Bachelor of Construction
Baku, Azerbaijan
0 Years
Russian, Azerbaijani
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Construction Faculty
Construction Faculty was established within Baku Polytechnic Institute in 1920. In 1930-34 it was functioning as an independent Institute of Architecture and Construction. In 1934-51 it was included to Azerbaijan Industrial Institute. From 1951 to 1975 it was functioning within Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute, and in 1975 it became the independent faculty of Azerbaijan Engineering and Construction University. Training in construction engineering is conducted on bachelor, master and doctorate degrees. Graduates from the faculty work in construction engineering, industrial and civil construction, municipal construction and economy, management and expertise of premises.
Faculty trains specialists on “Construction Engineering” specialty on the bachelor and master degrees. Most of the professor and teachers staffs are well – known specialists and scientists in the field of building and installations planning, calculation and planning of building constructions, organization, and management, the technology of construction production, management and expertise of premises. 10 doctors of technical sciences, professor, 43 candidates of sciences, docent. 13 head teachers, 4 teachers, and 5 assistants teach in the Faculty. One of them was the winner of “Tarragi” Prize, two of them were the winners of “Honored teacher” Prize.
International Relations
The Faculty expands mutual relations with foreign technical universities to meet international standards of education. Thus last five years 5 International scientific and practical conferences were held and the faculty participated in one online conference on applying of Euro code in Moscow State Construction University. Scientific – International Conference on “Modern problems of construction science” was held on November 29 – 30, 2012. International Conference on “Reinforced – Concrete Constructions in modern building” on July 14, 2013.
The Faculty participated and win prizes international conference and Construction exhibition on “Construction season - 2010” in RF. The faculty participated in International conferences and signed mutual cooperation agreement in South Korea in 2011. Agreements were signed with Istanbul Technical University, Saratov State Architecture and Construction University, Penza State University of Architecture and Construction and scientific – methodical investigations in the field of construction engineering are done.
The Faculty participates in international student and masters exchange program such “ERASMUS” and “Mevlana” and expand its professional relations with foreign technical schools to meet international standards of construction and engineering education.
Study in the Faculty
Study languages are Azerbaijan, Russian and English. Agreement on dual – degree diploma was signed with Istanbul Technical University (after 2 years of study in AUAC student continue education in ITU).
Bachelor degree
- Construction Engineering
Master Degree
- Construction Engineering
- Industry and civil construction
- Municipal construction and economy
- Management and examination of properties
- Organization and technology of buildings and devices
- Installations theory
- Metal constructions
- Reinforced – concrete constructions
- Dynamics and earthquake resistance of buildings and installations
- Constructions and basics and foundations
Five departments operate within the Faculty
- Building Constructions
- Foundations, basements and underground installations
- Technology, organization, and management of construction production
- Department of social sciences
- Operation and reconstruction of building and installations
Fields of Experiment
Faculty’s relations with production and scientific – research enterprises is also wide. On the basis of signed agreements our students do their production and technological practices in well – known construction companies in Baku (“Baku Oil Refinery named after Heydar Aliyev”, “Baku Deepwater Jacket Factory (BDJF) named after Heydar Aliyev” , the State Agency on Control over Safety in Construction of Ministry of Emergency Situations , “SOCAR”, “Pasha Inshaat”, “Akkord”, “BP”, “ICOM” etc.).
Our students participate in study supporting scholarship programs carried out by “SOCAR”, “BP”, “AzerSu” and other companies and are winners of these programs.
Fields of Research
- Statics, dynamics, and study of resistance of thin-wall spatial reinforced concrete structures of non-linear theory, report on scientific – research works carried out by the state budget, 2006 – 2010 years, 2010 – 2015 years.
- development of the methodology of new construction technology of multi-storied monolithic buildings; study of defamation cases of large transition flat systems and tension of metal structures in single-sided connection constructions;
- theoretical and experimental study of dynamics and seismic resistance of constructions; reconstruction of engineering systems and technical operation, engineering preparation of city areas.