Degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development
Valencia, Spain
4 Years
Full time
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EUR 8,020 / per year
Official Degree: Degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Product Development
Duration / ECTS: 4 years / 240 ECTS
Places / Campus: 60 / Moncada - Alfara
Taught in: Spanish
Learning outcomes
That makes us different?
1. A grade to look behind things
Industrial design is the discipline that is responsible for creating and developing the equipment of the world that surrounds us. If you have a restless mind, if you have ever wondered why an object is that way, if you wonder who creates the things around you like your phone, your shoes, your bike or the chair where you are sitting, the answer is here. The industrial designer is in charge of conceiving and shaping the objects that surround the human being, from his car to the fork with which we eat every day.
2. The first University School of Design
The Industrial Design of the Valencian Community has a great national and international prestige. Our "School of Design" was the first to be a university and its long history has allowed us today to have alumni who are outstanding designers all over the world. Many of them work from Valencia creating designs that are sold in the five continents.
3. The professional approach
Our "School" is in close connection with companies as a form of professional springboard for students. And in our classrooms there is a curious mixture: we have very experienced teachers and others who are young alumni, and that is because good mixes give rise to new ideas.
4. The doors of employability
- The plus in Professional Tools: during the degree you will study most of the subjects supported by computer tools of the profession. But not only will you finish the degree knowing how to handle them, you will also take the skills endorsed by means of certificates: Certificate in Product Design Tools (150 hours: Autocad, Rhinoceros3D, VRayRendering, Catia), Graphic Tools Certificate (90 hours: Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign) and Certificate in Tools for online design and communication (90 hours: Adobe Flash, Wordpress).
- The Portfolio of Projects: we consider it essential that every student that comes to the market carries under his arm his own portfolio of projects, the results of the subjects of projects packaged in a single document that presents them in a much more complete way than a traditional curriculum. In this way the possibilities of obtaining a job multiply, giving a much more faithful image of their abilities and evidencing the high qualification of our students
- "The portfolio, your definitive tool for accessing the labor market"
5. The international dimension
The training of our students seeks the full professional development of the designer, who must be prepared for the international market.
We also offer complementary training in English and Spanish from first to fourth to improve your level of communication in the international arena. Likewise, we offer opportunities to carry out national and international practices.
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General competitions
- CG1. Capacity for analysis and synthesis, providing effectiveness in decision-making, for problem-solving. The achievement of this competence implies being able to gather, analyze and synthesize relevant data, in order to make decisions that involve solving the problems raised or detecting them, whether of a theoretical or practical nature, with the ultimate goal of transmitting the conclusions. obtained.
- CG2. Ability to work in interdisciplinary teams, negotiation and consensus skills. The achievement of this competence implies being able to integrate into organizations and work teams, as well as lead them, being able to negotiate, manage and mediate in the assumption of agreements from the objective of achieving the most fair and convenient solution for the proposed purposes; contributing assertively and respectfully to the delimitation, planning and development of the proposed objectives.
- CG3. Ability to investigate and relate the various areas of knowledge that come together in professional practice. The achievement of this competence implies the acquisition of a global vision of both the problems and the solutions, and the possibility and ability to relate diverse knowledge that leads to the most efficient and effective solutions to complex issues. The professionals required in a society like the current one must necessarily assume the complexity of the changes and, therefore, the consideration of the multiple variables that make up the optimal solutions.
- CG4. Capacity for self-learning, responsibility for one's own learning. Commitment to excellence. The achievement of this competence implies being able to design a work plan as well as undertake its completion, in the planned time, with perseverance and flexibility, anticipating and overcoming the difficulties that arise in its development and integrating the modifications that are required in the plan. development process, in a professional and qualified manner.
- CG5. Ability to adapt to technological changes. Sensitivity to the need to update knowledge. Adaptation to new situations. Achieving this competence implies being aware of the current reality and the challenges that arise, assuming changes as a constant, assuming the need for continuous learning throughout life and the necessary adaptation to the professional environment that varies constantly. fast and constant, and this trend will become more and more evident.
- CG6. Ethical and professional awareness. Active respect, both for people and the environment. Professional ethics. Attitude to propose solutions that are sensitive to social needs and assess their impact. The achievement of this competence implies having an attitude of seeking the truth from different orders of knowledge, about human nature and the dignity of people common to all men and women, with particular attention to the ethical and moral implications. . Respect and awareness in maintaining sustainable living conditions, with special emphasis on environmental aspects.
- CG7. Be able to express oneself correctly and effectively both in Spanish and in a foreign language. Achieving this competence implies being able to develop the necessary skills to function fluently and effectively, both in writing and orally, in the official language, as well as in English, as it is the global language, and tending to be in third and fourth grades. languages.
- CG8. Have well-founded and rigorous criteria about current society and culture. Achieving this competence implies acquiring criteria that allow us to understand and value current society and culture, based on rigorous consideration of the present reality and its historical roots, which then allow us to participate responsibly in social life.
- CG9. Be able to understand and synthesize complex propositions, with a critical sense, in the context in which they are presented. The achievement of this competence implies being able to define, distinguish and relate both the basic concepts and the premises on which the exposition of any argument is built, as well as to state and substantiate its content in a synthetic and critical way, in the context? scientific, political, media, organizational, etc.- in which they are presented.
Specific competencies
- CE1. Instrumental capacity and ability that brings together knowledge, familiarity and mastery of communication techniques and tools, visual representation techniques and systems (drawing, advanced and specific computer software, layout and modeling). Acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to transform abstract ideas and concepts into recognizable formalizations in two and three dimensions.
- CE2. Ability to apply the aesthetic fundamentals of design: color, shape, structure, space, volume. Acquire and apply knowledge related to the aesthetic-formal bases that intervene in objects or graphic supports to be able to develop products.
- CE3. Decision-making ability from manufacturing criteria and choice of materials to design problems. Acquire and apply in the design processes the knowledge of the technical features, referring to the materials and manufacturing processes, necessary in the development of new industrial products.
- CE4. Ability to apply and integrate multidisciplinary knowledge: history of art and design, design theory and methodology, human sciences, economics and marketing, product communication, legal aspects, work organization, etc. Acquire and apply, in a balanced and correct manner, knowledge related to the various disciplines involved in any project process for the development of new industrial products.
- CE5. Being able to transmit information, ideas, concepts, solutions adapted to any design problem, through the different visions of the discipline. Achieving this competence allows you to adapt the skills and resources acquired to communicate to others both the solutions and the factors involved throughout the product development process. The design professional must be able to effectively communicate the aspects related to their proposals.
- CE6. Approach and solution of design problems: analysis of the conditions and definition of criteria, evaluation of uses and functions, ability to find alternative design solutions and evaluate them. Achieving this competence allows you to carry out the necessary research to collect and interpret the data relevant to each Industrial Design and Development project of new Products.
- CE7. Be able to undertake and complete innovative projects in an autonomous, professional and qualified manner. The achievement of this competence allows us to autonomously assume the development of professional and qualified projects, with a high degree of value and differentiation through the search for innovations.
- CE8. Capacity for aesthetic and creative appreciation. Ability to innovate. Achieving this competence allows you to apply and relate the knowledge of the discipline, providing the designed products with creativity and innovation.
- CE9. Experimentation capacity. The achievement of this competence allows, in a complex context, not to give learned solutions to new problems, but rather to be able, through the acquired skills, to experiment with new solutions to new problems, in a context that is also absolutely new.
- CE10. Ability to project industrial products. Methodological and cultural skills of design. The achievement of this competence allows us to take on the challenge of designing new products, applying the knowledge acquired, and with an autonomous methodological and cultural capacity implicit in the design processes.
- CE11. Design and innovation management capacity. Integration into business strategies. The achievement of this competence allows the professional activity to be registered in the business environments in which it will take place, being relevant the ability to integrate the activity with the rest of the business activities, with a strong management component. Design, increasingly, is a fundamental strategic element for companies; the design professional must be able to integrate and manage their activity through knowledge of business dynamics.
- CE12. Provide the student with a competitive and innovative professional profile that integrates the latest design criteria, its communication and application. Achieving this competence allows the student to associate the importance of both good product development and its communication in the market.
- CE13. Ability to strategically communicate products as a factor of innovation and contribution of value. It allows the student to be provided with theoretical and practical tools to develop creative and communication skills, and strategic analysis skills.
- CE14. Ability to project products, services and applications through digital media. Achieving this competence allows the student to register their product design and development activity in new digital media.
Career Opportunities
Professional outings
There are different and varied possibilities of practicing the profession of designer. On the one hand, there is the option of working as a freelance designer with one's own studio, and on the other, as a designer integrated into a department of a company.
Professional opportunities depend both on one's own skills and training and on the different opportunities that arise.
The design has established several areas of action or specialties that also determine the contents of the academic degrees taught at the School.
On the one hand, Industrial or Product Design includes the design of furniture, lighting, transportation, toys, appliances, packaging, footwear, etc.
Graphic Design deals with the visual communication of messages. It includes the design of brands, logos and posters, the definition of the corporate identity of companies, editorial design, packaging, illustration, signage, etc.
The professional profile that defines the training at the School is that of a generalist designer, capable of solving projects in different areas as diverse as those mentioned and who, therefore, will be prepared to attend to a more global and complete vision of the profession.
The professions related to the Degree in Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development include:
- Products: industrial and strategic
- Industrial Sectors: furniture, lighting, textiles, ceramics, technology, automotive.
- Product communication: graphic design and packaging.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.