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ART & DESIGN INSTITUT is the first private college of fine art in the Czech Republic. ADI connects classical fine art, modern art and practice. ADI educates professional artists with a narrow focus and one specialization; the goal is to educate persons with a noticeable overlap within different artistic expressions.

ART & DESIGN INSTITUT is the first private college of fine art in the Czech Republic. ADI connects classical fine art, modern art and practice. ADI educates professional artists with a narrow focus and one specialization; the goal is to educate persons with a noticeable overlap within different artistic expressions. The graduate of this school would earn his/her living in the art market or the creative industry. The value of this concept could be highlighted by the fact that long-time university teachers, all in addition active, creative artists, helped create it.

ADI’s student can enrol in two creative discipline which is mutually interwoven. Further on, students study theoretical subjects that would help them sell their work (marketing, leasing, advertising, psychology of art...). This is in the deepest interest of artists to focus not only on the sphere of production but also on a subsequent application. For a work of art to fulfil its mission, it must be the bearer, inspirer, testimony - only then has its meaning and justification between the creator and the recipient. Further on, during their education, the students must learn compulsory gain the experience in the art practice. Therefore, the graduate would be a creative person, confidently earning his/her living via art.

  • Prague 6

    Slezská,1486, 130 00, Prague 6