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Canadian Mennonite University & Redekop School of Business


Canadian Mennonite University is an innovative Christian university, rooted in the Anabaptist faith tradition, moved and transformed by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Through teaching, research, and service, Canadian Mennonite University inspires and equips women and men for lives of service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society.

Canadian Mennonite University is an innovative Christian university, rooted in the Anabaptist faith tradition, moved and transformed by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Through teaching, research, and service, Canadian Mennonite University inspires and equips women and men for lives of service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society.

At Canadian Mennonite University, 'service, leadership and reconciliation' are personal and communal learning outcomes encountered within academic, personal and interpersonal, theological, artistic, physical, and environmental contexts. Education involves "building understandings" in ways that are about relationships as much as knowledge, for the sake of enabling us to see, engage, and share in a world that is as wondrous as it is strained and that ever calls for our best care and innovative capacities.

  • Winnipeg

    500 Shaftesbury Boulevard, , Winnipeg

    Canadian Mennonite University & Redekop School of Business