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Cairo University


The modern educational system derived its students from Quran schools and Al-Azhar at its emergence, as there were committees that roam the country to visit Quran schools and select distinctive students to join modern schools, distinctive students of Al-Azhar were also selected to join high schools at their establishment, but rather some were lucky to join the mission dispatched by Mohammed to study in France.

The modern educational system derived its students from Quran schools and Al-Azhar at its emergence, as there were committees that roam the country to visit Quran schools and select distinctive students to join modern schools, distinctive students of Al-Azhar were also selected to join high schools at their establishment, but rather some were lucky to join the mission dispatched by Mohammed to study in France.

This organization did not last for long; in 1841the Egyptian Ottoman settlement has been made to set limits for the political project that fondled Mohamed Ali's dreams, to limit the army's size, and to restrict the authority of the state in economy management. Therefore, the state became in no need to more employees, rather it demobilized large number of soldiers and officers, thus, Mohamed Ali decided to reconsider the educational system, putting the new conditions in mind. Hence, the new organization developed in 1841, by which most of the primary schools were cancelled and numbers of students of high schools were decreased, putting in mind what suited the state's need of graduates.

Connection between modern education and the state's need for employees interprets the condition of education in eras of Abbas Helmy the first (1848 – 1854) and Mohamed Said Pasha (1854 – 1863).

In the era of Khedive Ismail (1863 – 1879), manifestations of dependency were completed by opening the door of Leveraged from European financial institutions wide; Ismail looked forward to complete the infrastructure of the Egyptian economy that has been started by his grandfather Mohamed Ali through expanding projects of irrigation, building railways, roads, Alexandria port, new cities at Al-Suez Canal (Port Said and Ismailiya), urban expanding at Cairo and Alexandria. He also looked forward to increase the military power of Egypt to expand the Egyptian existence at Sudan. All of this required large sums of money that were borrowed by Ismail from European financial houses. Whatever it was, Ismail credit plan completed the integration process of the Egyptian economy in the European economy to resolve the professional attribute of the Egyptian agricultural production.

  • Cairo

    Cairo, Egypt

    Cairo University