Degree in Mechanical Engineering
Barcarena, Portugal
3 Years
Full time
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EUR 6,000 / per year
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Mechanical engineering is a professional activity that consists of the conception, design, manufacture, control, and management of products, processes, equipment, and energy and technological systems. It is achieved through the application of theoretical, practical, and experimental knowledge, framed by constraints of an economic, social, ethical, and environmental nature.
Given the diversity of their training, mechanical engineers have the ability to adapt to current industrial innovations, such as digitalization, automation, and industrial robotics, as well as the introduction of new technologies and new materials that occur in the current industrial resurgence. in Portugal and Europe, under the name of Industry 4.0.
The high degree of scientific and pedagogical quality of the teaching staff of Atlântica, with solid knowledge in the areas of mechanical engineering, materials, and aeronautics, and complemented by the areas of management and information technologies, will promote solid learning in this area of knowledge. This training will contribute to an aptitude for solving problems in its various aspects of engineering using new materials, new technologies in innovative products, and creating future professionals who will demonstrate technical and professional leadership, versatility, and the ability to work in multidisciplinary teams.
The curricular structure was created taking into account the European and international context, in order to guarantee a supply and quality of education corresponding to that practiced in the best national and international Universities. And, it was mainly created in order to adapt to the innovative professional areas that the country lacks and that are in accelerated development, as is the case of training in new materials and new technologies that are introduced in this course and that are extremely important responsibility to the industrial development needs of Portuguese society.
The cycle of studies in Mechanical Engineering at Atlântica aims to:
- To train engineering graduates with technical and scientific skills that will enable them to successfully carry out their work in mechanical engineering in project offices and in industrial environments;
- To provide students with a broad knowledge of the extensive area of mechanical engineering, able to solve problems in industrial areas, and to adapt to multidisciplinary teams;
- To contribute to improving the qualification of staff in the area of engineering, since in a society in continuous development, it is necessary to adapt to new challenges.
1st Year - 1st semester
- Linear algebra
- Calculus I
- Applied Programming
- General Chemistry
- Introduction to Mechanical Engineering
1st Year - 2nd Semester
- Technical Drawing and Geometric Modeling
- Mechanics and Waves
- Calculus II
- Probability and Statistics
- Materials Science and Technology
2nd Year - 1st semester
- Applied Mechanics
- Electromagnetism and Optics
- Material Selection in Engineering
- Industrial Automation
- Calculus III
2nd Year – 2nd semester
- Thermodynamics and Transfer Phenomena
- Vibrations
- Mechanics of Materials
- Fluid Mechanics
- Electronic Circuits
3rd year - 1st semester
- Machine Elements
- Manufacturing Processes
- Reliability and Maintenance
- Heat Transfer
- Solid Mechanics
3rd year - 2nd Semester
- Production Management
- Composite materials
- Computational Mechanics
- Final project
Program Outcome
Learning objectives:
- to have a solid education in the basic areas of mechanical engineering, which enables rigorous resolution of the highly multidisciplinary problems that future engineers will encounter in the exercise of their professional activity;
- foster the ability to develop fundamental self-learning in a field of knowledge that is constantly being updated and developed in Portugal, the industrial sector, as well as to develop the ability to communicate orally and in writing the acquired knowledge;
- to provide general knowledge of the various areas of industrial design and production that will enable the student to participate in interdisciplinary projects in an industrial environment, as well as to carry out specific professional tasks;
- the development of critical and creative skills that will enable the future engineer to set up his or her own company or job.
Career Opportunities
Graduates in mechanical engineering find it very easy to integrate into the job market since employers continue to seek in this higher education the good qualities systematically demonstrated over time by their professionals. The labor market is extremely diversified and deserves special mention: project offices, the mechanical and thermal equipment manufacturing industries, energy production and air conditioning companies, maintenance and operations management activities, project evaluation tasks and consultancy in service companies, technical-commercial activities, and industrial development.
Program Admission Requirements
Show your commitment and readiness for Grad school by taking the GRE - the most broadly accepted exam for graduate programs internationally.