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Bar-Ilan University BA in Linguistics
Bar-Ilan University

BA in Linguistics

Ramat Gan, Israel

3 Years


Full time

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ILS 14,000 / per year



BIU is Home to the World’s Leading Researchers in Linguistics

The B.A. program in linguistics in our department is designed to give students a solid background in the core areas of phonology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics, as well as in more applied areas such as psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics. Studies in the department take place in English, but this is not the only language being studied; the approach in the department is that of general linguistics which aims to study human language and the human linguistic capacity. A B.A. in linguistics in our department provides students with the tools for analyzing any human language - English, Hebrew, Arabic, Russian, or any other language.

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