adults and know how to promote participation in collective activities, cooperative work and individual effort.
- Identify learning difficulties, cognitive dysfunctions and those related to attention.
- Know how to inform other specialist professionals to address the collaboration of the center and the teacher in addressing the special educational needs that arise.
- Acquire resources to promote the educational integration of students with difficulties.
- Create and maintain communication ties with families to effectively influence the educational process.
- Know and know how to perform the functions of tutor and counselor in relation to family education.
- Promote and collaborate in actions inside and outside school, organized by families, city councils and other institutions with an impact on citizen education.
- Critically analyze and incorporate the most relevant issues of today's society that affect family and school education: social and educational impact of audiovisual languages and screens; changes in gender and intergenerational relations; multiculturalism and interculturality; discrimination and social inclusion and sustainable development.
- Know the historical evolution of the family, the different types of families, lifestyles and education in the family context.
- Know the basic principles of healthy development and behavior.
- Identify disorders in sleep, eating, psychomotor development, attention, and auditory and visual perception.
- Collaborate with specialized professionals to solve these disorders.
- Detect emotional, nutritional and well-being deficiencies that disturb the adequate physical and mental development of students.
- Understand that the daily dynamics in early childhood education change depending on each student, group and situation, and know how to be flexible in the exercise of the teaching function.
- Assess the importance of stability and regularity in the school environment, schedules and teachers' moods as factors that contribute to the harmonious and comprehensive progress of students.
- Know how to work as a team with other professionals inside and outside the center in caring for each student, as well as in planning learning sequences and organizing work situations in the classroom and in the play space, identifying the peculiarities of the period 0-3 and the period 3-6.
- Address the needs of students and convey security, tranquility and affection.
- Understand that systematic observation is a basic instrument to be able to reflect on practice and reality, as well as contribute to innovation and improvement in early childhood education.
- Domine observations and register's tecnics.
- Address field analysis through observational methodology using information, documentation and audiovisual technologies.
- Know how to analyze the data obtained, critically understand reality and prepare a report of conclusions.
- Place the nursery school in the Spanish educational system, in the European and international context.
- Learn about international experiences and examples of innovative practices in early childhood education.
- Appreciate the importance of teamwork.
- Participate in the development and monitoring of early childhood education educational projects within the framework of center projects and in collaboration with the territory and with other professionals and social agents.
- Know the legislation that regulates nursery schools and their organization.
- Value the personal relationship with each student and their family as a factor in the quality of education.
- Know the scientific, mathematical and technological foundations of the curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
- Know didactic strategies to develop numerical representations and spatial, geometric and logical development notions.
- Understanding mathematics as sociocultural knowledge.
- Know scientific methodology and promote scientific thinking and experimentation.
- Acquire knowledge about the evolution of thought, customs, beliefs and social and political movements throughout history.
- Know the most outstanding moments in the history of sciences and techniques and their significance.
- Prepare didactic proposals in relation to the interaction of science, technology, society and sustainable development.
- Promote interest and respect for the natural, social and cultural environment through appropriate educational projects.
- Promote introductory experiences to information and communication technologies.
- Know the language and literacy curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
- Encourage speech and writing skills.
- Know and master oral and written expression techniques.
- Know the oral tradition and folklore.
- Understand the passage from orality to writing and know the different registers and uses of the language.
- Know the learning process of reading and writing and its teaching.
- Addressing situations of language learning in multilingual contexts.
- Recognize and value the proper use of verbal and non-verbal language.
- Know and properly use resources to encourage reading and writing.
- Acquire literary training and especially know children's literature.
- Be able to encourage a first approach to a foreign language.
- Express yourself, orally and in writing in a foreign language.
- Know the musical, plastic and body expression foundations of the curriculum of this stage as well as the theories on the acquisition and development of the corresponding learning.
- Know and use songs to promote auditory, rhythmic and vocal education.
- Know how to use games as a teaching resource, as well as design learning activities based on playful principles.
- Prepare didactic proposals that promote musical perception and expression, motor skills, drawing and creativity.
- To analyze the audiovisual languages and their educational implications.
- Promote sensitivity related to plastic expression and artistic creation.
- Acquire practical knowledge of the classroom and its management.
- Know and apply the processes of interaction and communication in the classroom, as well as master the social skills and abilities necessary to foster a climate that facilitates learning and coexistence.
- Control and monitor the educational process and, in particular, teaching and learning by mastering the necessary techniques and strategies.
- Relate theory and practice to the reality of the classroom and the center.
- Participate in teaching activity and learn to know how to do, acting and reflecting from practice.
- Participate in proposals for improvement in the different areas of action that may be established in a center.
- Regulate interaction and communication processes in groups of students aged 0-3 years and 3-6 years.
- Know forms of collaboration with the different sectors of the educational community and the social environment.
Career Opportunities
Professional outings
Degree in Early Childhood Education
The profession for which the degree qualifies is Teacher in Early Childhood Education. In addition, the graduate in Early Childhood Education can develop their activity in the following areas:
- Teacher in public and private centers: Early Childhood Education
- Official (Early Childhood Education Teachers): National; Autonomous; Local; International organizations; Diplomatic career
- Qualified staff of museums and cultural centers: Educational management; Maintenance of fixed and renewable funds; Temporary exhibitions; Personalized and group guide; Creation and maintenance of exchange channels; Preparation of inventories and creation of catalogs; Cultural intermediation
- Cultural services agent: Design of cultural products, facilities and services; Intercultural mediation and international cooperation; Animation and cultural dissemination; audiovisual sector; Exhibition curator; Intervention in the rehabilitation and restoration of heritage
- Town councils and civic entities: Cultural and educational revitalization; Organization of projects and citizen events and recreational activities
- Investigator; Superior Council of Scientific Investigations; Culture Ministry; Universities; Foundations
Degree in elementary education
The profession for which the degree qualifies is Teacher in Primary Education.
Graduates in Primary Education can carry out their activity in the following areas:
- Teacher in public and private centers: Primary Education
- Access to the Body of Teachers of the public system: Primary Education
- Research staff: Universities; Foundations; Culture Ministry; Superior Council of Scientific Investigations
- Town councils and civic entities: Cultural and educational revitalization; Organization of projects and recreational activities
- Cultural services agent: Animation and cultural dissemination
- Qualified staff of museums and cultural centers: Educational management; Personalized and group guide
- Other cultural centers: Ludotecas; Farms Schools; Holiday centers